
『An Adventurer's Path』

There were no witnesses, the story was to be the Swords of Darkness had protected a wagon from an Ogre attack on the way into E-Rantel. The Adventurers were get closer to advancing and getting a better and wide spread renown. Even if it may be short lived.

They had their trophies, ears of goblins and tusks of ogre, in which they would exchange for monetary prizes and sums. Though there was some debate on honor from Peter, and subtle murmurs from Ninya, Vertum didn't seem to care all that much about it.

"We-we should at least share some of the profits with you," Ninya humbly suggested with a pained look on her face. Sure she had agreed to a life debt, much like Enri had unbeknownst to her, but it was still something she saw as honorable.

Peter sighed hearing his friend trying to continue and speak with the Dragon. "I don't think he'll accept it, even with the deal you made with him."

"What's the big deal anyway?" Lukrut looked over Ninya for a moment, then towards Vertum.

"Whatever do you mean?" Vertum looked over the bowman for a few seconds with a brow raised. He wasn't sure what Lukrut was insinuating or implying.

"Out of all of us, why did you ask Ninya for a life debt?"

"Perhaps they have more to live for... An a dragon wouldn't dare allow an indebted life end in death." Vertum spoke as if Ninya hadn't been there, but at the same time he somehow called her superior in self-purpose to those around her.

Ninya smiled faintly, though she didn't want to back down.

The group was walking along with the wagon towards the outer walls of the City.

Going over the events in her head, the Dragon had killed off the monsters they had failed to do so on their own, and yet he wanted them to take everything. This alone confused Ninya and those who had knowledge of a Dragon's Pride over their race and their acquisitiveness when it came to wealth.

It only made her reason that he was more human than Dragon, or he had an ulterior motive. She was still trying to mentally guess his reasons for dominion over her. He wasn't treating her as a slave, at least not yet. They have only just met... But it seems he respected her life. Did he see her as an equal, or as an ant, perhaps even a toy, with a conscience?

At closer inspection, she could see the wealth he already displayed. His attire alone was more powerful than any sword she had seen. Not even the average adamantite adventurer could scratch it and the sleek black staff, it was almost on par with it.

It was almost as if Ninya didn't have to inspect his things using magical appraisal. The quality was clear as day. Slowly it began to dawn on her, he was already surrounded by material riches.

Could the life debt be a pretext, an excuse, in helping her in her quest to save her sister? The assumptions in her mind put him in a good light, but at the same time, she scolded herself for it.

In this world, you couldn't just trust people, especially when you first meet them.

He seemed young, but he was a dragon. Their lifetimes stretched for hundreds of years. The possibility within the idea pertaining to being used for an ulterior motive or becoming his pawn dreaded her.

Ninya's gaze skimmed the lady on the wagon, her and Enri's ages not being too far apart.

A set of questions suddenly came to mind. Just how many people owed him life debts? Perhaps acquiring material wealth did not fit his criteria, perhaps he collected people?

She felt like she was driving her own mind in circles and he was persistent that the Silver Ranked Adventurers take credit, go with his story.

This Dragon now known as Vertum didn't want unnecessary involvements with the gate customs or the Adventurer's Guild as of yet.

Plus all he had to do was mint his own coins based on the ones he had found in use at the village. In that manner, he'd be able to create counterfeit and unregulated coins.

He could either use this to enrich the economy or inflate and destroy it, but it was already destroyed by the time he arrived. Corruption at taken hold and the nobles were keeping their wealth to themselves.

He could to the same to the neighboring kingdoms as well.

The Re-Estize Kingdom however was far from prospering under the current liege.

Plus it was likely between now and the day after tomorrow, those Zombies would break free from that cemetary. And in that time frame, he would also be intercepting the Princess who was dispatched to the village he had declared his own.

That was when he wanted to make himself known even more than within the walls of the Royal Palace and that of Carne Village. Vertum, The Dragon Emperor, that is what he will be known as.

Putting his staff back into his item box, Vertum sat on the wagon as it approached the large archway leading into E-Rantel, its doors wide open and its patrolmen waiting outside for them.

As they approached, a man with a brown staff, dressed like the rest of the officers present looked over their belongings. It was a magic user, that was for sure.

"Pleasure to see you," Vertum leaned backward inward against the seat of the wagon, watching the Guard who was sifting through the herbs and other items. They were searching for contraband, or attempting to plant it.

"It seems you're all..." The Guard paused taking out a glass decanter of blue translucent liquid. "What is this?" The man looked over the item before passing it to the nearby caster who walked over to inspect it as well with curious and suspicious eyes.

"It's a potion reagent, used to bind magic to a potion. We're here to see..." His eyes trailed over towards Enri and her little sister for a few seconds, "Bel... Something?"

Ninya looked to them and blinked before speaking just as Enri was about to, "Bareare, the Legendary Potion Maker. That... That kinda makes sense," she raised a brow slightly.

Enri herself giggled lightly, her friend Nfirea Bereare often visited Carne Village.

