
Why can’t people send letters through the post?

Miles away, Shreya was in her office as usual. It was still day time there. Files were piled in front of her on her table as her eyes drooped on their own…

The past two weeks had been crazy. She never left the Sri corp. Even though all the criminal related matters were actually handed over to the special intelligence division complete… she still had to work hard on bringing back balance in the economy.

The stock market had been absolutely erratic in the past few weeks. The fluctuations were off the charts. Most of the time went by just to appease panicked shareholders, clients, and banks.

And her previous estimate of investment needed was off by far…

She knew she just had to ride it out… but it had been a mess.

Even though, personally, for her, there was no real loss… but if the market crashes, the people of the whole nation might suffer. So, she couldn't afford to take that chance no matter what.

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