
Vol. 4 - Chapter 7: Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the dolls)

Part 1- Inside Uriel's dream.


"AAAAAHHHH" People scream as they run away from the Conquistadores. Uriel is walking as people pass through him like ghosts.

"What is this, a dream?" Uriel ask himself as he continues to walk observing the events and he hears a soldier say:

"General Cortes, encontramos a la que sabe la ubicacion." (Translates: General Cortes, we found the one who knows the location.)

A man in a horse whose face cannot be seen because of the darkness around says: "Excelente traiganla hacia mi." (Translates: Excellent, bring her to me)

Uriel turns around and sees a woman with brown skin , black long hair and brown eyes. She is tied up of her hands and pushed to the ground. Another soldier in horse appears but he had red eyes, another one appears and he has green eyes.

"Caballeros Ella sabe la ubicacion de la ciudad de oro." The General says with a smile (Gentleman, she knows the location of the Golden City)

The two soldiers get off their horse, fire begins to rise higher preventing Uriel to see their faces. The soldiers begin to talk, however Uriel cannot hear as he hears the roar of Quetzalcoatl. He looks behind and in a temple located far away he sees the silhouette of 5 beasts. Uriel looks down and Ahide and Xochitl run towards the woman saying "MAMA" suddenly the General points a gun and fire rises as Uriel screams: "SSSTTTTOOOOPPP!!"

Part 2 – Inside a cabin.

Uriel wakes up and rises up sweating as he thinks to himself: "Was that a dream I had, who were those two soldiers, they look familiar."

"mmm-hmmm" Uriel hears a voice coming below. He looks down and sees Marjorie who is wearing a bra holding his abdomen. Uriel's face turns red as he realizes he is shirtless as well and covered in bandages. It is night outside and he only hears the crickets singing. Marjorie wakes up and says:

"G-G-Good Morning" Marjorie rubs her eyes and yawns. She finally comes to her senses as she sees her and Uriel shirtless and blushes saying:

"U-U-Uriel it's not what it looks like." She turns around embarrassed holding her breasts. Uriel also turns around in order to prevent seeing her.

"M-M-Marjorie what happen to us after the explosion." Uriel says as he sees his bandages. Marjorie lowers her head and begins to explain:

"Well you see, first we fell to the river and got pulled by a water fall.I fell unconscious as well and we arrived in a small island in the middle of a lake. I saw you without breathing so I help-p-ped you"

Uriel turns around and asks: "How?" Majorie turns around embarrassed, touches her lips and says: "Well you know." Uriel realizes that she did CPR and smoke begins to come out of his head and says: "T-T-Thank you."

"Uriel please tell me the truth, why were you wearing that suit, what happen 8 years ago, please tell me." Marjorie says as she looks art Uriel in the eyes holding his hand. Uriel sighs with his eyes close and replies "Okay I will tell you everything." Uriel begins to say:

"8 years ago, when my sister and I arrived at the office we were kidnap by some bad people, we were captive in the cold military base. My family was in danger so I made a deal with "El Charro Negro" and he pass down his powers to me, my dad passed away that night; however it appears they were still looking for us, so we decided to erase our presence from the Borderland for 8 Years. That is when we met in our house and well you know." Uriel explains blushing causing Marjorie to blush as well. He continues to explain:

"I trained to control this power for 8 years by my predecessor in the south part of Mexico. We return to protect people from the person you just saw El Muerto. He released a monster in the Borderland named The Chupacabras." Marjorie remembers what she saw in the news about the disappearances in Rio Grande City. She lowers her head and says:

"I´m sorry, I did not know that things like that happened to you." Uriel holds tighter and says:

"I´m afraid there is something more evil within me Marjorie. I´m afraid I could lose control." Uriel begins to tremble of fear, Marjorie hugs him and says:

"I think you are not evil, in fact you are my hero for saving me." Uriel begins to cry and says:

"Thank you, now I remember why I fell for you." Marjorie opens her eyes with surprise and replies: "I´ll say it once more: I LOVE YOU!" Uriel and Marjorie begin to close their faces about to kiss when suddenly a woman opens the door and says:

" Ahhh young love, it makes me horny."

This causes Uriel and Marjorie to separate looking embarrassed. The old woman gives them a new set of clothes. Marjorie changes into a white dress with flower petals in the edges. She also grabs her hair with a red ribbon. Uriel has a red shirt with the word "Amo Xochimilco" (I love Xochimilco) and his jeans.

"Thank you helping us, but who are you?"

"They call me Bella, I´m the guardian of this Island." The old woman says while she drinks a glass of water. Bella has the appearance of an Old woman. Her skin is brown with wrinkles, she has a little hump on her back, and has only one eye open. She has white hair without brushing.

"MMEEEOOOWW" A small white cat enters the house. She goes with Uriel and begins to rub his body with him wanting to be pet. Uriel begins to pet her causing the cat to smile. Marjorie wants to pet her too, but the cat repels her saying: "HHSSHSHSSSSSS"

"Stop Carla, leave her alone." Bella says to the cat. The cat jumps in the window and lies down. Bella sees Uriel and says:

"Well then, you are El Charro Negro, or should I say Juan´s successor."

"Wait, how do you know that?" Uriel asks her with doubt.

"Well he and I share a long history" Bella begins to laugh.

"Well now you want to know why Quetzalcoatl hates you right." Bella says causing Uriel to stand up and say: "YES PLEASE TELL ME"

Bella smiles and says: "Come with me outside"

Uriel and Marjorie walk outside the house and open their eyes surprised. The tree are covered with beat up dolls hanging in every branch. There are dolls standing in line making a road, there are others in puddles, many of them look beat up. Marjorie grabs Uriel´s arm and says:

"What is this place?"

"WELCOME TO LA ISLA DE LAS MUÑECAS" (ISLAND OF THE DOLLS) Bella says while she extends her arms in the sky.

"Why are we here?" Uriel asks as he begins to sweat of fear.

"Just you wait, it will appear any second now."


Uriel and Marjorie are paralyzed to see a white woman walking down the road with two children holding her hand.

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