"You know your people," Grinned Vertum as he turned her attention to the girl.

"You're all clear to enter," The guard patted the golem horse before walking away, not immediately noticing that the horse itself was not a living breathing creature.

"Nfirea is just the second most famous people in this place, next to our very own Ninya," laughed Peter as he looked over to the man, bragging about his teammate.


"Ninya has a talent known as Magic Affinity, he can learn magic faster than just about anyone else." Peter exclaimed which immediately made Vertum raise a brow.

It wasn't the talent that made him raise a brow, but the fact he addressed Ninya as a male. Either this person was a very feminine looking male with pheromones of a young woman, or it was really just a girl in disguised as a boy. For a brief moment, Vertum had thought his wires were crossed.

Ninya softly chuckled to herself recognizing the confusion in the Dragon's eyes.

As they continued to move along the stone lined streets of E-Rantel at a slow pace, Peter turned his head and looked to the man who his friend was now indebted to.

"We'll meet up with you after we stop by the Adventurer's Guild to get our earnings and meet you at the Potion Maker's place. Perhaps show you around the Town, since it's your first here." Peter asked as he gestured the dragon briefly.

Vertum nodded lightly, he didn't mind if they wandered off, he doubted they would run and the very unlikely instance that they did run, they wouldn't make it very far.

After the Adventurer's left them to go to the Guild to turn in their trophies for today's earnings, Enri gave Vertum directions to her friend's home, where she would sometimes sell excess herbs.

The wagon pulled up in front of the Bareare's place and came to an almost unnatural stop. Looking over at the place, he blinked and narrowed his gaze on the sign that hung above the door frame. This place was really empty for a shop that was considered famous.

Stepping off the wagon, he helped Enri down from her perch as well as Nemu shortly after. Once he had them on their feet, they turned towards the front door.

"Thank you very much," Enri smiled to the man who could only be described as an Overlord of her village. He was definitely considered their ruler, and he was exceptionally powerful.

"Enri!" Came a friendly shout as the door swung open, a boy with timid demeanor came stumbling out the door with his arms wide open. However he quickly came to a stop, his eyes resting on the white haired and dark skinned man standing between them. "Uh, um.." He cleared his throat nervously, "...Hello."

"Salutations," Vertum chuckled softly as he raised a brow at the forced stature the boy held. It seemed he was trying to assume a dominant stance, but it just wasn't sticking.

"Welcome to my family's shop. Is there anyway we can help yo--" Nfirea cut himself off the moment the sleek black staff that Vertum had out once before, practically appeared in his hand.

The person in front of him was a very well versed magic practitioner, especially if he could conjure something up just like that without any use of words. The alchemist and potion maker who could use any magical item he came across, was feeling jealous, immediately wanting to know the relationship between him and Enri.

However, that wasn't his place to question, not yet. He wasn't comfortable confronting Vertum, let alone Enri directly. His eyes drifted towards Nemu who was now clinging to the man's leg.

Blinking to himself, the boy looked to the powerful being before him, "How can I help you...?"

"My name is Vertum, I live in the Great Forest of Tob..." Vertum began to introduce himself.

Enri's gaze shifted away slightly, as she let her mind drift back towards the deaths of her parents. If that hadn't happened, if her parents hadn't died, she wouldn't be raising Nemu alone.

She didn't hate Vertum, he came, it was better than not coming at all.

Nemu though kept a smile across her face, shining eyes as she looked up to Vertum.

"Nemu saved my life when I first met her," He placed a hand on her fiery redhead as he exaggerated the truth. "She told me not to lick a poisonous plant," though he had been in no mortal danger anyway.

"Huh!? When did this happen?" Enri immediately looked over to him, blinking in surprise.

"When you thought she was seeing things, in the forest." He grinned as he looked away.

Seeing her response to the man who identified himself as Vertum, a being who lived within the forest neighboring her settlement, he became even more envious. Jealousy and hesitation could be seen in his eyes and in the way he moved. "S-so... W-what brings you here?" His eyes shifted to the wagon, containers of herbs and decanters evident.

"I came to see if you'd like to use a reagent I created in your potions," he took a decanter of Zolue Solution from his item box and held it out for the boy to take.

Blinking, he reached out and took the item in two hands, looking over the solution. He then looked up to him with a brow raised.

"And to sell you some herbs at a discounted price." Vertum at this point was looking over the boy, evaluating him for use and threat level. Socially he didn't seem strong, had problems expressing himself, and mentally he was an intellectual.

It was clear he was attracted to Enri, as his nervousness was now mostly focused on her.

That was something Vertum wasn't going to allow. Enri lived in the Village, she was the second most influential person there, elected by the people.

He just needed a quiet opportunity to get rid of him.

When you try to explain Overlord to someone,

but they immediately compare it with Sword Art Online.

Is it wrong to feel the need to drop kick them?

Hm... I wonder...

ZGearCecilcreators' thoughts
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