

Chapter 6

Part 6

Day Five

So we are now at our room it's kinda boring cause his still not here god

Is he hiding from me omg I can't believe him

"Sam what's wrong to your face? HAHHAHA"

"Stop it ell tss ok not in the mood" hmp


I just stared at the window hayyyy what a peaceful life HMMP ..Wait is it peaceful? ahhh nuuhhh

"Hi girls"-troy

"Hi BABY" woooo I know who's that waaaa he did really alleged to be my boyfriend as if I would want him to be this close Tss..

So when I saw him beside his friend i turn my gaze at him and I saw in my peripherial vision that all of them are staring at us ...why don't I ride on it Hahahaha

"BABYYY" with full of sweetness then hug him because he is now seating in my desk and he hug me too

"Ehem ehem Ehem" -chasie ...Tsss chasie would be chasie ... I turn my eyes to the other side and saw Elsa's emotion she was like going to explode even if she's not staring at us

"When did the two of you start the dating thingy?" wow he ask in a meaningful way ...I like Joe now hahaha

"Well it's kinda a long story so why bother to ask?" Hehehehe as if there's a story if I know he was asking his self too HAHAHA

"Owwkay.. let's eat guys"- Elsa ...Then she stand and walk..chasie and ell go with her hayyy I don't like this feeling that's why I stand up and about to go

But someone hold my arm what the...And stare at his eyes god knows I don't want to be with him especially this time because Elsa needs me more


"Where do you think your going?" Huh

"You ..What do you think your doing?" I ask instead

"Okay guys we will just go with the girls "-troy

"Peter let's go"-vlad

I just stare at them especially with Peter I know his in a state of shock because of this

"Haist" I heavily breath ...what a life

"You just saw his disappointed look ...Then you seems disappointed too" what is he talking about ... I grab my arm and turn my gaze to his eyes I can see sadness and angry but I'm not sure if it's true

"Excuse me?" With questioning look in my eyes

"You like him...Even if you just met him at your friends restaurant!" I didn't know if that is a question or accusation then why I can't scan it in his eyes and why the hell he knew about that?

"AGAIN... Excuse me?" Woooo is that the only words that I can answer

"You can go...But remember if you start walking away without me i'll do what it takes" what the tss ..

"Tss...Asshole" then turn around to go near at the door

"You've just said that your my girlfriend now so ...That's fine with me anyway" hmmp nice its going smooth .. I turn my gaze again at him

"Well well well it's nice to see you boyfie " i smile while walking near at the door and start to go on our cafeteria

It's time don't worry Elsa I'll make him suffer and you will start moving on


When I saw them I start walking near to them then someone hold my hand and he just

"H-hey-" before I stop him we're now in front of my friends

And my eyes landed to Peter but his not looking at us like Elsa ...I don't want this... feeling guilty

"H-hey let me go" but he just hold it with full force I can't get my hand his strong

"W-why don't you sit?"-maris... I knew she was also doesn't want anyone of us to be hurt but I'm just doing my part here .. So Whats their problem?

"Hey let me-"

"I'm just going to ask if I can get Sam ...were just going to discuss something?" What the

"Wait what no-"

"It's OK ...it would be better" then I turn my eyes on Chasie like she's telling that I need to then turn her eyes on Elsa... that makes me got an idea

"Thanks... let's go" I haven't answered... yet he drag me

We arrived at Starbucks seriously

"Two cappuccino frappe and red velvet cupcake"- him

"Anything else sir?

"That's all"

"I'll serve it in 5 minutes sir"

I'm not in the mood to have an argument with him because of what I like to drink or eat... then I just find us sitting at the edge

"What now?" I said without in the mood

I don't have in the mood to argue with him because I feel guilty on this and especially on what I saw in Elsa's face

"What's with the face?"

"I don't know!" Still my eyes in the floor

"Tss...I just want to discuss our deal" and that made me stare at him... his just staring at me intensely and I can't read his mind

"What about that?"

"I don't know" that made me face palm my god


"You said you want it real...so you like me?" And a smirk plastered in his lips that gave me shiver

"God..." oh my what would I say I need him to court me and love me then when the day comes I need to break up with him right... that's right wooo "yes I like you" l smiled at him in a convincing way

"So we're now in a relationship right?"

"What no !" and right there and then I raised my eyebrows

"Then what?"

"You need to court me first before I said yes... What are you special?"

"Tss...is that still on the list? We are now in 21st century?"

"Of course tss"

"Here's your order mam sir"

"Thanks" me and him

"Enjoy mam sir"

"Just do it don't be too picky" then eat my cupcake

"Wait ...I just want to remind you...your the one who confess your love here"

"Ehem...ehem...ehem" I got choked on that damn sentence of this asshole

"Here drink it" he gave me my frappe

"Y-you poop" then wipe my lips

"What? it's true!"

"So your saying I should be the one to court you?" Then cross my arm and rolled my eyes at him

"Its up to you but I won't court you...you should"

"My god ...your giving me headache you asshole " then close my eyes to make me calm

"You don't want?... Its also for experience because for sure you already experience when someone was courting you so you should try it"

Open my eyes "there .... you just said I didn't experience it so why don't you just do it? "

he just sip his frappe

"I'm going .. You don't want to" then he stand before he go I said the word

"Fine ...just don't make me do hard things" I didn't stared at him I'm just staring where he sit until I feel someone's breath in my neck

"Sure baby... *kiss me* bye" he all said that in a husky voice that all girls wouldn't regret to hear


But I feel something flustered in my lips it's a smirk

This will be fun even if I know that there was people that will be hurt on what I'm doing but this is for Elsa I just want her to be happy again until the day that she doesn't need to feel awkward infront of that guy..

Thats all and we will all be free after this haist

This is just all part of what we girls agreed I'm just finishing it...

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