
Vol. 14 - Chapter 10: The Greatest Bounty Hunter

Coyote breathes heavily as he feels his body in pain; Uriel is shocked to see Darius killing everyone. He killed over 15 men, the other keep shooting him, however, the bullets pass right through him. Coyote chuckles as he remembers the final words he had with his Great-Granddaughter Cassidy;

Sundance looks shocked and gets angry, he charges at Aleister but a portal appears behind him, and specter hands hold him. "Calm down, I am telling you that I will save Cassidy if you cooperate with me, you know that you're at your limit rights? This means that without the Eternal Life, you will die. Cassidy will have nowhere to go, I am offering to give her a home for the time being, she will have money and power, she will never suffer and she will be in the care of my sister Anastasia, plus I will erase any memory you want. She will leave immediately to East Europe where we are going, and she will start a new life, doesn't that sound intriguing?"

Coyote stops struggling and calms himself; he begins to think about the offer, Aleister smiles with confidence, after a moment, Aleister extends his arm and asks:

"So, do we have a deal?"

"Let me say good bye to Cassidy, and I want you to erase her memories with me, just make her remember that she had a Grandpa, I don't want her to suffer."

Aleister nods in agreement, Coyote shakes his hand and with a low tone he says; "We have a deal then."

Cassidy wakes up, Coyote hugs her and begins to speak:

"My little girl, I'm sorry I couldn't save your parents, I tried so hard to give you everything, but I have failed you. Please enjoy life, have fun with other kids, go to school and learn new things, explore the world and be free. Don't ever forget how much I love you, don't forget about your grandfather, Cassidy smile one last time."

Cassidy smiles as she does not know what is happening, Aleister comes forward and releases purple manna in her head, Cassidy begins to lose conscious as she says:

"I love you, grandpa, and good bye."

Coyote begins to cry as he says; "It is said that men shouldn't cry, but when it comes to family it is okay." Coyote kisses Cassidy's forehead and says:

"Goodbye, my little girl, don't forget how much I love you."

Cassidy disappears in a portal; Coyote wipes his tears and stands up.

Coyote comes to his senses and looks at Uriel; "Listen Uriel, there is something I want to ask you, one last favor for this old man."

Uriel turns around and looks at Coyote with tears in his eyes. Uriel looks down and asks;

"Why are you crying, I thought men shouldn´t cry. But I will listen to your request."

"The thing is that Aleister took Cassidy away, more precisely I gave Cassidy to Aleister. I also want to confess that I shot Alejandro down, I was the one who killed him"

Uriel stands up and grabs Coyote´s neck with rage; "DAMN YOU, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?"

"It was the only way for Cassidy to escape; she is just a young girl that I drag along into my curse. She deserves to have a normal life. I wanted to apologize but it was also the only way to save Alejandro as well." Coyote´s eyes fills with tears and run down his face. Uriel lets go and replies; "I understand, what is your request?"

"I want you to save my angel, please save Cassidy from them, she forgot about me because I asked Aleister to do that in order for her to not suffer. Uriel, this is a life time request, please save Cassidy."

Uriel sees a sincere expression and nods in agreement; "Don´t worry old man, I promise that I will save her, besides I still have to save Marjorie, might as well Cassidy."

Coyote smiles and laughs; "Thank you, thank you. You know kid, you remind me of my son, he was so kindhearted like you. I lived for over 200 years but my duel with you made me feel alive for real. I thank you, and I thank God for letting me live this long, because I got to met you." Coyote takes out his eye patch and gives Uriel his gun.

"Please take this pistol, it was my favorite. Use it with care, and remember, the Greatest Bounty that ever existed acknowledge you as a worthy opponent."

Uriel begins to shed tears as he smiles; "You know, I never had a grandfather, but I think you would be a great role model. I hope we could see each other again, Sundance "Coyote" Bill." Uriel grabs Coyote´s pistol, Coyote smiles and says:

"When you are in Japan, go to the place where Cherry Blossom Trees grow every day, when you are there, please take Cassidy with you."

"Cherry Blossoms, I understand, I promise." Uriel nods in agreement, Coyote chuckles;

"So long, Uriel Di Fiore, I am not sure if will see each other again, because I am going to hell but rest assure if we do meet, let's have a great duel once more."

Uriel tries to stand but he is paralyzed, he looks at the ground and sees ash surrounding him, he looks at Coyote, Coyote begins to walk forward and says:

"Keep your distance, I am about to do something crazy, so long kid."




Darius makes a large cut in Sergeant Hill´s stomach knocking him down, Officer Herrera fires multiple times, Darius hits him in the stomach and knocks him out too.

"Pathetic, I didn´t even use one percent of my power to kill you."


Coyote shoots multiple times his gun trying to hit Darius, Darius begins to laugh as the bullets pass right through him. "YOU NEVER LEARN DO YOU!"

Coyote jumps into the air and takes out his lasso, he prepares to attack Darius.-SSSLLLAASSHHH- Darius cuts his arm completely, Coyote still heads towards him. Darius stabs Coyote´s stomach with his arm. Coyote throws up a large amount of blood.

Darius smiles; "Pathetic old man, running straight at me like a cow to a slaughter house; now you will die in my arm, tell me, did you plan to do this?"

