
A long walk

"De Valois has neither money, nor support, or guts to attack you alone."

Carefully Gaston let his nose sink into the white lilies. They smelled like grass. He hated the flowers cut from greenhouses. "Someone must have helped him."

"Uh... What about his wife and her family?"

Unwillingly he frowned, his goddaughter and her kin were a factor that he should no be underestimated. He wanted to congratulate de Valois on his wise decision. "No, Albert de Clermont is far too noble. He would not be involved in such deals. Besides, he loves his granddaughter far too much to allow her to be such a danger."

"And you believe that?"

"We shall see. What do your people in Budapest say?"

"My friends think it is necessary for you to start taking action. Your competitors think you're showing weakness."

"For real?"

"If there is nothing more, we have nothing to fear. Join us for dinner. My boy has returned from his studies in America. Too bad your lovely goddaughter has fallen into the wrong hands. What about your brother's other child?"

With stiff steps he continued to walk towards it. The long walk was covered with a layer like powdered sugar.

He hesitated briefly, staggeringly stopped in front of the last place where he felt close to her.

The icy december wind blew without ceasing, not only hurting his ears and the tip of his nose, but also his lungs and bones were suffering from this numbing cold. With every step his leather shoes broke through the thin layer of ice and snow that had covered the cemetery like a thick white woolen blanket. Silently his old friend from his childhood days accompanied him. He knew her as well as he knew him. As he bent down at the feet of the marble angel to lay down the white lilies in her memory, the last pale rays of sunshine peered over his shoulder. Sad and milky dull, like the pale blue eyes of his beloved Aurélie. His gaze was stiff as he gazed at the flowers that lay on the cold gravestone.

He hesitated for a moment before his in leather gloved hand gently stroked the snow-covered stone.

"I'm sorry I was away far too long, my beloved."

At six in the morning Lily left the house with Adrien in her arms and pulled a small black trolley behind her.

"Good morning, Madame de Valois!" she was greeted by the driver who was already waiting for her in the black Bentley. The rest of the luggage had already been stowed away and in her trolley were only the most important items that Adrien could need during their journey.

"Good morning, M. Buchet." She greeted the driver and handed him the last piece of luggage. "Thank you." She nodded politely while the driver helped her to get into the car with Adrien.

"That's my job, Madame. You're very kind." Answered M. Buchet with a smile. Carefully, Lily sat the still tired Adrien in his child's seat and buckled him in before she too fastened her seat belt. In the car opposite her were Mlle Melinda Portner and M. Bassir. Next to the driver was another bodyguard. One of the rather grim-faced, quiet type, who hardly spoke a word, only grunted and grumbled. But when he spoke, his thick Italian accent was clearly noticeable. He had a very wiry build and with the black suit he looked gaunt. His skin was like tanned leather, his black hair had been trimmed to a military short hairstyle. He had been employed by them for a while, but until today she did not know his name, although he accompanied her almost everywhere.

Lily shrugged. The unknown bodyguard seemed a bit threatening, but Alexandre had his reasons to place him near her.

She focused on her conversation with Mlle Portner. She was a very friendly and cheerful person, who had already travelled around a lot thanks to her unusual profession. Melinda originally came from the United States, but since female bodyguards were in great demand all over the world, she often lived in many different places, thanks to her job. Since many rich men did not want to leave their wives alone with male bodyguards. The demand for female bodyguards was very popular in all countries around the globe. Lily relaxed while casually asking Melinda questions about America. After all, this would be Adrian's and her next adopted country in the near future.

Sry(๑ʘ∆ʘ๑)... I set the timer to the wrong time ...so here is the chapter for today with a big delay ヾ(_ _。)

Saya_Miyagusukucreators' thoughts
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