
Five centimeters too much

A variety of noises emanated from the hallway. The bride could only imagine the bustle outside this room. It was already after 12 o'clock, and still Lily was not finished with the lavish beauty procedure. Meanwhile, her face was as soft as a baby's butt. After countless face masks and face massages, a fine layer of make-up, all that remained was to weave the last white flowers into her curly hair. At 2 pm the wedding ceremony would begin. Lily could only hope to make it in time.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a crack, causing the girl to startle. A cold gust of wind swept through the room. Lily shot up from her chair, and watched in bewilderment as her sister stormed towards her.

The once beautiful caramel blond hair fluttered like unruly straw around Nadine's gaunt face. Her cheekbones stood out from her skinny face. Dark shadows lay under her eyes. She seemed to have lost a few more kilos since the last meeting of the sisters.

But not even this could hide the anger that raged through her sister's delicate body.

Nadine stared at her with eyes sparkling with fury. Her face was so innocently beautiful, like a lovely sweet angel. But her look was piercing and filled with hatred.

Panic ran through Lily.

"That was you!" Nadine screamed with a face dyed with anger and grabbed Lily by the wrist. Lily flinched. The merciless grip of her sister shook her all over. One of the stylists tried to intervene, but Nadine pushed her away rudely.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Mumbled Lily.

"This stupid designer says I've suddenly grown in size!" If gazes could kill, then Nadine would have punished Lily with a thousand deaths at this moment, the girl thought to herself in astonishment and watched as her sister tore the coat from her shoulders and presented her open back to Lily. Lily knew immediately where the problem was and could imagine who the real culprit might be. A grin crept up on her lips. The dress was clearly one or two sizes too small, nothing could be done.

"I don't know!" The bride played dumb. She bit her lips to suppress the blooming grin. "What do you want from me? I don't know how I can help you with this problem." She replied in feigned innocence.

Again Nadine sparkled at her angrily. "There's no way I could have gained five centimeters in a month. You're definitely behind this. You can't grant me anything. Ever since we were kids, you've been jealous of me."

Lily suppressed her own anger, which grew with every word. She smiled and moved back a little.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Could you at least refrain from your empty accusations on my wedding day I have far more important things to deal with." With a sense of relief, Lily sunk back down on the stool in front of her dressing table, ready to let the stylists do their work again.

"Do you think you're gonna get off that easily. You obviously forgot our conversation on the phone!"

Lily sat there quietly, unwilling to listen to her sister for one more second. Still, she asked the stylists to leave the room for a moment. This would not be a conversation intended for other ears.

As the door closed again, Lily commanded a deep sense of tiredness. She reached for the envelope that Nelli had kindly given her before she had left to find her godson.

"Are you threatening me?" Asked Lily in a calm voice.

Apparently Nadine was annoyed by this statement. "Not at all, sis. I just felt like I've been very nice to you, and I was hoping you'd do the same." The look in her light blue eyes was full of disgust. "I regret, under the circumstances, I can no longer keep the secret. Your shameful behavior is no longer acceptable to my heart. It seems I have to confess to the entire wedding party. Don't take it personally, sis. But I'm just trying to save you from yourself."

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