
Chapter 376 Zion And Alight Vs Master Dragon

Zion heads towards Master Dragon with a Flame Punch and then starts hitting him multiple times

"Oh, You don't stand a chance against me, can you not understand?"

Master Dragon asks Zion as he slaps him away

He smashes in a rock

Alight heads towards Master Dragon and shoots out a beam toward shim

Master Dragon deflects it and grabs Alight from the hand

Zion then stands up and takes out his sword

"This is the only thing I could do now"

Zion thinks to himself

Alabaster Full power

Blue Flames starts covering Alabaster as Zion heads towards Master Dragon

He jumps and says

Final Slash

3 Flame Slash

and sends 3 slashes of Blue Flame towards him

Master Dragon leaves Alight and puts his hand above him to block the slashes

those slashes land on him and smokes come all around

When the smoke disappears we see his hands and head badly burnt from those slashes

"You just dug your own grave"

Master Dragon heads towards Zion and punches him in the stomach multiple times blasting him towards the ground

He falls on the ground and creates a huge hole from his fall


Alight looks towards Master Dragon in anger while Zion slowly closes his eyes with him seeing Master Dragon

"I am going to kill you"

Zion faints after saying that

"That's it, Now I am angry"

Alight tells Master Dragon as he keeps his sword back and closes his eyes

Suddenly his body starts to shine and a golden armor starts to appear on his body

His sword starts to get a Golden covering as Alight says

God Armour

Alight looks towards Master Dragon

"Oh, you were holding back, Can't believe that you had such a power in you"

Master Dragon tells Alight

"You are going to Die, Dragon"

Alight suddenly appears in front of Dragon and attacks him with a kick and then starts hitting him multiple times


Alight was giving it all in those punches when suddenly he was grabbed from his head

"surely, you have gotten stronger, but you haven't still reached my level of power"

Dragon kicks him in the stomach from his knee

Alight spits out saliva from his mouth and then was thrown away by Dragon

"This was fun, Anyone else who wants to fight?"

Dragon asks everyone

Alight stands up and heads towards Dragon while taking out his sword


Alight hits with that sword with all his power that he was left with and was able to cut him

Dragon looks towards him and grabs his sword and breaks it with one blow, The sword fell into the ground in pieces

"You are such a fool, I let you live and you wasted it"

Dragon then punches Alight's stomach multiple times breaking his God Armour and then hammers him towards the ground fainting him in an intent

"Hmph, Idiot"

Master Dragon tells Alight

End of Chapter


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