
Sin Of Envy

Have you ever felt jealous of someone? Of what they had? Envy is a feeling of discontent or resentfulness, longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. All my life I've felt Envy from a lot of people. For always getting what they wanted. Being beautiful in every way. And having the love of the person I love the most or just love at all. For having money or just the opportunity to do what I can't or won't be able to in the future. For maybe having a choice that I didn't have. Or not being prideful enough to make a decision in life. Envy in itself is a form of jealousy. Some people say Envy is the art of counting another's blessings instead of your own. As Josh Gressel once said "To be seeking the envy of another is to be trapped in the same cycle that fuels any addiction: reaching for something outside yourself for something that ultimately needs to come from within." Yeah It is not right to be envious of somebody. After all it's a sin. Some people believe Envy is a characteristic for the wicked, selfish, and greedy people in the world. But in reality not all envious people have a murder intent. Some of them are actually nice and that's exactly why they turned out how they did. Envy is an instigator of evil thoughts making you think of imaginable actions. Envy comes from seeking significance in the world. It is caused by low self-esteem (lack of self-worth). Desire for worldly gain. Seeking money, appearance, status, achievements, or talents that are only of temporally value.

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