
The Riskiest Thing In Life

If you let it, this world will take you.

If you do not persevere and take risks to pursue what you want to do and instead, submit to fears and uncertainties, this world will deprive you of your life and decide what to do with you, for you.

It will put you in the passenger seat and find someone or something else more capable of doing the driving.

In life, there is no risk in risking it all to become what you want to be and to do what you want to do.

The only real risk is if you never take it.

Because if you do not face the fears, challenges, and potential setbacks on the path of doing what you want and achieving what you believe in, life will be nothing more than doing things you don't want to do for things you don't believe in.

You will feel sedentary in a life that requires movement.

You will feel helpless in a life that requires a sense of self-control.

You will feel as though you not only failed to reach your true purpose and ideals, but that you failed to even try.

You will feel weak and incomplete, and you will die without knowing what you could have done and who you ultimately could have been.

And with that, you would already be as good as dead long before death arrives.

In the case of striving towards your goals, beliefs, passions, and legacy, what are you really risking by taking risks?

If you are not yet excited or fulfilled by your life, then you essentially have nothing to lose.

Your sense of life is incomplete.

Your sense of purpose is unfulfilled.

You have no rational choice other than to do anything and everything to fill it.

Certainly, finding and filling ones' sense of purpose and passion is no easy task.

It can be painstaking and grueling to find out what that even is, let alone working towards it and achieving success in it.

But without this piece, everything else in life will become poisoned by the toxicity of feeling unfulfilled or inadequate.

Risk it all to make your life what you hope it can be.

To find a sense of meaningfulness and control over how you spend your time and how you impact this world.

To love what you work for and to work for what you love.

Because the upside of taking risks for this is everything and the downside is most likely just where you are now.

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