
Vol. 6 - Chapter 5: The Bounty Hunter´s Assault.

Raul looks at Uriel and says; "You know, I´m going to tell Marjorie that I saw you with the nurse, she is my friend after all."

"W-W-Wait, please don´t, Johanna was just playing." Uriel tries to explain. Johanna pulls out a special book about the wild life of New Mexico and negotiates:

"If you don´t tell anything to Marjorie, I will give you this book."

Raul looks at the book and presents interest, he begins to leave saying: "Very well, I won´t tell a thing, but be careful if she finds out, Uriel, you know she loves you"

Uriel is left shocked for the conversation; Johanna looks suspiciously at Raul as she says:; "It´s a bit weird don´t you think?"

"Well yes but his just investigating on plants so don´t worry."

At that moment a little girl is running away from a strange boy, the boy has black hair, yellow eyes, and native clothing with sandals. The boy appears to be chasing her saying in Zuni language:

"Wait, you thief."

The girl is the same that Uriel saw yesterday, the girl looks at Uriel and runs behind him saying; "Please help me!"

"Just leave her Uriel, don´t get involve with the kids." Johanna says finishing her coffee. Uriel stands up and stops the boy saying in Zuni language:

"Stop right there, what did that girl do to you?"

The boy who is breathing heavily replies: "That girl stole that jewel from me." He points at the girl´s hand. The girl has a blue jewel; Uriel looks at it and asks the girl:

"Is it yours, or his?"

"It´s mine, he stole it from me" The girl shouts pointing at him, both of them look with rage. Uriel hits both of them in the head and scorns them:

"That´s enough, I don´t care who is this jewel, we need to talk about it, so sit down, I will order some breakfast for you two."


Both of the children are hungry, with red faces. They sit down, Uriel orders them some breakfast, Johanna sighs with her eyes close saying:

"Uriel, you are such a nice man, no wonder Katsumi likes you."

Uriel blushes, and begins to cough because he was drinking coffee. After the children finish eating, Uriel begins to ask:

"Well then, please tell me your names"

The boy says his name first in English: "My name is Baishan, and I am 11 years old."

The girl says with a shy voice; "My name is Cassidy and I am 10 years old."

Uriel smiles and says; "Well then my name is Uriel and her name is Johanna, now tell me, what is this jewel?"

"That jewel is part of my family, the chief of the Tribe gave it to me, and this girl stole it from me yesterday." Baishan explains to Uriel, Uriel looks at Cassidy and demands an explanation:

"Yes, I stole it because my Grandpa ordered me to do it, I'm sorry." Cassidy says as she cries. Uriel pats her head and replies:

"That's a good girl; you know that stealing is bad right?"

Cassidy gives the jewel back to Baishan, Baishan thanks her, and Uriel gives them dessert as a reward.

"I'm started to get bored Uriel, let's go and investigate for the key." Johanna says to Uriel. Baishan looks at Johanna and explains:

"If you are looking for a key, I know how to get to that location of the lake, there is a key there. I actually live there with my tribe."

Uriel looks at Johanna and says; "We actually have a clue, see helping them was the right choice."

Johanna laughs at Uriel, the kids finish off their desserts. In the roof of a building a man stands beneath the sun, he is wearing a cowboy outfit, cowboy pants, brown boots, and a brown cowboy hat. He has white hair and bear, a brown eye and an eye patch in his left eye. He covers himself with a bandana; he begins to point one of his pistols to Uriel.

"It looks like she is with Uriel, too bad Cassidy try not to die." Coyote says as he finishes his cigarette, with one strong blow of smoke. Coyote throws the cigarette to the air, the cigarette is in range of the gun, and he shoots.


Uriel hears the gun shot as a vibration of a string from the guitar. With great speed, he picks up a chair and throws it in the trajectory of the bullet.


The chair explodes in mid-air, the server in the restaurant begins to scream; "Run for your life the Coyote is howling!" People begin to look for shelter running and screaming:


Uriel and Johanna look at each other. He whispers to Johanna; "I will take the boy, take care of the girl." Johanna nods and grabs Cassidy's hand, Uriel grabs the boy and they begin to run in separate direction.

Coyote sees their strategy and begins to say; "I see, so they are going separate ways, too bad for you Charro because I want that kid as well."

Coyote with great speed runs jumping from building to building and begins to shoot at Uriel and Baishan.