Uriel with shocking expression screams; "CCCOOOYYOOOTTTEEE"

Suddenly, Coyote swings his lasso and wraps both of them with it. Without warning the surviving prisoners along with Hill and Herrera grab Darius tightly, his arms, knees, and neck. Coyote takes out a grenade, Darius with a struggling voice asks;


"That´s right, this a special grenade, a gift from your pal Juan de la Trinidad." Coyote replies, Darius look closely and asks; "Don´t tell me that grenade is…"

"It has power from the Horseman of War."

"Its been a long time, Coyote" Juan says as he enter the tavern, Coyote drinks again and replies

"It has been more than 50 years Juan, you haven't changed a bit."

"Neither have you, but it seems you are not immortal anymore." Juan grabs a bottle, Coyote chuckles and replies; "You are correct, your successor helped me get rid of my curse, he is a good young man nothing like you."

"Indeed, he is a fool" Juan chuckles, he puts an object next to Coyote and begins to leave asking; "Are you going to die tonight?"

"Yes, I will die but I will take Darius with me" Coyote says with anger, Juan leaves and says; "Good bye, my friend."

"YOU FOOLS, YOU WILL ALL DIE!" Darius screams with a nervous expression, "We know that, and we agree to it, besides because of you, everyone in my family is now dead." Sergeant Hill replies with a smile, Officer Herrera also says:

"You killed Mayor Gonzalez, now you will pay."

"That´s right boys, let´s take him down with an explosion.


Coyote activates the grenade, the grenade begins to tick, Darius struggles as he screams; "YOU´RE CRAZY, YOU BASTARD!"

"OF COURSE, AND WHEN YOU´RE IN HELL REMEMBER THAT THE GREATEST BOUNTY HUNTER WAS THE ONE WHO TOOK DOWN!" Coyote closes his eyes and begins to remember his family, Josie standing next to him. His son and grandchildren, Coyote begins to remember Cassidy in a yukata running and having fun in the Cherry Blossom Trees. "My only regret is not taking you to see the Cherry Blossom Trees, Goodbye Cassidy, Good bye, Uriel and Good bye, Juan"


"NNNNOOOOO!!!" Darius screams as the grenade detonates causing an enormous explosion. The explosion goes to the sky revealing a crimson color, and wind begins to blows in the shape of a tornado. Uriel with tears in his eyes screams:


In a plane heading to Europe, Cassidy and Anastasia are sleeping in a VIP bed, Cassidy stands up with tears in her eyes. Anastasia wakes up and sees her;

"What´s the matter Cassidy did you have a bad dream?"

Cassidy looks at Anastasia and nods in agreement; "I had a dream that I was with my grandfather Sundance, we were in a place full of Cherry Blossoms, I was happy. But then, he began to disappear slowly in the air turning into petals."

Anastasia goes near Cassidy and pats her head, "Don´t worry Cassidy, everything is fine, it´s just a dream, remember that Sundance has been dead for a long time, it was probably your imagination, now cheer up because we are heading back to our home."

Cassidy smiles at Anastasia and replies; "Yeah you´re right, I´m going back to sleep now" Cassidy closes her eyes with tears falling down as she says; "Good night, great grandpa"

In the hills on Sun City, Juan drinks a bottle of liquor as he remembers the first time he met Coyote;

"So, you are the famous bounty hunter, Sundance "Coyote" Bill?" Juan looks at Coyote as he drinks a glass of liquor. Juan is sitting in a stool next to the bar, Coyote sits next to him and drinks a glass of liquor as well.

"I take it you are El Charro Negro right? I´m sorry to inform you but I am going to be taking your head."

"HAHAHA, YOU SURE MAKE ME LAUGH, COYOTE" Juan takes out his pistol and points it at Coyote´s head, Coyote is pointing at Juan´s stomach, both of them takes a large drink, Coyote smiles and says; "Well then, it��s time for a duel!"

"Good bye, Coyote, cheers to the famous bounty hunter." Juan finishes the bottle and throws it away, Alexa looks at the explosion and asks; "Did Coyote really died?"

"That´s right, he is long now" Juan replies with a tears in his eyes, "How long are you going to sit there, your successor´s life is at risk" Nemesio Santa Cruz appears in front of him along with Scarlet Byron; "Juan, you must help him, otherwise he is going to die?" Juan chuckles and shakes his head; "I´m sorry to disappoint you, but I won´t help him. This is a trial to test him as a Horseman of War"

"You are insane muchacho, he is fighting against one of the Enlightened, remember that one of them kill me." Nemesio says with anger, Scarlet Byron looks at him with rage; "He´s just a boy, not even me or my husband couldn't defend ourselves against the First Hour, and we were "awakened" horsemen. Please reconsidered, the only way for him to survive is to "awaken" as well.���

Juan stands up and walks forward, Alexa looks confused and asks; "Father?" Juan looks at both of them; "Listen both of you, Uriel is a failure and this is my test, if he survives he will be worthy and in order to do that, he must awaken by himself. Whether you like it or not"

On the night of September 1st, 20 minutes before the appearance of the Red Moon. The famous bounty hunter and proud Great Grandfather Sundance "Coyote" Bill passed away defending a worthy rival in hopes for the future.

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