
The prodigal daughter returns

Old Railroad Station

The moon had already risen high above the sky, it's crescent shape put Elias at ease. He hadn't had time to worry about the full moon. But as of now believed that not only was he over the hump the rest of his pack was as well. Walking the grass-covered train tracks Elias quickly spotted Gerard Argent. To his left tied up on the ground was Bonnie, her eyes were wide open and her mouth gagged. Taking a step forward Elias immediately stopped seeing Gerard raise his hand.

"I think that'll be close enough," As he spoke men wearing black revealed themselves each with machine guns in hand.

"I understand you're a bit different from regular werewolves, but I'm sure our wolfsbane-laced bullets will at least slow you down. If it truly comes down to that you won't be the person we target though." Gerard smiled as the guns that were pointing at Elias changed to Bonnie.

"I get it, now tell me what you want."

"Originally I wanted your sister to do a spell for me, that was before I met the other witch. It was through her that I learned that witches aren't that useful. They can't cure the thing that ails me."

"You're dying? Is that why you're doing this?"

"Yeah I'm dying, but you see I'd rather not. Which is why I have your sister, you're gonna turn me. In return, I'll release your sister."

Elias held back his laughter as he looked at Gerard, "My father once mentioned the Argents. He found you guys to be foolish in believing that you can take on the supernatural world."

"Well, sometimes it's the fools that truly see things as they are," Gerard commented.

"Yeah but he also admired your family because of your code. Chris told him that if one of you turned you'd end your own life because that was better than becoming the very monster you hunt. But here you are asking me to turn you. You want the Bite, come over here I'll give it to you." Elias could care less, he only wanted Bonnie safe.

"I don't think you understand, I don't want the bite. No, I want your blood."

"Vampire it is," Elias took a bite of his wrist allowing his blood to flow. "You have a cup or something?"

"You're smart for your age," taking a knee Gerard reached into a black bag pulling out a mug. "You guys keep your guns trained on the girl, if he makes any sudden moves Kill her." He then slowly made his way to Elias placing the cup under his bleeding wrist.

"So what's killing you? Cancer, brain aneurysm, or is it simply old age?" Elias cracked a smile as he asked.

"Cancer," Gerard commented never taking his eyes off the cup. Once it was full enough, he raised it to his mouth chugging it.

"I guess karma does exist, how many families have you hunted? I'm sure Derek's family isn't the only one you burned to a crisp."

"What's next?" Gerard asked once he finished drinking the blood. He had no interest in entertaining the talk of his morality.

Behind one of the trains, Kate slowly climbed a ladder, strapped to her shoulder was a black machine gun. Once atop the train, she moved slowly towards the front of it. Looking in front of her she locked eyes with Elias as he cracked a smile, in front of him was her father. It was the first time since her eyes had been opened that she saw him for the hypocrite he truly was. She could easily hear their conversation with her super hearing. He didn't care for the code he never had, he only cared for himself and his own goals.

Reaching behind her she removed the machine gun from its strap taking aim at the three men surrounding the girl. They barely had time to react when her gun went off killing two in an instant. She rolled to the side falling to the ground immediately taking aim and killing the last one.

"Now you die," Elias said, raising his hands, and snapping Gerard's neck. his lifeless body fell to the side crashing into the rocky grass-covered ground. Elias ignored his falling body disappearing in a blur of speed.


The rope fell to the ground as Elias destroyed Bonnie's restraints. Hearing Kate's footsteps he shielded Bonnie's body as he turned to look at her.

"You can relax your uncle sent me, compulsion and all that." Kate turned to look at her father's gun still in hand. "Will he wake up a vampire?"

"No he'll wake up still human," Elias turned back to bonnie reaching up to her face to remove the gag.

"Thanks," she then spat out the pieces of rope still in her mouth.

"He'll have 24 hours to drink human blood, once he does he'll become a vampire. Judging from your interference you don't want that to happen do you?"

"No, but I'll take him off your hands. I think it's time for a little daddy-daughter talk. I think he owes me that much at least." Kate dropped her gun-walking over to Gerard. She smiled condescendingly before dragging him away by his ankle.

"You're just gonna let him take her?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah I get the feeling he won't be living for another 24 hours, and we have other things to deal with. I'm sorry your vacation turned out like this."

"Are you joking? I asked for this and besides getting kidnapped I've enjoyed every moment of this."

Elias wasn't sure if Bonnie was being truthful but he decided to trust the smile on her face. It had been a difficult thing to learn as a child, but now he was better at it. He could tell if someone was lying he could hear it all but sometimes it was simply best not to listen.

"How's Lydia?" Bonnie asked, looking up at her brother.

"She's missing, Derek too. I'm gonna need your help to find them," Bonnie nodded in response and Elias looked down at his phone. It was currently nine in the afternoon.


Elias wasn't surprised as a message from Stiles appeared.

[Can't find Scott, any ideas?]

Looking away from his Phone Elias looked at the sky. The crescent moon illuminated the sky giving him an idea.

[Yeah I think I do]

"I'll drop you off at the house, put up a boundary spell if you have to, We can't have you getting kidnapped again."

Elias and Bonnie entered the Mikaelson Manor, Bonnie was quite surprised by the look of the place. Elias watched as she gripped her head no doubt remembering the experience.

Jackson was still unconscious, Elias wasn't sure when he'd wake up, by his still-beating heart he was sure he was alive. He didn't know what consequences killing matt would have on Jackson. He hoped for Lydia's sake it wasn't fatal, but as of now, he seemed fine.

"I'll be back later, don't worry about the place for now we'll clean it all up later."


"Bonnie," Elias called out, getting her attention. "Stay safe."

"You too little bro."

Vamp speeding away Elias stopped in the woods looking up at the moon his eyes shifted to a bloody shade of red. He began to remove his clothes as fast as he could. Once naked he took in a deep breath before his canines elongated, a snarl escaped his mouth as his bones began to crack. The shift was fast but just as painful as the first.


He fell to the ground as he began to grow in size midnight dark hair began to cover his body only this time it was sprinkled with bits of gray. Once in his Lycan Form Elias looked up at the moon letting out a huff. From his mouth, he released an earth-shattering howl more akin to a roar.


Across Beacon Hills Elias' call could be heard by every supernatural being in the town. Stiles, who was standing in front of Scott's car, froze as his eyes glowed gold. He felt his body being filled with power, in the car's door mirror one could see specks of red appear within Stiles' eyes.

At Derek's loft, the three new betas fell to their knees upon hearing Elias' roar. Complete suppression, making one of them understand why Derek listened to Elias' orders. The other two felt something else, fear maybe?

"What the hell was that?" Erica asked using the wall to balance her shaking legs.

Right below Beacon Hills High, Lydia and Derek shot up from their unconscious states. Derek's eyes glowed red as he looked down at his restraints.

"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jennifer's voice filtered through the vault drawing their attention. "The wolfsbane on those chains may just enter your body if you move too much. Wouldn't want that now would we?"

"Jennifer? Peter's dead, why are you doing this?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She works for Peter?" Lydia asked confused. "Why'd you kidnap me?"

"Because If Peter's to come back to life I'll need the both of you," Jennifer smiled suspiciously as she said that.

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