
Working Out Plans

I stretch a few more times as I look over to the men setting up camp. It would be best to stay away from them... I turn and look to the empty woods around me with hesitation. I wonder if I can find some herbs around here? 

Maybe I can find something to sprinkle in their food... A small evil smirk pulls up on my lips before I quickly hide it. I look around once more before slowly walking into the woods. Guozhi said I could walk around as long as I don't try to run away.

Well, that's all I'm doing. I'm walking. I scan the ground and trees as I walk by but my hope starts to falter when all I've found were a few mushrooms. They weren't even the good kind! They were the edible ones... I leave them and keep walking. Like I'd help feed them... hah! 

My eyes suddenly land on a small patch of grass growing around a decaying tree. Dew grass! It wasn't what I was looking for but it was too precious to pass up! Dew grass stopped bleeding, fought off infection and even lowered fevers. I'm so glad I have something to help me in this new world... 

I walk over and kneel down next to the Dew grass with shiny eyes. I carefully pick the grass but when I look up, I do a doubletake. Is that... is that blood? I slowly stand up and carefully step over the decaying tree. I kneel down and lightly touch the red liquid with the tip of my finger.

I smear it between my fingers and instantly know that it was indeed blood. Was it human or something from an animal? I look behind me with a frown before slowly standing up and following the blood trail. When I see a bloody handprint on a tree, I pick up my pace.

The trail suddenly comes to a stop, leaving me confused. I slowly catch my breath as I look around for any signs. I go to turn back but I suddenly see something! It looks like cloth! I carefully walk over and freeze when I see a man laying on the ground holding his bloody chest.

His breathing was uneven as a considerable amount of blood covers his entire lower body. I slowly step forward and quietly ask "Are you okay?" The man doesn't move an inch so I step closer. I freeze again when I see the man's face. Why were there so many attractive men in this world!?  

I slowly kneel down next to him and reach for his bloody chest. His large hand suddenly shoots out and grabs my wrist in a bruising grip. "Ah! Stop! I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm trying to help you." I say with a deep frown. The man's grip was no joke! Even when half-dead... he's strong...

Dark black eyes find me within seconds as we stare at each other in silence. His skin is deathly pale as he frowns at me in confusion. "You're gonna die if you don't stop the bleeding..." I say in a soft voice. The man's eyes clear up as his grip suddenly eases up.

"Will you let me help you?" I ask him while looking to his chest. He watches me closely as he finally lets my wrist go. I'll take that as a yes... I loosen his gown a bit and pull the sides back to get a better view of his chest.

His dark eyes watch my every move but he himself doesn't move an inch. It looks like a deep cut... from a sword? I rip a piece of my sleeve and use it to wipe some of the blood off. Even though I know it hurts, the man doesn't even flinch. 

I pull out the Dew grass and look around for water or something but I see nothing but trees surrounding us. I look back to him and sigh with a conflicted frown. "I'm sorry but I don't have another choice..." I throw some of the Dew grass in my mouth and start chewing the bitter grass. 

I pay attention to the taste and when it comes to the right point, I quickly pull it out of my mouth. I take the chewed up Dew grass and go to apply it on the man's chest but he quickly catches my wrist again with a frown.  

"Trust me..." I say while looking into his dark eyes. He grits his teeth and releases me. I gently put the Dew grass on his chest and I can immediately see the blood slowing. I put the rest of the Dew grass in my mouth and chew it. I repeat the process and rip my other sleeve.

With his help, I get it tied around his chest. The color in his face is already starting to come back... people here really are different. This kind of wound would kill people in my world... "Woman!" a man calls out for me in the woods making me jump.

The hurt man looks behind me with chilling eyes and I quickly get up and say "I'm currently in the middle of being kidnapped... haha... I must have been gone for too long. I'll lead them away. Good luck!" I quickly turn around to leave but the man suddenly speaks for the first time. 

"What's your name?" He asks in a low deep voice. I turn to him and flash him a smile as I say "Nova" I then quickly turn away and run towards the men calling for me. I don't know how that man got hurt but one this is very clear, he's strong and he's dangerous. As I run, I can't help but laugh... The only time you'd see someone running to their captors... 

The wounded man watches the beautiful woman in red run away with a conflicted look. What crazy person would help someone else while being kidnapped? He looks down at his chest before looking back up with hard, cold eyes. If he wasn't hurt so bad... he would help her.

Another wave of dizziness hits him as his mind slowly darkens. All he can see are those beautiful green eyes...

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