
Guan family talent of creating opportunity and achieve our goals.

After Christmas day, the Guan family went to Italy as madam Guan wish and spend their new year in a beautiful little village there.

As peaceful as the lively little family in Italy, they still have to head back to capital since there are some issues they must face.

Guan family has been in the business world for so many years, they have gone through so many crises and trouble to get where they are today. Standing as one of the biggest companies in the C nation, there are lots of sacrifices the Guan family has made.

But no matter how big and strong the company is, there will be still a bigger challenge they must face. As the world getting more and more advance added with the influence of globalization, a big company like Guan and Wang must face another opponent in their businesses.

Simply said, although they still look big and strong, the static and number show great setbacks in sales and achievements.

2 years ago, a new company called Locason has entered China's economic market, ranks fifth with a period of time a year. The Locason itself is a famous company based in New York, US.

"Guan Xian, it's been a year and we can't manage to get even a glimpse of information of Locason owner, now he suddenly wanted to show up isn't it suspicious?" Ji Cun Xi, write the list of guest on his hand, his gaze locked on one name on the VVIP list.

"What so suspicious about it?" Guan Xian tilted his head from the computer screen and demand an explanation from Ji Cun Xi. His family Guan Group is not worthy of that Locason owner?

Ji Cun Xi swiftly shake his head and proceed to explain, "Aiya, of course, is suspicious, he had hidden so well these 2 years that even Wang Kai can't get any information about him, now he wants to show up, why did he choose a charity event arranged by Xiao Ni?"

Guan Xian raised his eyebrow before he went back to his job, answering Cun Xi nonchalantly, "What's wrong with the event arranged with Xiao Ni? I've read her proposal, it's quite good and innovative. She even manages to invite Fu Qian Long for the gala dinner."

Ji Cun Xi make a horrific face and answer with a little fury, "Good for you! I just know what that demon has planned when I read a friendly sports competition on the invitation card."

Guan Xian grinned, slender finger took his coffee cup and slurp some from it, send a meaningful look at Ji Cun Xi, he responded. "That is my friend, our Guan family talent of creating opportunity and achieve our goals."

Ji Cun Xi lips twitch as he sneers at Guan Xian, "Right, right, no wonder Guan family is very rich~" His finger tapped on Guan Xian's desk as he thinks how brilliant the little devil idea is, he sighed.

This time, Xiao Ni really will rob from a rich man. He wonders who will be the luckiest.

"Hah, I better go to the bowling center and replenish my skill! I'll make sure my opponents donates more than 100 millions!" Ji Cun Xi put his hand in his pocket before he bid goodbye to Guan Xian.

"Eh! don't forget to take that guy." Guan Xian said with an unwilling tone but cared face. Ji Cun Xi turns back and looks at Guan Xian weirdly, "You.. you.." he nodded his head a few times as he said you.

Guan Xian lifted up his head, "You what you? If I don't let him come, Xiao Ni will personally bring him too."

Ji Cun Xi makes a 'Cey!' face and nods his head at the end, "Alright, just make sure you tell wang kai about it." he winked before Guan Xian left alone on his office.

Talking about Xiao Ni, that girl is still in Italy, lengthen her vacation alone. Guan Xian took his idle phone and call his little sister to check up on her.

"The number you are trying to reach is unreachable, please try a few moments."

He closes the call and tried again,

"The number you are trying to reach is unreachable, please try a few moments."

He closes the call and tried again,

"The number you are trying to reach is unreachable, please try a few moments." This time Guan Xian frowns and left a message instead.

Guan Xiao Ni, on the other hand, is switching off her phone that has ringed from the morning till now. No need to ask, since she arrived in Italy and enjoying her vacation, her ungrateful ex has been calling her nonstop.

She finds it funny how they switching their roles now.

Placing her power off the phone inside her bag, Xiao Ni smiles enthusiastically at the grandma beside her, "Grandma, your pasta is very delicious, no one can compare!"

Food a, has always been her weakness. She who never walk more than 2 kilometers, go as far as walking more than 10 miles to follow Xavier's grandmother's making pasta from the starch.

"If you like it that much, then why don't you move here, you can eat grandma pasta every day." both of Xiao Ni and the 80 years old grandmother look at the man at the door.

"Xavier!" Xiao Ni cheer and run to hug him. Xavier too tightens his hug on Xiao Ni before he ruffles her hair. "You didn't grow at all... what do you even eat there."

Xiao Ni free herself from that man embrace and scold him, "I eat many things, it's not my fault I can't grow any taller."

Xavier put his serious face, rubbing his own chin, he said to Xiao Ni something to tease her again. "Maybe it's because you pick a fight with people, you make them angry so that they pray that you will never grow taller again."

Xiao Ni punches Xavier's arms to reply to his nonsense words before she ignores him and back to Annita, Xavier's grandma. "Alright don't fight again, Xavier why you always tease Stephanie?"

"Nonni, it's her face, her face makes me want to tease her every time I see her." Xavier holds his smile when he saw Xiao Ni has gesturing that she wanted to kill him.

"You two silly children have too much energy, go pick some tomatoes on the garden," Annita said with clearly fake anger because there is a gentle smile at the end.