Uriel senses the bullets and carries Baishan evading those bullets causing huge explosions in the town. Uriel who is carrying Baishan begins to jump from car to car evading the bullets. Coyote begins to laugh:

"YEEE HAAW it's been a long time since anyone evaded my bullets, this is going to be fun."

Johanna who is running with Cassidy see the explosions in the back, she stops and smiles:

"So they are after Uriel, what a shocker, come on girl, let's get my car."

Uriel and Baishan hide in an ally, Uriel breaths heavily and sees his leg bleeding, he chuckles saying; "He got me, I'm still too slow."

"It is my entire fault Uriel, Coyote is after me and this jewel." Baishan says to Uriel who looks surprised and asks:

"Why you, and the jewel, does it have a special power?"

"With this jewel we can open the door to where the golden key hides." Baishan says leaving Uriel in shock to learn the news. Uriel stands up looking at Baishan and screams:

"Don't worry; I will protect you and that jewel."

Uriel changes into his Charro form and come out of the ally. He looks around trying to find the person who is shooting but he cannot. Uriel takes out his pistol, closes his eyes and begins to hear the rhythm of the person's soul.


The soul of the person sounds in the middle of two buildings located next to Uriel.

"Found you" Uriel whispers and points the gun into the air saying:

"Balada Del Pistolero; Lotería del Revolver: Las Jaras" (Ballad of the Gunman; Revolver Lottery: The arrows)

Uriel points to where Coyote is located and shoots two times towards him. The bullets shine a yellow light in shape of arrows.


Coyote notices and dodges them saying: "So you found me, you are quick boy."

Coyote takes out a lasso and swings it, throwing it to a post in order for him to swing across and impulse himself into the air. He looks at Uriel and fires multiple times:


Uriel dodges the bullets by running and responds firing with his gun as well. Coyote uses his lasso to swing from building to building and firing at the same time.


Uriel breaths heavily because of how hot the weather is. Coyote notices and swings down to kick Uriel causing him to fly to a house.


"Come on boy; don't tell me a little heat can kill you." Coyote screams as he walks slowly towards Uriel. Uriel breaths heavily thinking; "I still haven't recovered from the fight with the Gods, and now the heat is becoming a factor."

"Who the hell are you?" Uriel asks Coyote with a tired voice.

"I am Sundance "Coyote" Bill, the greatest Bounty Hunter that exits boy, nice to meet you!"

"So, you are the famous Coyote, I take it that you run this town?" Uriel asks Coyote standing up. Coyote begins to laugh and replies:

"Not exactly boy, I am just a bounty hunter, and you and that kid who is hiding are in my hit list."

Uriel thinks about Baishan and says; "Well I'm not going to let you get him."

Uriel with great speed charges towards Sundance trying to punch him, Sundance dodges him and says; "TOO SLOW!"


Sundance punches Uriel causing him to fly and crash into a car in front of Baishan. Baishan comes out and screams; "Uriel, are you alright?"

"No, you need to stay hidden." Uriel says breathing heavily. Coyote takes out his lasso and screams:

"Stay where you are kid."

Coyote begins to chant: "Lasso del Coyote; Aullido Voraz." (Coyote Lasso; Ravenous howl)

His lasso begins to glow in a dark red aura, he throws his lasso with great force in order to whip Baishan, at that moment Uriel covers Baishan:


Coyote whips Uriel slashing his back causing him bleed. Uriel screams of pain and loses his strength. Coyote laughs and slowly walks towards him, Uriel can´t stand up, the boy hides behind Uriel. Sundance begins to load up his gun with bullets he begins to point at Uriel and says:

"Well then boy, ready to die?"

"Who sent you Coyote?" Uriel asks Coyote, he sighs and replies:

"Sorry, but my clients are confidential."



Johanna hits Coyote with her convertible and sends him flying to a house. Johanna grabs Uriel and Baishan and begins to drive away. Coyote gets out of the house intact without any scratch looks at them and laughs:

"They got away, but not to worry, tonight is the lunar eclipse and tomorrow, time will change for my favor, just you wait Uriel."

El Muerto appears on top, he is wearing a green stripe mask, and he begins to laugh and says to Coyote:

"I hope you can get rid of him Coyote, tomorrow the golden key will appear."

"I know that already, don´t push yourself okay." Coyote says pointing a gun at El Muerto, he laughs and says:

"I understand; I will leave you to finish your job."

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