

Beacon Hills Highschool

"Why are we here?" Elias turned to his father surprised that they had arrived at a school.

"We're gonna be here for a while, and I can't very well allow you to remain out of school, while we're here. According to your current looks, you would stick out like a sore thumb if I sent you anywhere else. This school will do for now and don't worry Sheila is aware you won't be returning for some time."

Elias nodded he could already tell there was a lot of things to discover in Beacon Hills and although he wished for nothing more than to return to his Grams, he had a feeling he was right where he should be.

They quickly entered the high school immediately heading toward the principal's office. As they entered the door the principal smiled standing up to shake Elijah's hand.

"it's nice to meet you Mr.Michaelson, after your phone call I took care of all of the paperwork. You must be Elias," The principal turned to Elias with a smile. "Welcome to Beacon Hills Highschool."

Elias thanked him before sending his father a questioning glance, he was wondering when he found the chance to compel the principal.

"Come I'll show you both around it's not every day we get such a donator to appear in our school, I can only promise you your son will be provided with the best knowledge we can give."

Elijah nodded and Elias finally understood compulsion wasn't the only way to get someone to do what you wanted money has such an effect on people.

After showing them everything from the lunchroom to the boiler room they finally made their way outside.

"At other schools, they focus on Football and Basketball but here at Beacon we play Lacrosse." The principal said as he led the way to the Lacrosse field. They stopped next to the bleachers quickly drawing the attention of the students around.

Lydia and Allison were currently sitting on the bleachers waiting on the Lacrosse tryouts to begin. Lydia quickly noticed the principal standing next to a handsome man in suit and tie. Though what truly drew her attention was the teenager standing next to them. He was biracial, skin conplexion similar to J Cole, the thing that caught Lydia's attention was his adonness like aesthetics.

"Who is that?" Allison asked shaking Lydia from her thoughts.

"I don't know but he's hot," Lydia smirked looking at Elias, She was already comparing him to Jackson and Sadly Jackson was losing in every category. " The principles a money Gruber and since he's personally showing them around it means they're rich, this is gonna be interesting."

Allison frowned looking at Lydia thinking she was smarter than sheer let on.

Elias could hear that whole conversation asked her could care less. He was more interested in the two boys on the Lacrosse field. He wasn't that only one that recognized them Elijah did as well he focused his attention on his son.

Eyeing Scott and Stiles Elias's heart started to beat faster he felt the need to confront them.

They both quickly turned to Elias they could feel something like he was different, how different they couldn't tell.

It didn't take long for tryouts, to begin with, Scott as goalie and Stiles on the sidelines. A whistle blew while the regular humans and Elijah were fine, both Scott and Stiles cringed while Elias frowned. Newly turned werewolves struggled with their enhanced senses, but Elijah's senses were like a speaker turned all the way up with no way to turn it off.

Stiles was on the bench when he held his ears but Scott was at the goal and the moment he was distracted a ball struck his face mask. He fell on his back to the laughter of everyone.

"What was that Mcall again." Coach although internally he was laughing like a schoolgirl, his team needed confidence and Scott was the perfect target practice.

Stiles grit his teeth as the sound of laughter, Elias stood next to his father as his breathing grew heavy. His inner wolf was the crowd's laughter was directed towards Scott yet he felt as if it was him they were disrespecting. In that moment taking the lives of everyone who laughed felt so easy, like they didn't matter his honor did.

He froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see his father looking at him with a pensive gaze. "Breath my son." Elias listened to his father taking deep breaths his breathing soon returned to normal and he felt in control of himself again. "Thanks," Elias breathed out.

"I wouldn't mind you taking your anger out on these humans, but it has to be your decision, you're not a mindless beast who uses only his instincts." Elias nodded listening to his father before his attention returned to the lacrosse Scott was currently catching every ball that came his way, his movements were too agile to be pulled off by a regular human.

Soon another teen stepped up the aura he gave off screamed team captain, though he didn't' seem to like Scott.

"Oh God," Elias heard Scott mutter under his breath as Jackson took a running start, in basketball this would be the equivalent of someone getting ready to dunk on someone right under the basket. He launched the ball but Scott nearly blinked as everything slowed down the ball seemed to be flowing in slow mothing raising his Lacrosse stick catching the ball seemed like the easiest thing in the world.

