

>Aster Greengrass POV<

"*Enigma, the only word that can describe Ronald Weasley. One year, that he's been coming to My home, tutoring My daughter, yet what have I learned about him? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, at first I thought that he was a talented kid from a poor background. Someone I could seduce with money and power, to become one of my pawns.*"

"*That quickly changed when I happened to observe him teaching Daphne. He was teaching her about the effects of different potions, but what caught my attention was the fact that he perfectly recited several of them off the top of his head. Curious I went to my library and looked up the potions he spoke about and his explanation matched perfectly with the books.*"

"*That of course wasn't anything extraordinary, so I simply wrote it off as him having memorized that excerpt. Things went back to normal soon enough and I forgot about it, until a few months later I noticed that the boy's hair was slowly turning darker, his freckles left his face and soon enough he looked like a totally different person. Again I ignored it since there were many potions that had that exact effect, until one morning I woke up to a strange girl in my home.*"

"*I thought that she must've been one of my daughter's friends, yet when she called me father i couldn't believe it. The girl that i hadn't recognised was my daughter Daphne, that's when she told me that her new look was thanks to Ron's birthday gift. A gift that she'd had for months now, and it changed her completely, her hair became silkier and her skin was practically glowing. . That afternoon when Ron came to tutor her I asked him about the potion, he told me that it was something he'd made. To think that a ten year old managed to create such a miraculous Potion, I of course wanted to buy the recipe but the boy wouldn't budge.*"

"*The days went by again and soon he came to me, at first I thought it was about selling me the Potion recipe. I was wrong, he came to inform me that he wouldn't be able to come tutor Daphne for a couple of weeks because he was going to America. I didn't think much about it and thanked him for telling me about it ahead of time. Three weeks ago I see a shocking headline in the Daily Prophet: Young British Wizard Wins International Potion Brewing Competition (Under 12), continuing to read, it stated that he won due to his Beautification Potion. I didn't know how to feel about it, should I be annoyed that he downplayed his absence or angry that I didn't notice his genius before?*"

"*When he returned a few days ago I made him an offer to pay for his education at any Wizarding School that he wanted as long as he signed a contract to come work after he graduated. Trying to sweeten the deal I also proposed an arranged marriage with Daphne, he told me he was going to talk to his parents about it and give me an answer today.*"


>Ron's POV<

"*How stupid can you be? After I purposely used my Beautification Potion on myself to stand out, I reminded Daphne to take hers. I knew that Aster was going to dismiss my transformation, but not his daughter's, then I refused to sell him the recipe. That made him more interested in me, which was the perfect time to shine in a bigger stage. That worked since when I came back he offered me a full ride to any Wizarding School and his daughter, just so I would work under him.*"

"*Little does he know that I've got enough money to attend to any school of my choosing. I told him I'd think about it and made him wait a week for my answer, which is no. Why would I want to be tied down, the only reason I did any of that was to make him and the other Purebloods take notice of a new rising star. Now I'll kindly reject his proposal and instead offer to work for him during the breaks. That'll give me the chance to learn more about the politics of the Wizarding World, and make connections with the other Pureblood families.*"


The house elf escorting Ron opened an ornate wooden door, and when he entered he was in a lavish office with everything seeming to be coated in gold. In the middle of the room was a grand desk with several magical artifacts, and behind it sat Aster Greengrass. Even when sitting he towered over Ron, noticing that his guest had arrived Aster woke up from deep thought and welcomed him.

"Ah, Ron please have a seat. I'm glad you came to see me."

"*You called for me...*"

"Thank you, Mr. Greengrass. I'd like to-"

"What are you waiting for serve the tea!"

Before Ron could finish Aster ordered the house elf to serve tea. That annoyed Ron who wanted to finish with this farce, but his face never showed any displeasure.

"Please continue."

"I'm sorry Mr. Greengrass, but I can't accept your deal..."

Hearing his words Aster's face fell, he thought that the deal he'd offered him was more than fair. He was even willing to bring him into his home and possibly be the next house master, but Ron's next words brought him hope.

"... Because I'm far too young for anything close to that, but I know that you've helped me a lot and would like to learn from you during the summer and winter breaks."

"That's more than acceptable, as for the other matters we can talk about those when you're older."

They both shook hands and agreed to this compromise, Ron then excused himself and returned with Daphne. While Aster was brimming with joy that he got such a promising Wizard to join him, what they both didn't know was that they had the same thought as they departed.

"*As soon as he loses his usefulness, I'll get rid of him.*"

Chapter Breakdown.

1.Wanted to explain what happened during the year I skipped.

2. Ron changed his hair, it's darker now. wanted the MC. to be his own man.


AnonAuthorcreators' thoughts
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