
Chapter 6: The only people that know

My mouth was hanging open, still processing the fact that….he… kissed…ME! Holy Cow. "Amelia Amy Samantha Smith! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" came the, oh so chirpy voice of my mother.

I dragged my feet downstairs, not wanting to hear what was going to be said. Hell, I was going to tell my parents that I was pregnant today….

Hmmm probably still should. It will get all the nasty talking over. "Amelia", my mother said as I winced at hearing my full name. She pointed to a couch opposite John and Olivia. She stood over me, staring at me with fury in her eyes.

"Now, I don‟t know that I am pleased with what I found this morning. There are a few things that I am not happy about that concern you.

Let‟s start with the fact that I come home to find you with a man about three years older than you in bed. That is completely unacceptable", she said sternly. I tried to say something but she cut me off.

"No, I am talking Amelia. The second thing is that I have heard from a very reliable source that you hardly come home anymore. From now on you will be home by five pm each night. Going out after that will have to be run by your father and me both. You are seventeen, I expected much, much better.

Furthermore, I have heard horrible rumors that have taken your father and me‟s to squish. Somehow a rumor that you were seen buying pregnancy tests has been going around" At that, I froze. How the hell did somebody know? I was so damn careful.

The only people that know I am pregnant are Olivia and John. "Um, mom?" I asked "What Amelia!?" she yelled, "Aren't you at all upset about the amount of trouble you are causing?" "No. I am sorry, please believe me. There is something I kind of need to talk to you about…" I trailed off, not sure how to say the next part.

I looked over at John and Olivia for support. Olivia was looking at me like I was mad, while John was smiling encouragingly. I was going to have to speak to him soon. Things were just a little too weird for me between us.

"Well, what is it? I haven‟t got all day. I already am late for a meeting, so could you please just-" "Pregnant!" I yelled effectively shutting her up. She stared at me then her gaze dropped to my stomach. It had grown over the last two and a half months.

"What? She asked faintly looking very pale. Ok so maybe I shouldn't have yelled it out… seriously that is how I have been telling everyone. John stood up and led my mom to a sofa and sat her down, while Olivia went to get a wet towel and a cup of tea for my mom. "How the bloody hell did you get f**king pregnant?"

she whispered. Not good. My mom never swore. Never. It was going to be a long night. I looked at the bright side. She had not kicked me out of the house. Yet. It had been a whole month since my mom had found out I was pregnant. She went through a lot of adjustment stages…

She started by yelling at me for a while and then proceeded to be so ashamed that she wouldn't go anywhere with me, after that she just freaked out. She started working out money and looking at houses.

I came home after school to find three bags full of stuff to baby proof the house. I even woke up at midnight because I wasn't feeling well to find that she was sitting at the dining table crunching numbers. I had snuck back to bed realizing that my being pregnant was a really big deal to mom. She was having a freak out sessions.

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