
Night Activities On Vacation


I smiled at the little dragon who had just drifted off to sleep, giving her a kiss on her forehead while materialising a silence inscription around her.

As soon as I did that, the door to the room opened, letting my disciples enter into the room all fresh out of the bath. I noted that Brendan was the only one missing so he must still be in the bath.

Then again, I suppose he should be the last one to go in since the girls would take their baths before him.

"Ara, ara? Is little Cai Hong already asleep?" Manami chuckled upon seeing me tucking her in.

My attention, however, was drawn to something else that I noticed each of them were carrying.

"Are those… Alcohol?" I asked, looking pointedly at the bottles in their hands.

"Ehehe~ That's right Onii-sama! I don't care what you say but we are getting wasted tonight!"

"And what brought about this sudden interest to drink?"

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