
Vol.1 - Chapter 11: Somber news for a bright future.

Part 1- House on Rio del Norte City

Uriel wakes up ad sees the ceiling. A fang is turning in the ceiling giving him some breeze. Uriel stands up from the bed and he feels pain in his body but that doesn´t stop him from getting up.

"Where am I?" Uriel opens the door to see stair ways. He goes down to find out what was going on. He passes near a cross and feels pain in his fore arm. He lifts up his fore arm and sees the mark of the flame. Uriel begins remember everything that happened to them and throws up in the stairs.

"What are you doing mijo, you should be on bed. Now you vomited in the stairs what a mess." Uriel looks up and it was Sister Griselda talking to him.

Sister Griselda was a 60 year old woman with white hair, brown eyes and always wears a white nun uniform with blue stripes in the sides. She has been the guardian of Maria since she was young. Every year they go to the southwest part of Mexico for vacations. She has a house in Rio del Norte as well which is the place that they are now.

"Abuelita Griselda where are we?" Uriel asks her holding her arm tightly.

"You are in my house niño, and you should be on bed now." She responds grabbing his ear as a punishment.

"Where are my sister and my brother?" Uriel asks her and Sister Griselda replies: "They are sleeping next to your room."

"That is a relief." Uriel responds and begins to cough and asks another question:

"Where are my mom and my dad?" Uriel asks in a low tone.

"Well that is complicated, they…."

"You father died Uriel." Maria answers Uriel with a somber face, Uriel gets into his knees and begins to cry. Maria goes to him and hugs him tightly crying as well and says:

"Listen, hijo, I know it is hard but we need to be brave. Your brother and sister are younger so they will suffer more so please stay strong." Maria says with a shivering voice.

(knock, knock, knock)

Someone knocks in the door. Sister Griselda goes to answer it, and she steps back frightened. In the door there was a tall man with brown skin, and a mustache. He is dressed in a black Mariachi suit (a Mexican singer).

"Buenos Dias, Señorita. May I come in?" He asks politely.

Sister Griselda grabs a cross and says: "Atras, Diablo!"

"Hahaha, I´m no devil.Stop fooling around, this is a serious business Sister"

"Come in then, I´ll give you a coffee." Maria says to the man.

They were sitting in the table located in the kitchen.Uriel looks suspiciously to the man as he turns to present himself again:

"My name is Juan De La Trinidad, "El Charro Negro." Juan says to Uriel who did not believe it was real.

"So it was all true yesterday right?" Uriel asks Juan

"Your correct muchacho, it was real." Juan responded to Uriel with a serious face.

Uriel sees in the news paper the headline that said:


Uriel puts a shocking face as he learns that their family was among the casualties that appear in the newspaper list. Juan makes a proposition to Maria and Griselda:

"Look señoras, "they" will begin to move because they know you are not dead so my proposal is to leave the region and go to where Sister Griselda is located. I need to train this boy for the future."

Maria stands up and says: "No, my son is going to have a normal life"

"Hahaha, there is no normal life in this world Maria and you saw it yesterday remember." Juan says to Maria as he leaves her speechless.

"I accept, Diablo, but only with the condition that they will live with me." Sister Griselda tells Juan with a shivering voice.

"Then it is settle, muchacho, you are the next Horseman. Do not worry I made a promise to you father that I will train you and protect you until you are ready." Juan says to Uriel who looks scared. Maria looks down depressed but she knows it is the only option.

"Fine, we will leave this city." Maria says to them as she leaves the kitchen.

"Mr. Juan I need to ask a favor." Uriel asks Juan who he replies:

"Just call me TIO, muchacho, I like the sound of it better, what is it?"

"I need to go pick up something in Sun City. Can you please take me there?" Uriel asks Juan who he nods his head with a sinister smile.

Part 2- Vazquez Residence in Sun City

In the former house of the Vazquez family located in Sun City, Uriel and Juan were searching for something among the rubble.

"Are you sure it is in here muchacho?" Juan asks Uriel who was still searching and he replies:

"Yes tio, it has to be here somewhere." Uriel says it as he continues to search.

"El Charro Negro" knocked everyone in their surroundings unconscious, giving them time to search something that Uriel wanted. The police, the neighbors, and everybody passing were knocked unconscious as well.

"I found it, here it is tio." Uriel says to Juan as he holds up a family picture of them.

"This was the last family picture taken on Christmas, I´m so relieved it is still intact." Uriel says to Juan with tears in his eyes.

"Well shall we go Muchacho?" Juan tells Uriel as they begin to walk away.

"Uriel, please wait." A voice is heard causing shock to Uriel and Juan

When they turn around they are shocked to see a little girl running to them. The girl is Marjorie who had tears in her eyes and screaming Uriel´s name. Uriel turns and asks Juan:

"I thought your spell was supposed to make everyone sleep."

"Well, this is a surprise, she must have a huge amount of manna huh, well say your goodbyes you have 2 minutes." Juan says to Uriel as he turns around and begins to check on the belongings of the people unconscious.

Marjorie hugs Uriel crying and saying: "I thought you died, I was really sad, my future husband was dead."

"Well, technically Uriel Vazquez did die Marjorie I´m sorry." Uriel tells Marjorie as she is clueless of the situation and she replies:

"What are you saying, you don't make sense Uriel."

Uriel explains the situation to Marjorie who begins to cry of sadness as she learns that he is leaving and that her memories will be erased for her safety. Marjorie looks up and kisses Uriel in his mouth and says:

"Well consider this our engagement. Please promise me that we will get marry someday. I will forget about you, but don't forget about me. You now know how much I love you." Marjorie tells Uriel who is blushing and throwing steam out of his ears.

"U-U-U-U-G-G-HH-H-HH" Uriel is speechless and does not know what to say.

He says to her: "You know I was always interested in you. I won't forget about you, you are my future wife after all"

This makes Marjorie really happy, and Juan grabs her head and says:

"Well time´s up, you are really bold. You have my respect señorita" Juan says as he casts the spell on to her directly. She begins to lose conscious and closes her eyes as Uriel says to her "Good bye"

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