
Chapter 185: First and last mistake

To me the punch was still slow but to the crowd, I doubt they even saw us move. Our fists collided and caused ripples on the broken ground as if it were water, followed by a burst of air and debris. The impact shook the stadium even through the barrier. Some students who were standing in excitement for the battle, fell to the ground, some even down the stands.

In epic Dragon Ball Z style, All Might and I were colliding all over the field. Every time we clashed the barrier shook and the Earth trembled. With All Might's strength, even without a particular quirk, should be able to use his techniques like beams or swords. With the amount of energy he has, it should have been a given but his previous injuries made it impossible. For example, he could use Texas Smash almost like a fist bullet and Carolina Smash like swords.

With every encounter All Might was understanding how to push past the normal boundries he had established with his quirk and began to make the quirk truly his own. The power from his blows were getting stronger, his movements were getting faster and his techniques were getting more diverse.

The fight continued on for what seemed like hours and All Might's attacks were finally firing off like energy blades and blasts. All Might was growing tired but that was when he was at his strongest. The second wind hit him and his energy surged pushing past Vegeta's level when he first encountered Goku on Earth. The smile on my face grew bigger as I knew All Might can at least try to play with me now.

All Might's stamina was running low as the fight progressed. At the same time as we were fighting I was giving advice to All Might. I taught him how to kick the air fast enough to make it seem as if he was running or flying through the air, exactly like the Rokushiki (Six Powers) technique, Geppo (Moonwalk). New techniques, attacks and strategies were forming in All Might's head. Just as All Might was reaching his end…

All Might: Here's my last strike Sage-sensei, please receive it.

All Might took some distance and prepared himself for his last attack. Using Geppo and Soru (Shave) to reach me faster and gain momentum…


I smiled as I knew this attack wasn't going to be his most powerful attack for long, especially not with the techniques I imparted on him. The attack was coming but I received it anyway to see what level his strength had reached from our fight. A loud boom reverberated throughout the stadium as debris, pieces of the field and rocks were flying about. Much like getting blasted, nothing behind me was touched but the surrounding area was devastated. My shirt was completely done for and so was All Might.

All Might: (Breathing heavily) Hahaha, even that attack did nothing. You're really not from this world.

Sage: Don't take it too bad. Your strength has become completely different from when we started. Trust me, soon that last attack will not stay as your strongest attack. Hopefully you learned much from our fight.

All Might: I feel foolish for not paying closer attention to the training you gave us before. But now, with the renewed strength you have given me, I will take complete advantage of it.

???: Before that happens, you will die here.

A sinister voice came out of one of many craters in the field. A figure appeared when the dust settled. A man in a black suit, white shirt and with an almost black skull-like shaped headpiece appeared. I knew from the sight of him that he was the carrier of All-For-One. I snapped my fingers and reinforced the barrier. Now no one can come in or out without me.

Sage: Hoh, to think that someone with an evil aura like you actually existed here. Far worse than that Jazz Hands guy. All Might, do you know who he is? (Playing ignorant)

All Might: He… is All-For-One.

Sage: So that's the guy you were talking about? He was the one that damaged you so bad, huh?

All Might: That's right. He is extremely dangerous. Thank you for reinforcing the barrier but you need to leave before he steals your powers.

All-For-One: Hahaha, what nice comradery but that won't stop me from killing him. Not after what he did to Tomura.

To mock, annoy and be a dick at the same time I used Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique) to turn into Shigaraki Tomura and imitated his voice as well.

Sage: (Original voice) So you were the one he was yelling about when he died. Henge (Transform) (In Tomura's voice) SENSEI WILL AVENGE ME!!! (Poof, transformation undone). I guess there is no point in changing my appearance because I doubt you could see through that helmet.

All-For-One: And here I thought I was the evil one. Your death will not be pleasant.

All-For-One started approaching us while powering up. I sensed his energy shift to his arms and legs. I smiled as he came up to us as if he could do something to the current All Might or me.

Sage: All Might, can you fight at all?

All Might: With all my stamina drained I doubt I would be much help.

Sage: Hahaha, I don't need help. I just wanted to know if you wanted to kill him or should I?

All-For-One: You bastards think you have the leeway to talk?

Sage: Hey, no one disrupted you when you barged into our exhibition, so shut the fuck up.

I flashed in front of him before he could react and flicked him on the forehead of the helmet, sending him flying near the barrier.

Sage: Haha, it really was a waste to transform, this guy is missing his entire face. (Jokingly nudging All Might) He may not have a face but I think he's angry.

All-For-One: BASTARD!!!!

Sage: Good! You can still play eventhough I took out your breathing mask.

All Might: How did you know that it was breathing device?

Sage: Other than the gas leaking out of it and he has no nose or nose holes, his breathing must suck.

All-For-One got up and was preparing to charge at me again. My smile grew larger as I was going to get to play with the big bads of this universe. I quickly made an energy ball and flicked it at him to see his reaction and what other quirks he may have stashed. Using a tendril made from his finger, All-For-One tried to swat away my energy ball but lost the finger he tried it with. He quickly regenerated the finger back but his angry expression changed to one of surprise, that's if I guessed it right.

Sage: You took that well. Guess I can take it up a notch. Come, entertain me!

All-For-One: Don't bite off more than you can chew, boy!

As charged me, his arm muscles grew almost to the size of Luffy's regular Elephant Gun. With the backing of Haki, Luffy uses his Gomu Gomu no Mi to a full extent by inflating his body, All-For-One on the other hand, has a much denser attack since his muscles are multiplying instead of filling them with air. If anything their attacks might have the same amount of power, but like I said, it is Luffy's regular attack.

I received his attack with my left hand using the advanced version of Busoshoku. The attack didn't touch me in the slightest and was bounced off by the invisble armor. Again, I can't really tell but the remaining skin and muscle on All-For-One's face looked almost surprised, maybe, that he hit a solid object. I used Busoshoku on my left hand and slapped him away in the face, making a loud smacking sound as if someone was slapped on their bare back. A part of his skull was cracked open and some brain matter started to spray out but his super regeneration kicked in and was back to normal.

Sage: Hahaha, seems like you can take a hit and keep going, good, COME AT ME!!!

Happy Holidays!

Kintaro1210creators' thoughts
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