
Chapter 188: Guess who’s back, back again

I returned to the Naruto universe to spend some time with my family before I make it back to the Dragon Ball universe. While at home, I gave my full attention to my family, I cooked for them and listened to what they were doing and going through. Of course I heard the grievances of my wives and rectified their frustrations. I spent a few months with my family and friends. I spent that time training my kids, wives, Naruto and his family. I gave them food from the Toriko universe and increased the potency so they can adjust to the power and energy.

After some time, I went back to Toriko's universe to gather more ingredients to stock up with my family and refill my storage. I got new clothes from my wives and finally headed off to beat up Champa. I gave my family instructions on how to cook the food I left them, gave my wives and kids hugs and kisses then I opened a Yomotsu Hirasaka and left.

I appeared on Earth in Bulma's back yard.

Bulma: Ah! Sage-san, you scared me. What are you doing here?

Sage: Bulma-san, how are you? Ah, Chichi-san as well.

Chichi: Hello Sage-san.

Sage: I came back to spay a certain cat. I thought maybe Goku and Vegeta would like to see the show, but I don't sense them in this part of the galaxy.

Bulma: You Saiyans never cease to surprise me. To sense within the galaxy is insane.

Sage: Oh, that. I just checked passively.

A few seconds later.

Sage: There they are! Pretty far but not farther than Beerus' planet. Do you ladies want me to tell them anything before I go?

Chichi: Bulma-san, why don't we tell Sage-san what's happening?

Bulma: Oh, right! Sage-san, right now Goku and Vegeta are looking for a new bad guy that appeared. Earlier, some aliens came to ask for assistance in getting rid of the bad guy.

Sage: So they are fighting the being now?

Chichi: That we don't know yet. Can you tell?

Sage: Their powers seem to be fluctuating so they must be fighting but it doesn't seem like they are winning.

Bulma: Oh no, can you please go help them?

Sage: I'll make a quick stop there then.

The moment I arrived to the planet Goku and Vegeta were on, I noticed that the person they were fighting wasn't really a person. I approached Vegeta who was watching Goku fight with the "Bad Guy".

Sage: Hey Vegeta, I guess Goku took first dibs.

Vegeta: So, you made it back alive. I can't feel it but you have become stronger again.

Sage: Hey, blame that fat fucking cat. I get the feeling I could reach even an angel.

Vegeta stared at me without so much as a word then turned back to Goku's fight. He finally broke the silence.

Vegeta: When did you get back?

Sage: Few minutes ago. Who's the alien butt pirate that Goku is fighting?

Vegeta: Some fighter that we were asked to get rid of. It may have been a trap but since we get to fight a strong enemy I don't really care.

Sage: Quick question though, how come you guys are fighting a clone and not the real guy?

Vegeta: What?!

Goku: What did he say?!

Goku must have heard me as well.

Sage: Hey Goku, having a hard time are we?

Goku: Huh? Sage! (Coughs) When did you get here?

Sage: Few minutes ago.

???: So, a new Saiyan shows up. You're far more observant than the other two. I really wanted to save up my energy for when I fight Freiza but it can't be helped.

Sage: Huh? Frieza? Alive again?

Vegeta: Apparently another remnant of his army resurrected him again. He has gotten stronger but has yet to encounter us again.

I thought to myself that the universe must have auto-corrected itself again. The guy that Goku was fighting was someone I didn't recognize. He had one red eye with a monocle goggle. His hair wasn't spikey but it was similar to a Saiyans only wavy on the hair tips. From what I sensed from the clone, his power is indeed high but from his real body, I sensed that he lacked something vital to go with that power. I looked at him but sensed no real malice so I let Goku and Vegeta have him.

Sage: So, what's this guy's deal?

Vegeta: According to him, he is this universe's strongest. He is a Cerealian named Granolah.

I almost laughed out loud but caught myself considering what universe I was in. Even my name is an ode to the Saiyans, even if it is an herb.

Sage: Ok, so I am going to leave him to you guys.

Vegeta: Hmph, like we need your permission.

Goku: So how did you make it back?

Sage: I thought you were fighting that guy. Save it for later. Just from brief observation, I better not butt in.

???: And you think I will just let you leave?!

I stopped midflight and slightly turned my head. I looked at him with only one of my Ginga Rinne Sharingan and applied an immense amount of pressure. Haoshoku no Haki, Shokugi (Food Honor), Ki and magic suppression covered the part of the galaxy we were on but the pressure was centered on Granolah. Granolah landed on the ground and started to sink in.

Goku: Incredible! Pressure alone and he subdued him.

Vegeta: Tsk! If he can reach that amount of power so can we.

Sage: Let me repeat what my friend said to me to you. Do I need your permission?

Granolah was sweating profusely as more and more of his body was sinking into the ground and the planet was shaking. I stopped my pressure and let Granolah off.

Granolah: How?! How is a Saiyan this strong?! I am strongest in the universe, ME! How are you stronger than me?!

Sage: (To Goku and Vegeta) There's someone that owes me one of his nine lives, I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to watch. I doubt it now since you guys have your hands full with him. If you guys need help I will come right back.

Vegeta: Don't count on it. We will have this finished before you're done.

Sage: Haha, I will hold you to that.

I left to Beerus' planet, leaving them Granolah. I teleported near Whis.

Whis: Ara, Sage-san. Good to see you alive. With increased strength even.

Sage: Even though I'm keeping my strength in check, how could you tell Whis-san?

Whis: You know, there are other ways someone can show strength other than energy. Your demeanor and eyes can't hide the change in strength.

Sage: True. I guess there is no point in asking, where can I find him, is there?

Whis: He is in his usual place, most likely looking for the Super Dragon Balls again.

Sage: I want to beat his ass by following the rules you Angels and Gods of Destruction go by, just so he can't say it wasn't fair.

Whis: Shall I escort you?

Sage: Please and thank you.

Beerus: Hey hey, you come to my home without greeting me.

Sage: Sorry Beerus-sama, every time I come here you couldn't be bothered to get up from eating nor sleeping, you can't blame me from assuming the usual.

Beerus: So I hear you're looking for God of Destruction blood.

Sage: If he bleeds, he can be killed.

Beerus: He has been cocky when you were forced out. Saying shit like "he was the one who beat you who beat me" and that "I should be thankful", so knock him down a peg or two. Let's see the show.

Beerus and I smiled from ear to ear as Whis took us away.

Happy Holidays

Kintaro1210creators' thoughts
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