
Vol. 12 - Chapter 15: Uriel Di Fiore vs. El Muerto


An explosion causes Uriel to jump backwards. Uriel looks at Johanna who is unconscious and extends his hand chanting:

"Barrera de viento" (Wind Barrier)

A small barrier forms protecting Johanna, Uriel lands outside and slides a small distance in the middle of the mission. He stands up and looks at all directions, Uriel smiles and says:

"You guys waste no time, am I right?"

The four muertos surround Uriel, they are standing in all the cardinal directions. Uriel looks is filled with hatred looks at the sky with anger as he says:

"I don't know who you guys are, but I wont show any mercy?"

The green masked muerto begins to laugh as he says; "Bring it on, Uriel Di Fiore" Uriel extends his arms and begins to chant:

"Yo soy a jinete, yo soy el inicio, yo soy el final, yo soy el Charro Negro"

(Translates: I am the horseman, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am "El Charro Negro")

He holds his right forearm with his left hand and lifts them. He squeezes his hand and makes a fist. Suddenly a crimson flame begins to flow out of his ring and expands covering him causing a small pillar of crimson with pink flames, and the wind to blow hard.

There is only silence as the flames finish emerging, Uriel comes out of the flames and charges straight to the green masked Muerto, with great speed Uriel punches El Muerto with force sending flying to the building.


"That's one!" Uriel uses the wind as impulse and charges straight to the pink masked muerto and kicks him with force and sends him flying to the next building.


"That's two!" Uriel turns around and sees the purple masked Muerto heading to his direction, Uriel once again uses his wind to impulse himself and charges directly to el Muerto. Uriel punches el Muerto and sends him flying to the entrance causing a small explosion.


"That's three!" Uriel takes out his pistol, point at el muerto and charges it with manna. Uriel loos at the red masked muerto who with his black wings flies towards him; Uriel begins to chant:

"Loteria Revolver; El Sol" (Revolver Lottery, the sun)


Uriel releases an orange colored manna and connects with el muerto causing him to fly towards the other building. Uriel takes a deep breath as he says:

"That's four, but knowing you guys, you are only toying with me, am I right?'

The four muertos stand up and begin to walk towards Uriel, the red striped muerto begins to say:

"You are correct, we are just testing you, and unfortunately, you weaker than when you fought Ichabod."

"You are holding back aren't you?" the green masked muerto says to Uriel, the purple one begins to point at him and says; "Show us your power Uriel"

"Show us, and Marjorie will be free." The pink striped muerto says to Uriel, Uriel gets angrier and says;

"Quit fooling around, I am not into jokes."

"We are not joking; in fact, we are going to make you." The purple masked muerto punches the ground with force, suddenly the ground begins to move, a wave begins to grow and it heads towards Uriel. Uriel jumps evading the wave, suddenly a pebble is thrown by the pink striped muerto, Uriel takes out his sword and blocks the pebble changing the direction towards a building.


"What was that? It felt so heavy, as if it was a large boulder." Uriel says as he looks at his sword. Suddenly he is surrounded by missiles, the green striped muerto screams:

"You let your guard down, teacher."

"What the…" Uriel is connected by the missiles with force. –BBBOOOOOMMM- A huge explosion at midair causes massive wind to blow. Uriel comes out of the smoke with his sword trying to attack the green striped muerto, but a black lance attacks Uriel, he dodges the attack but the pink stripe muerto appears and punches Uriel forcing him to impact the ground.

Uriel tries to react but the purple striped Muerto makes the ground vibrate making Uriel to impact the ground with grater force.


The green striped muerto creates missiles and sends them towards Uriel causing a huge explosion.-BBBBBOOOOMMMM- the smoke screen clears showing Uriel lying on the ground.

"I think you over did it, that was too much." The pink striped muerto says to the green striped, the purple striped walks to their side and says:

"It is necessary to draw his power."


Uriel suddenly stands up, he begins to breth slowly as wind begins to accumulate, he begins to chuckle; "So then, you want to see my full power huh, I just hope you won't regret it."

Aleister, who is holding an unconscious Marjorie, looks up and says; "Well this is a surprise; the amount of manna that Uriel is emitting is extremely high."

"This manna is the same when he fought Ichabod, I can sense his desire for blood. What are you going to do Aleister?" Alexandria asks Aleister who looks outside, he begins to say:

"Let´s see his power level, if things go out of control, I have you to help them right?"

��I am not your pawn, however, I will protect my mother." Alexandria says as she looks at Marjorie.

-HHHHMM-HHMMMM- Johanna begins to slowly open her eyes, she raises her body thinking; "Where am I?" Johanna tries to move but her wound does not let her.

"It appears you are awake, Johanna since you were useful to us and helped us in the past, and for a show of gratitude, I won´t kill you, for now, just watch on you beloved´s true form." Aleister says as he points outside, Johanna slowly turns, her eyes open wider as she says:

"What is going on here?"

"HAHAHA" Uriel makes a sinister laugh, he begins to release an enormous amount of crimson colored manna. His hair begins to change into a crimson color; his eyes begin to shine in a crimson color as well.

"Prepare yourselves, this time, he is going to be serious." The red striped Muerto says as he calls out his lance, the green colored Muerto looks at Uriel and says:

"He doesn´t seem that powerful to me."

At that moment, Uriel disappears from his sight, and appears in front of him. –RRRAAAAWWW- "What the… when did he…"


Uriel punches the green Muerto causing him to go through the wall and fly a couple of meter away, leaving only a dust cloud behind.