"Yes!" Stiles said as he got up and started to cheer for Scott's success.

"Whoo! That's my best friend!" he loudly pointed out.

Elias felt a bit of pride seep into his bones, he didn't what it meant yet but both Stiles and Scott are a part of his pack, a bond as deep as family when nourished correctly.

Scott stood there in a daze, Jackson's the best Lacrosse player in the school and he defended him like it was nothing. He was truly astonished at what he had just pulled off, Even Lydia and Allison started to cheer for him furthering his excitement. Scott then threw the ball to the assistant coach like a pro it landed in his net without him having to adjust his stick.

"Alright! Settle down!" Coach said as he came forward. "A good start but we're not done yet, McCall, why don't you park it for now," He said pointing to the bench.

"Mehealani, you're up."

Scott left the net for Danny to take over, Danny was the usual Goalie. Scott walked towards the benches removing his helmet he quickly raised his hand receiving a high five from Stiles.

"That was awesome!" Stiles praised.

"Thanks!" Scott breathed out.

"Next line!" Coach yelled. "Move your asses!"

"I'm up," Stiles said.

"Good luck man," Scott breathed out as he took his seat letting the euphoria from being out there start to ebb away. He felt eyes watching him and looked over to Allison and saw that she immediately looked away. He wanted to smirk but he felt she wasn't the only one keeping an eye on him.

He turned towards the principal standing next to him was a kid of mixed race with long curly hair, their eyes met and Scott felt something like kinship. A staring contest commenced and it wasn't long before Scott was forced to look away.

Elias flashed a smile towards Scott before turning to look at Stiles the other teen he had bitten.

Stiles was completely unaware of what was going on on the sidelines he knew the real reason Coach had put Scott as the goalie. He wanted the guys to have a bit of confidence and the best way to do that was to score a couple of goals. Seeing that Scott was defending even the best players he figured it was best he let Danny take over at least the guys wouldn't feel resentment for being shutout by a total loser.

One by one, his fellow second and third stringers shot the ball for the goal but Danny stopped each and every one of them, everyone cheered as he did. Stiles loosened his grip on his lacrosse stick, relaxing his muscles, he could barely feel the tingle from the bite on his arm.

When it was his turn, he took his stance and went for the goal. As he moved he could swear that he heard a lot of echoed breathing. His sight ahead of him seemed magnified and a spot at the net seemed to be magnified to his focus. Things seemed to slow down for Stiles in that instance, as he felt completely in control of his body and the stick felt as if it was only an extension of his arm.

The ball shot from his arm like a missile, Danny barely had time to react as he did his best to defend he immediately noticed where the ball was heading. Strikers usually worked hard to achieve a certain skill, only the greatest strikers had the ability to hit the sweet spots of the goals. Sweet spots were the places hardest to defend and inadvertently stiles shot for the top left corner a sweet spot.

Stiles paused looking from his lacrosse stick to the goal, Danny sighed before looking to Stiles and flashing him a friendly smile. Stiles focused on the ball seeing that he wasn't imagining it and the ball had actually entered the net, He jumped raising his lacrosse stick. "Yes."

Stiles turned to Scott sitting on the bench pointing his Lacrosse stick at him he couldn't help but smile. Scott stood from the bench clapping, "Yeah! Stiles, whoo!"

Stiles looked around seeing everyone clapping he paused on Lydia who was politely smiling and clapping for him.

All stiles wanted to do now was drop-down in bliss, he could die right now and be happy, maybe now Lydia would notice him.

Stiles's gaze shifted quickly as his eyes stopped on the man wearing a suit standing next to the principal. Their gazes clashed and stiles felt fear fill his body as he involuntarily shivered, he jumped as a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Scott was surprised seeing Stiles scare so easily.

"Nothing," Stiles said as he looked at the receding back of the scariest man he had ever seen in his life.

Some people are gonna think the MC is just gonna follow Scott and Stiles around but I promise that won't be the case. You'll see sure this is beacon hills but there's something bigger at play here.

MrGodlyGod01creators' thoughts
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