

Outside the office.

"Ning? What are you doing here?" Meili inquired.

Waving the blue file at her, Ning answered, "I just stepped out to get this file for grandpa."

"Grandpa is here?" When Ning nodded her head, Meili added, "He called me in the morning and took a few details about today's meeting. I thought he was just randomly asking you know, if I had known that he was really coming, I would've told you earlier."

"So does he do this often? I mean calling you and taking details?" Ning inquired.

Shrugging shoulders, Meili said, "Well not every time, just every now and then." Taking the blue file from Ning hand, she asked, "What file is this?"

"I don't know, it's grandpa's and—"

Cutting her off, Meili said, "Ning it's empty."

She frowned and took the file from Meili's hand. "What? Why would he ask me to get an empty file?"

"I think grandpa is hiding something, I mean, he sounded weird in the morning when I told him about your meeting with Mr Weilong," Meili informed.

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