The red striped Muerto sighs with his eyes closed and says:

"I warned him but he is too sure of himself."

Uriel roars and takes out his sword, the two muertos stand close to each other, the pink Muerto puts the hand on the mouth and says; "Gyaa, he sure looks scarier than before."

"Let´s do our combination combo, now prepare yourself." The purple striped begins to gather manna, he touches a pillar in the building causing it to bend like a straw, the pillar breaks down and falls to the ground, the pink striped Muerto stands behind the pillar and touches it.


The pillar breaks into several pieces, the purple Muerto makes them bend using waves, the red stripe Muerto flaps his wings causing the pillars to charge straight at Uriel. The pink stripe Muerto laughs:

"Let's see if you can withstand the power of stakes with the force of impact of trucks."

"Combination Attack; Infernal stakes"

Uriel swings his sword chanting:

"Cancion del viento, Primera estrofa, Rafaga de viento cortante." (Wind song, first stanza, wind cutter barrage.)


Uriel uses the wind to counter attack the pillars, the pillars begin to reflect and change their directions towards the muertos.

"This is bad, dodge now" The red stripe Muerto says as he flies into the air. The other two jump away, the stakes crash into the walls completely destroying it.


"Is that all you got, you are weak." Uriel says as he jumps into the air, he raises his sword and wind begins to gather around it with high speed. The friction of the wind begins to create a static current, suddenly a crimson lightning surrounds the sword.

The red stripe Muerto charges at Uriel screaming, "I´m your opponent." He takes out his lance, Uriel and El Muerto clash causing a massive wind to blow.


Johanna who is looking begins to ask; "Is that really Uriel, he is acting more aggressive and violent."

"That happens when the horseman is released; this is the true nature of Uriel Di Fiore." Alexandria says as she stands next to Johanna. Marjorie wakes up; she has her eyes blue and green, she stands up and asks:

"What happened to me?"

"So you are awake, and it appears you still cant withstand the pressure I put in your heart and for that I apologize." Aleister says with a sincere expression, Marjorie hears a loud sound coming from the sky, she looks at Uriel with crimson hair and asks with a fearful tone; "Is that Uriel? What happened to him? He looks different."

"Uriel is going through a berserk state, this is what happens when a novice doesn't know how to control his emotions. " Aleister says as he looks at Uriel as well.


Uriel dominates El Muerto and with great force pushes him to the ground, a large crimson colored thunderbolt hits El Muerto causing lightning to spread through the area.


Uriel is about to land when the purple striped Muerto appears from behind; Uriel uses his wind as a stepping stone and kicks el Muerto sending him towards the direction where Aleister was. The pink striped Muerto tries to attack him, Uriel dodges the attack and grabs the leg, he begins to spin and throws him with force. The purple striped Muerto tries to stand up when suddenly he is hit by the pink striped Muerto.


Both of them are sent flying towards the direction where Aleister is, the purple stripe Muerto cracks the mask at the moment of impact. Johanna and Marjorie look at Uriel with terrified expressions.

Uriel lands in the smoke screen and begins to walk slowly, heading towards the direction of Aleister, his red eyes glow in the smoke screen as Marjorie says:

"That´s not Uriel, he looks more like a demon."

"Indeed he does, and he wants to kill me, Marjorie step aside." Aleister says with a nervous tone, Alexandria is also surprised as she begins to think:

"This behavior, it´s just like when Ichabod was possessed by the power."

Alexandria begins to tremble as she runs towards Uriel saying; "Uriel you need to stop or the power will consumed you."

"I want this power to consume, this way, I will kill that bastard." Uriel says with a sinister smile causing Alexandria to stop and look at Uriel with surprise. Uriel with great speed charges towards Aleister and passes Alexandria, and prepares to stab Aliester. Aleister begins to walk forward and says:

"Come at me teacher; let's see if you have the guts."

At that moment, the purple striped Muerto stands up with his arms extended, el Muerto acts as a shield. The mask begins to crack and one side begins to fall slowly. Uriel smiles and says:

"Good now I will take you both down in instant."

Johanna tires to stand and screams:


The mask falls completely revealing the face of the person behind El Muerto, Marjorie looks with fear and closes her eyes. Uriel notices as he extends his blade. Aleister smiles and says; "DO IT!"

"ALEISTER!!!" Uriel swings his sword, causing a small explosion.-BBBBBOOOOOMMM- Alexandria, Marjorie and Johanna wait to see what happened as the smoke screen clears itself. The smoke vanishes revealing Uriel with his sword pointing at the girl who was standing between Aleister and him. Uriel´s hair returned to normal as he looks with sorrow:

"Angela, why are you El Muerto?"

Angela does not say anything, she stands with a serious expression, Aleister laughs; "I guess the cat is out of the bag, how about we show you who El Muerto really is."

Three portal open and the other three muertos appear, Aleister looks at Uriel and says; "Now then, get ready for this cliché moment teacher, here is El Muerto´s true face."

The three muertos begin to reveal their true faces, uriel lets go of his sword as he is in a state of shock. Clouds begin to form in the sky; Uriel lowers his head and says:

"Raul, Victoria, Angela and Melissa, so you were El Muerto this whole time?" Uriel begins to remember all of the encounters he had with them and falls into his knees.

"THAT´S RIGHT TEACHER, ALLOW ME TO PRESENT YOU THE "SWORD OF THE KING", THIS IS WONDERFUL!" Aleister laughs as a mild rain begins to fall leaving Uriel with his eyes full of tears. Uriel looks Marjorie who looks away as he begins to ask:


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