
Cockpit Arena - Jonathan

We parked in a relatively safe area but some people were already approaching us weirdly. I specifically chose that word because not only were some of them walking like they were out to mug us, but some of them even had their weapons at the ready in case shit went south.

It was obviously pretty tense inside our vehicles but Jesus and his crew were greeted as I thought they would—when they came out of their vehicles—except for us.

Everyone else was definitely fresh meat in their eyes, especially the cadets, and the "goons" were posturing in an intimidating way, to say the least.

If this was any other day, I'd assume that they were posing for a music video of some sort, but one of the burlier, tattooed gentlemen approached me without blinking an eye. He was giving off this vibe that he probably shoots his gun sideways, he only does arms if he ever works out, and most importantly, he was pretty much thinking that everyone else here was a bitch except for him.

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