
Unconditional love

But unlike Lily, Nadine grew up with the deep love of their father. He spoiled the girl in every way, although he did not even love his second wife and only tolerated her in his house. Raymond adored his second born while he could not even look Lily in the eyes.

At an early age, the girl recognized the huge differences in upbringing between herself and her half-sister.

Yet it was painful to yearn for a love that Lily could never have. Soon she gave up to seek that love. She did not try to hope for it anymore, because she knew that in her father's eyes she would always find nothing but loathing and disgust. It was pointless to fight for the love of a father, who only wished for his daughter's disappearance. He hated Lily with every fiber of his being.

But the girl had learned to deal with it early on. She had the experience of another life. Even in her first life, she had to deal with the fact that her father was not interested in her person. Back then, her father was more interested in a bottle of vodka than in his daughter's life. She was only useful if she brought some money home to finance his lifestyle between gambling dens and pubs.

Lily had learned to live with being letdown by men in her life. Only one man hadn't disappointed her yet, and that was her grandfather. He had raised her with all the love he had in his heart. Caring for her and raising the girl. Perhaps she would not have ended so tragically in her first life if a great grandfather like Albert had been by her side. Thanks to him she had never suffered any loss in this second life. Since Albert de Clermont showered his little granddaughter with all his affection.

Lily buried her face in the crook of her grandmother's neck. "Grand-mère and grand-père, you gave me enough love. I know Papa has been blinded by his love for Mama. I may not be able to forgive his behavior, but I can understand." When she said that, she smiled sadly at her grandmother.

"You're such a good kid. This old woman was always afraid on your behalf. But look what a wonderful young woman you've become. I'm sure Therese would be proud of you." Valerie clasped the narrow face of her granddaughter with both hands. The next words were difficult even for her.

"Your father was never fair with you. "I will never ask you to forgive him for that, he doesn't deserve it. He never even apologized for his mistake. My child, you suffered much in your childhood. But you are the pride of this family. You've always made us both happy. The loss of your mother was hard on your grandfather and me, but with your innocent smile you have relieved all our grief. We are so lucky to have you. And I am even prouder since I know that you have wrapped a man like Alexandra de Valois around your little finger." Valerie smiled in conspiracy. She gently stroked the girl's white cheek with her hand, wiping away a few tears that glittered like stars on Lily's face.

The love the grandparents gave Lily made her tiny heart flutter up and down in her chest like a fragile butterfly. She could clearly see the unconditional love in her grandmother's eyes. She knew no matter what mistake she would make in the future, her grandmother would never judge her, on the contrary she would love her, give her so much love that Lily could bask in a sea of love.

But still one question remained unanswered. "Grand-mère ..." She began timidly. Still, there was this one question burning on her tongue. She felt a little guilty, but she knew she couldn't take any risks. She could not forget the terrible plot of My loyal hubby. If she failed to discover Nadine's plan in time, her carelessness could mean her death. Although the plot of the novel had changed dramatically. But Lily knew it couldn't guarantee her safety. She was walking on thin ice. One wrong step and the ice would crack, and she would drown in icy water. "Why Nadine?"

"Your father..." Her grandmother's voice sounded husky, tired. "My child, don't be angry with your old Grand-mère. I just wanted the day to be perfect for you. You deserved it. But you know your father." Briefly, her grandmother petted the girls head. "He... demanded that if he would attend the wedding, your sister should be your bridesmaids, as is customary. That was his condition, otherwise he would not take part in your wedding."

"But Grand-mère I don't care if he attends or not. The only people I care about are you and Grand-père. That's all I want."

"But, my dear, this would not paint a good picture of you if your own father would not appear at the wedding. You and your husband have already shocked society. From now on, everything must be without any scandal."

Lily shook her head. "I don't care what people think of me, I only care what you and Grand-père think about me." Lily had to pull herself together in order to prevent herself from sobbing loudly like a small child. The only family she ever had were her grandparents. She had never needed any other family, because her grandparents gave her all the love she needed to grow up since the day she was born.

"Well, it's importend to me, darling. I don't want my angel to be spoken ill of."

She lowered her head onto her grandmother's shoulder. "Grand-mère, I really don't want Nadine..." Lily started to whine.

"But... but... my child."

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