
Chapter 342 Xerin

"What!!, No you know how strong he is, Julie must have told you!!"

Azor tells Zivon and The others

"Yeah, we know but we are not scared of him, We are not going to get defeated by him"

Zion tells Azor

"You are talking crazy, No one has ever defeated Black Dragon"

Lenor tells Zion

"No one until now, when we fight and we win"

Lily tells Lenor

"Thie confidence level is so high as they know they are going to win"

Lenor thinks to himself

While they were talking with each other, another being started walking towards the Kingdom of Zartia

"Oh, this is the unbreakable Kingdom of Zartia, Interesting"

The Guy tells himself as he walks towards them

Zivon, Zion, Lily, and Zamuda senses the power level

"Oi, wait right there and don't step a single foot forward"

Zivon tells The Guy

"Oh, And what are you going to do if I did?"

The Guy asks Zivon

"Kick your ass and beat the shit out of you"

Zivon tells The Guy

The Guy comes out of the shadows and reveals his face

"Oh, try me"

The Guy tells Zivon

"That is The Elite member of the Black Flames, Xerin!!!!"

Azor tells Zivon

"Oh, then let's use him to tell you how strong we are and then you will believe that we can take down the Black Dragon?"

Zivon asks Azor

"Don't tell me, you are going to fight him?"

Lenor asks Zivon

"I am going to fight him"

Zivon steps out of the Kingdom as he looks towards Xerin

"Oh, Let's see what you mortal can do?"

Xerin heads towards Zivon charging his right fist covered with Black Flames towards him

Zivon shifts his upper body to the right dodging his punch

"My turn"

Zivon tells Xerin

Zivon left hand start to shine as he charges his Left fist towards him

Xerin body turns into smoke as the punch touches his body

Zivon and the others were shocked

Xerin charges his knee towards Zivon's stomach

Zivon uses his right hand to bock the kick

As the knee touches the hand, it turns into smoke

The Smoke turns around and moves away from Zivon and then combines itself to make Xerin again

"Satisfied yet?"

Xerin asks Zivon

"We haven't even started fighting yet"

Zivon tells Xerin

Xerin smiles towards Zivon

"This is going to be veryyyyyyyy interestiiiiiing"

Xerin tells this to Zivon while smiling in a creepy way towards him

End of Chapter


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