
70 - Clash

When Aatrox eliminated the enemy red monster, he ran to the bush, waiting for the enemy Zyre to appear. He didn't have to wait long when his purple body was sighted passing behind the stone that the red monster was standing on. 

Aatrox didn't let him react and quickly jumped on him with his shield, stunning him. While Zyre was stunned, Aatrox threw the spear at him since he was helpless. Before Aatrox could attack any more, the enemy jungler appeared to protect Zyre. 

The enemy jungler had chosen Po, the drunken badernist. When he saw that his team's Zyre was being attacked by the enemy Leonidas, he started running out of the bush and threw the barrel he was carrying at Leonidas to try to make him retreat, but to his surprise, in the fraction of a second that the barrel was in the air, Leonidas with a monstrous reflexes to pull back the shield and use it to defend himself from the barrel.

Zyre and Po were stunned for a short time due to Leonidas' reaction speed. Before the match started, they had seen that he was only Silver Ranking, it did not make sense for him to have such good reflexes... Unless he was on a Smurf.

While you two were thinking that, their reaction got a little slower, just enough for Annie and Kami to arrive. All three used the few seconds they had before the enemy top lane arrived and quickly finished Zyre who was already low on health points because of Aatrox.

Seeing that the numerical advantage that before was with them now had been conquered by the opposing team, Po started to run and signal so that the top laner did not come to the rescue.

Aatrox was with little sister and decided not to pursue Po, while Annie and Kami returned to their respective routes not to lose even more exposed. 

The opposing team was very weak when comparing Aatrox and the enemy jungler. Even if he wasn't using the character Aatrox, he still managed to impact the match much more than Po, leading to their victory.

[Annie is my Man: Very good guys! Even without our mains we still play well.]

[Fire Fairy: Yaay! Let's win this Clash!]

[Shiny Berry: There are still two games left, if we both win, we'll be champions!]

Everyone was very excited to have won the match with relative ease. The second match was like a replay of the first. The team's morale was high when they saw the ranking of the other team, girls were even more confident that they could win the championship easily.

Aatrox had also relaxed a bit, every game the other team had banned Aatrox and Annie, but despite being upset for not being able to play with the character he likes, Aatrox had fun playing Leonidas.

The third match was already the final, the other team had also won from the other two teams and the two were watching the characters that they would play and which they would ban.

When the game started, Annie was complaining that she couldn't play with her character, but when Kami died for a gank everyone got serious and saw that if they didn't pay full attention they could lose.

The way the team was playing this game was different. The enemy jungler always appeared at the most inopportune moment for their team. Either at the exact moment they advanced, or when Aatrox appeared on top of the map, every time the enemy jungler appeared someone from their team died.

[Shiny Berry: I think they're smurfs. Even diamond players don't play that way, at least one player on their team must be a Challenger.]

When the rest of the team heard this, the girls were discouraged, but Aatrox was even more excited. That was the first time he'd ever face someone with such a good ranking. His competitive spirit made a huge leap, from now on he would give his 110% at the start.

Aatrox was killing the aronguejo at the bottom when he saw the enemy jungler trying to ambush Kami on the upper route. Trying to think of the best possible answer to this, Aatrox started the dragon and called the lower route along with the middle route to help him. The numerical advantage was 4x3, with ease they conquered the goal. 

Aatrox began to think about this and saw that many times the match was not just about catching kills or farming, he should learn to abuse enemy positioning to get the most advantages for the team itself.

But even with Aatrox taking some advantages here and there, little by little the enemy team was accumulating more resources. Every time the enemy jungler ambushed their team, he couldn't react or respond. It arrived at a point that the score of slaughters was 34x12 for the enemy team. 

The girls were getting less and less motivated while Aatrox was getting a little stressed. Since he started playing GoA he lost very rarely, but even when he lost, it was hardly ever his fault. But in that game, he could clearly see that he was playing much worse than the jungler of the enemy team. Hearing the discouragement of the girls' voice made Aatrox feel guilty, as if it was his fault that they were losing. Until he read a comment in the live stream chat saying something he hadn't stopped to think about.

[Pandamonium: So you're finally taking a stomp? A lot of players get discouraged, stop playing, break things or even swear at their own team. Are you just one more, or will you turn this frustration into a desire to win? Just because he's Challenger you think you won't get a chance to win against him? We have a main jungler Challenger here in the chat that pointed out several mistakes that the guy made. If he can point out these mistakes, why can't you point them out someday? I hope you don't disappoint me.]

When Aatrox read this message, the discouragement and anger he was feeling became motivation. He had accepted internally that they would probably lose this game, but he wouldn't let the opportunity to play against one of the top 200 server players pass between his fingers.

With a renewed will, Aatrox headed towards the middle route. All the players on the enemy team were missing. He had read a viewer saying in the chat that when the enemy teams are completely gone from the 20 minutes of game, the chance of them being in the Baron was very high. Aatrox decided to make a bet and used his Ultimate Skill to jump into the Baron's lair.

The girls in his team were surprised that he did that, but when he was falling there they saw that the other team's five players were almost eliminating the Baron, they practically accepted the defeat.

Aatrox saw above his HP bar that his Smite would give 1k of real damage to the baron and started to calculate what would be the best time. At this point he started using all the Knight level energy in his eyes, making the iris turn red and Sclera turn black just as it was when he was being dominated by the Decay blade. From the moment he activated the first time by the deep hatred he felt for Travis, now Aatrox was managing to control, even if for a short period of time, his body to return to the Decay form even if temporarily. If anyone else saw him now, they'd think he was a demon, literally.

Using the Decay eye, Aatrox could see all the skills moving as if they were 50% slower, he could see all the enemy projectiles heading towards the Baron. The enemy team trusted their jungler, since he was Challenger, but they didn't count on him playing against a cultivator who once had the Decay constitution.

>>The Baron Has Been Stolen by The Blue Team<<

Hey guys, vote with your power stones, and gave a try to "Sona, a Goddess Queen in a Modern World", she is Angela Young XD

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