
Vol. 8 - Chapter 12: Rain

Part 1 –France

In the Paris International airport, a young girl around the age of 17 walks down the aisle with a woman and a pair of twins. The girl has silver hair, blue eyes and a beautiful body that attracts the attention of everyone where the girl passes.

"Marjorie, can't you please stay here with meand your siblings" Marjorie's mother says with a worried face. Marjorie turns around and smiles replying:

"I'm sorry, ma mère,(Mom) but there are somethings that I must do."

Iris Rosemary (Age 35) is a beautiful woman that looks younger of her age; she has a white skin, long silver hair, pink eyes and a well-developed body. She is Marjorie's mother but she is a divorced woman who remarried in France.

"Come on Ferrier (Sister) please stay with us, we could play every day please." A girl with blonde hair grabs Marjorie. A boy also grabs Marjorie's hand and begins to say:

"Ferrier, please listen our maman says, I don't trust your papan"

Marjorie pats both of their heads and says:

"Jules and Lily please take care of maman, I promise to return here once I see Uriel again, I want him to come with me and introduce him to you. He is my future husband after all."

Jules Rosemary (Age 10) is a young boy with blonde hair and pink eyes, he has white skin and he is Marjorie's stepbrother and twin brother of Lily

Lily Rosemary (Age 10) is a blonde hair girl with pink eyes, she has long curls, white skin and she is the twin sister of Jules and Marjorie's stepsister.

"For as long as I can remember, you´ve always talked about Uriel, one day you came to me crying that he was dead and the other you came and told me he was alive." Iris says with a worried face. Marjorie hugs her and replies:

"I know maman, it´s a long story but I promise that I will bring him with me."

Marjorie says good bye to her mother and step siblings and goes to the plane. The plane takes off with Lily crying on her mother's arms; Iris looks at the sky as it begins rain and begins to think:

"I have a bad feeling about this, Marjorie please come back to France as soon as possible."

Part 2 – Sun City; Lucifugus Mansion

Rain falls in Sun City, in the Lucifugus Mansion in the basement there is a special type of dungeon that extends underground. There are many cells for prisoners that the Lucifugus capture throughout the years,

"AAAAHHHHH" A scream echoes throughout the dungeon, the few prisoners hear the screams of the poor soul as they try to see who it was.

In the last cell spark are seen as man with the skeleton mask tortures a young boy. The man with the skeleton masks says:

"Have you had enough Alejandro, don´t die on me yet."

Alejandro breathes heavily as the El Muerto steps backward, he looks at Alejandro and asks:

"Are you willing to work for us? I need you to get me Valerie Di Fiore, one of my workers has an interest for her."

Alejandro lifts his head and replies; "Fuck you, I will never sell her to you."

"I see, very well lets continue with your treatment." El Muerto activates a special machine and grabs a pair of cables attaching them to Alejandro´s chains causing a great current electrocuting him.

"Why are you doing this? Are you even human?" Alejandro says as he breathes heavily, El Muerto takes off his mask revealing his face to Alejandro. Alejandro looks in a state of shock and says:

"Aleister, are you Aleister?"

Aleister smiles and replies; "Of course it is me, we have know each other since our childhood remember."

Alejandro begins to cry and asks:

"Why are you doing this? Do the others know about this?"

Aleister smiles, he opens three portals and replies:

"Of course they know, you thought that I was doing this alone?"

Victoria, Angela and Raul come out of the portal. Victoria walks and scratches Alejandro´s chest causing him to bleed, Victoria laughs and says sarcastically:

"Aww did it hurt? This is just a way to say that I care about you."

Raul begins to read a book and says:

"You´ve brought this on yourself you know, you should have minded your own business."

Angela wraps her arms in his neck and says; "Just accept our offer and this will be all over." Angela kisses Alejandro in the mouth; Alejandro struggles to free himself from her lips. Angela gets angry and slaps Alejandro.


Alejandro screams with all his might, the four of them laugh at him, Raul walks and holds his hair saying:

"Do we look like we´re being controlled?"

Alejandro begins to remember the times that they were together and had fun in the school as they grew up. He looks at them with rage and screams:

"Was all the things we´ve been through over the years just a lie? Were you playing with me all this time?"

"Yes we were" Angela says with a demonic smile, she walks forward and continues to speak:

"The people you play, studied, ate and lived adventures were just fake, we were always under the idea of working with Aleister, and do you understand what I´m saying?"

Alejndro looks shocked at what Angela was saying, Angela continues:

"Our plan is simple; we need to have Uriel transfer his powers to Aleister and you need to help us achieve that goal."

"You guys are crazy, Uriel is like my best friend, he resembles my friend who died 8 eyars ago."

Victoria laughs and says; "You are a fool, Uriel Di Fiore and Uriel Vazquez are the same, he never died, in fact he is the one who has been lying to us since the beginning."

Alejandro begins to remember the times he spent with his teacher; he remembers the times he spent with his child hood friend. Angela speaks:

"Now be a good boy and give me Valerie Di Fiore, and I will let you do what I want with me."

"What the hell happened to you, you were always so shy, and now you are offering your body to me, you are pitiful." Alejandro says laughing, Angela punches Alejandro in his rib with great force breaking it completely.

"That´s enough Angela, now then Alejandro, I´ll ask you again, will you join us?"

Alejandro looks at them with tears in his eyes wanting for them to tell him that this is all a lie, he lowers his head and says:

"No, I prefer to die, then to give you the woman I love."

Aleister laughs and says; "I see, you may be a fool but at least you are a man."

Portals begin to open beneath the three subordinates, they begin to disappear as Victoria says:

"I will see you later, try not to die."

Aleister walks towards Alejandro and grabs his face saying:

"I will leave you with some company here, and in two days you will see your little sister again."

Alejandro lifts his head and screams:


"Of course she does, she is my girlfriend after all." Aleister replies as he disappears in the portal letting Alejandro fall into the ground. In the front cell where Alejandra was an old man walks slowly towards him and says:

"That was really manly of you, you know, Uriel is a great guy and you putting your life on the line for him and his family makes you a great man, kid, please try to survive."

Alejandro who is about to lose conscious; looks up to see that the man who was speaking to him, and it was Coyote with a beaten up face.

Uriel and Samantha fly towards Bay City located in the East Coast, Uriel looks at the sky and begins to think about the people in the borderland, he begins to say:

"I wonder when I will return to my home, everyone wait for me a little longer."

The Red Moon will appear in 3 more weeks, meaning that a great event will happen.

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