
The Organization

Age 1991

"So..." Sirius said calmly as he stared at the two men who set in the chairs in front of him. "I believe that you called your little group the Organization?"

They were in his studies now. The Noble had no idea where Reaper was at this moment, but he hoped the skeleton wouldn't show up now. Not during such an important meeting...

In front of him two men set in chairs. They both wore black robes and wooden masks. On had on the mask of a winged Bestia Macht. The other had on the mask of a creature of old. If Sirius wasn't mistaken he believed that creature was called a 'fox?'

The first figure, the one with the fox mask, had a red number 'three' on the front of his robes. The second figure, the one with the creature that did exist, that being a winged Bestia Macht, had the number four on his robes.

Both men were silent as they stared at the Noble in front of them.

"...So..." Sirius said once again breaking the silence. "I believe that I know why you're here." He said casually. "You want me to help fund your little group. Correct?"

"No." The one with the four on his robes said slowly.

"...I'm sorry. Did you say no?" Sirius asked as he frowned.

Number four continued to talk while number three set silently gazing at the man. "We do not wish for you to join our group no longer. That offer is no longer possible."

"Why not!" Sirius yelled standing up. "The amount of work I had to do, to get your group of four into this city!"

"You have destroyed your offer for us to join you, when you allowed such an abomination of God to exist." Four stated.

"...Reaper..." Sirius let out a small growl as he stared at the two men. "So. You know about my little secret?" He questioned. His hand slowly began to inch to his pocket, at a slugs pace so as to not alert the two men. "May I ask how?"

"You may ask, but we will not tell you." Four said simply.

Sirius let out another growl. "So. Your little terrorist organization doesn't like the fact that I have a pet monster?"

"We do not." Four stated. "We serve Jester, who in turn, answers to a higher power. We will destroy anything unfit in this world and clean it up. Our group is grand, with a total if Twelve members counting Kaen, and myself." Four said gesturing to three. Apparently, that man's name was Kaen? "We will bring about a peaceful world, by serving our Lord and doing as the Jester says."

"Right..." Sirius frowned as he stared at the two men. "Well then. Why bother coming here? You are not here to make a deal with me anymore. Why bother showing up at all?" Sirius asked. He had been informed that it was only going to be a simple deal. A chance for him to serve this new group. Of course, now that he has seen just how insane they were part of him was thankful that they no longer wanted to partner with him, or wanted his help. "State your business now or stop wasting my time..." He said slowly still inching over to his pocket.

The two men looked at each other for a moment. Kaen gave a small nod as Four turned back to look at the Noble in front of them.

"We're here to give you a warning..." Four said quietly.

"...A warning?"

"Yes. Get out of our way. Call back your beast, and kill it."

"Ahh." Sirius gave a small frown as his hand reached into the pocket of his coat. The two men seemed to stiffen as the tension in the room grew a hundred times bigger. "And let's say... Let's say that I don't agree to go along with this plan." Sirius gave a small smile as his eyes stared daggers at the two men. "What happens then."

Kaen and Four both shared a look. Kaen placed a hand inside of his robes reaching for a silver weapon. Four did the also reaching for something.

"Well..." Four said quietly. "That would be very, very unwise..."

"Would it now?"



The gunshot echoed throughout the mansion as the fighting began.

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