
An ominous Ringing

A soft melody rang out, waking her from her dozy state. She flinched. Knowing what it meant. It was already dark. The colorful street lights flashed before her eyes. Her fingers trembled as she searched for the phone in her bag.

"Don't you dare back down now! You know what we talked about."

Lily nodded reluctantly. But General Lionelle de Carvoisin would not tolerate any protests. She sighed and pressed the green button.

"Hello." Lily muttered. A few seconds of silence.

"Lily where are you?!" Hearing his voice so frosty, a wave of resistance broke loose in her. Emotions she often tried to suppress.

"At the Carvoisins' family estate." She prayed he would not discover her deception. A look at the clock told her it was late. They'd been in the car for a little over three hours. But definitely not at Nellis' place. Now, just don't show any weakness, she urged herself. She felt Nelli keep peering over at her as she steered the car. It probably would take them more than an hour to reach their destination. But Alexandre could not know that. She heard a growl on the other side of the phone.

"It's a bit late." She hurriedly interrupted him. "Yesterday we hardly had time to talk about everything. We haven't seen each other for a long time, so we thought, why not use the time! Which is why we're having a little sleepover party at Nelli's. Adrien is fine. He's already asleep." Again, a moment of silence. She could hear his breathing. Calm. Was that a good sign?

" Funny!" His chuckle was bitter. "I visited the Carvoisins a few moments ago. But there was no sign of you."

"We went out." She hurried to say.

"I realize that! Where are you?!" His voice was harsh. It wasn't a question, more like an order. "And why are you going out without your bodyguards?!"

"They would obstruct our activities. Which is why we had to leave them behind."

" Obstruction...so?" She heard him take a deep breath. "You tell me where you are right now!"

She let her gaze wander out of the window. Definitely not a place he' d approve of. She took a deep breath. "In a car..."

" Stop playing games. Where are you?"

Questioningly she looked over to Nelli, but she only stared at the highway. There was no way she could tell him where she was. Otherwise, he would put two and two together and everything would be over.

"Why is it so important to you? I'm with Nelli. I'll be home tomorrow. Addy and I are fine. Isn't that enough?"

She heard Alexandre snorting. "I'll only ask you once more! Where are you?"

Panic! Then she hung up.

"What did you do?" Nelli hit her.

"Hung up." The whole situation was stressful. The mobile rang again. She bit her lips. "What do I do?" She panicked and asked her friend whose idea this crazy action was born from.

"Take a deep breath." Soothingly, Nelli put her hand on Lily's. "Pick up... And stick to the fucking script!"

Lily sighed before she pressed the button to accept.

"Why did you hang up?!" She wanted to hang up right away. Her finger was twitching so treacherously already.

"You were on the edge of your temper. I didn't want to talk to you like that."

"You are so damn right. I'm fucking furious. I'm getting tired of your games. What is wrong with you! You tell me where you are, now! I'm coming get you!" It was like she had a lump in her throat. She wanted to tell him everything. She felt like a naughty child who deserved to be blamed. Slowly she too was being brainwashed by this world. "I'm waiting, Lily! I'm not a very patient man when my wife is roaming God knows where."

Time to show some backbone!

She took a deep breath. Armed herself inside. Nelli was right, there was something wrong with that lawyer! She had to find out what. And Alexandre mustn't suspect a thing.

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