"Alright~ nonni wait for my most delicious tomatoes!" Xiao Ni picks up a fruit basket and head to the garden. Xavier who already stood on the door with his expensive suit make a gentleman gesture and let her walk past him.

Before he closes the door, he saw Annita winked at him. Understanding the deep meaning from his Nonni's wink, Xavier playfully raises his hand to form an Ok sign.

After a short secret conversation with Annita, Xavier with his big step easily catching up with Xiao Ni who is happily humming a song. Noticing Xavier's presence beside her, Xiao Ni smiles.

"Let me guess, Jay Chou's song?" he said as his grey eyes looking forward to the big garden of the North's family. Xiao Ni nods her head proudly before she said, "Yep, always."

When they reach the garden, Xiao Ni happily plucks a random tomato and wipe it with her clothes. Xavier silently watches Xiao Ni's action and moves his hand to pluck one too.

"Choose the red one, it's more sweet," Xavier said while he brushes the dirtied tomatoes with his expensive Armani suit. He says it because he had watch Xiao Ni always picking up tomatoes with slightly yellow or green on its skin.

"I like it slightly sour." Xiao Ni said not paying attention to Xavier who had to stop wiping his tomatoes. She nonchalantly bites the tomatoes she had to choose with one hand and pluck a very red tomato with another hand.

Xavier smiles wryly and put the tomatoes on his hand to the basket Xiao Ni's hold. As he watches Xiao Ni finish her tomatoes with 5 bites, he can't hold his smile anymore.

"Coming here... didn't you afraid your father will ground you?" Xavier stood tall before Xiao Ni, preventing the sun from irradiate Xiao Ni directly.

Xiao Ni looks up to the Xavier, who had a similarly strong body build like Wang Kai. His elegant movement like nobleman also remained her to that dodge bag.

Shit, why did she think about that man at this time? blame him for being too stubborn, staying on her head all day long.

Xiao Ni quickly swift her attention to the tomatoes and answer Xavier's question, "Nah, as long as my mom is with him, he is tamed."

Xavier chuckle when she heard Xiao Ni's answer and pick up another tomato. "Then what about you, what happens to you and your brother Wang?" he asked with a teasing tone.

Xiao Ni widens her eyes and looks up, "what the hell, am I that famous, even you know?" Xiao Ni pout and Xiao Ni pluck carelessly.

Xavier notices her moody mood and laugh, "What happens to your prince charming~~?" he was no stranger to the dream man of Xiao Ni. That girl always blabbering about him nonstop when they were a child.

"brother Wang can this..."

"brother Wang can that.."

"Brother Wang can do it better..."

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang, Brother Wang,"

every time she said something she always mentions brother Wang on her sentence.

"Tsk, I come here because I run from the reality okay, stop mentioning about him." Xiao Ni eat the tomatoes she chooses again before she asks Xavier again, "What about you and Celia, how old is your girl again?"

Xavier stunned for a moment, his former playful eyes filled with sadness before he answers apathetically, "We're divorced, my Siena is 4 years old now."

Xiao Ni bite her tongue, bad Xiao Ni! bad Xiao Ni! look, you make the poor guy remember his divorce again. Xavier notice Xiao Ni's conflicted eyes when he didn't hear Xiao Ni's question again.

"It's okay, I have my pretty Siena at home, she will be happy when she met you later." Xavier's gaze turns soft when he mentions about Siena.

Xiao Ni raised the corner of her lips and nod her head, "Then what are you waiting for, quick work and then let's play with Siena!"

*** Bonus***

On the other continent, Wang Kai who can't reach Xiao Ni almost gone crazy.

"Boss, the satellite show Guan's family manor's address." Han Li holds his breath while he informs his boss.

Wang Kai said nothing, but his gaze turns frosty. Han Li swallow his own saliva out of fears.

Miss Xiao Ni must have taken off the necklace from boss Wang after they broke up, that is why the location showed the Guan manor instead. Hah, even buying a satellite to track down miss Xiao Ni is useless. Miss Xiao Ni is really boss Wang nemesis!

"Do we have a schedule in Italy?" Wang Kai had his serious working face stare at Han Li. Han Li quickly open his tab and check Wang Kai's working schedule.

"We have, but it's next year's plan." In another word, he had no working schedule in Italy and no reason to fly and check at Xiao Ni. Wang Kai nods his head and had his pen against the desk again, creating a rhythmical sound.

"Prepare my jet to Italy."

"Ah?..." Han Li was stunned. Clearing his throat, Wang Kai glared at Han Li and explains, "We need a new suit for Xiao Ni's Gala night." he acts like he didn't care.

Han Li nodded his head frantically before he repeats Wang Kai word to kiss his ass, "Right, that is so unprofessional of me, Sorry boss I forgot your suit."

"En." Han Li quickly move to arrange Wang Kai's private jet, 3 steps from the door, Wang Kai stop him again.

"That.. how do you coax your ex-girlfriend?"


Xiao Ni: "If you read this from website other then Webnovel, please close it and read at webnovel to support our author, it's still free^^ Thank you"

2000 words, so damn tired~~~

dear my lovely reader, cheer me up with your comments, hehehe

Snatcreators' thoughts
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