
Cap7: Misunderstanding

After finishing the snack I go out to practice fencing, after a while of practice I can think of doing some shuriken or kunai that are on my wrist, which I could use with magic to throw it or manually.

They are like a combination of movies and magic so I buy the items in the store.

The store always has everything I need, it has too many things that I don't even know it takes more years to see what else they have, so I only buy it by telling the system the names or utility and the system tells me the price and I buy them.

After a while I have finished it, they are like kunai that I can take it out of a wristband, and then I can throw it and with magic, I can move them.

The material is very resistant, I could cut a sword if I wanted more the magic of strengthening in the Kunai and I could cut almost everything.

I can use it for long distances and it cuts very conveniently and more effectively than using a flashy spell like the fireball or other spells.

In a tree, I make a mark and I start to try to throw it and control it with magic it seems that I have psychic powers but it is magic.

Well at first I didn't hit the mark but in a very short time, I threw them in a very professional way that was after an hour of practice.

By doing this I have another idea of ​​making my sword a flying sword, but I leave it for the moment, although I can move it with my magic, it will be better to do it with much better materials, they are later.

Thought about that I decide to practice a flying spell, it is something that humanity wanted but I am no longer a human so I think I can do it, well a human wizard can fly if he uses magic.

It would be something like doing my flying kunai but only in me, before doing so I read flight methods in the store and practice it.

"Ah I'm floating" I'm practicing I'm just a few inches off the ground but I'm excited just after a while I could move well and decide to go down and go in a further part so that the maids don't see me and I use a spell so they can't see what happens in the area in which I am.

"Now" and all finished I begin to fly a few meters, It is like swimming I think as I move in the air.

This is very relaxing if it wasn't for concentrating not to fall but I read that when you get used to it it will be like doing it unconsciously.

For now, I will practice for a few hours, after practicing I have become accustomed not to the unconscious stage but it is much better than when I started.

I should also practice my shots with kunai, it's a bit more complicated but I'm getting used to it.

I just need a lot of practice and that is what I am going to do, I keep practicing flying and throwing the kunai and moving it in the air giving it the objectives that would be impossible to give.

My shots are with curves moving it I just put obstacles to see if I can pass it, it takes a little while but I'm getting used to it.

Look at the sky and it is getting dark so I leave it, it will be time for dinner so I return to the house.

I see Sofia telling Emma and Sara that they are responsible for the kitchen must be telling her what she will do today for dinner, seeing my look Sofia comes like this to me.

"Young Master dinner will be in a be ready in a while" Sofia

"Sure Sofia" Sam

I talk a little more with her and then she goes to the kitchen where Emma and Sara went when I started talking to Sofia.

Alice must be tidying the rooms and Aurora must be in the garden well that was more or less her homework according to Sofia.

So I will see how Alice is doing, after looking for a while I find him in a clean and tidy room.

"I see that you are doing well. Alice saw some rooms recently and they were very neat and clean.

"I only do my job Young Master" Alice

"You're doing well. I came to tell you that dinner will be in a little while" Sam

"Thank you, young Master, but you don't need to let me know" Alice

He says with a slightly flushed face, I wonder what he thought good leaving that thought.

"Ok Alice"

We talked a little more until I say goodbye now I should go see how this Aurora is, she should be in the garden.

I walk to the garden where I see a good view of Aurora I must say that it is very beautiful.

Noticing that someone came Aurora turns around, seeing that it was Sam blushes, "young Master needs something," she says

"I didn't just want to see you" Sam

She blushes before my words, "I also came to warn you that dinner will be in a little while," I say, she looks excited but a little dejected when I said it was to let her know.

"We should bathe, been exercising a lot and you were tidying up the garden, you have some dirt on your clothes and on your face" Sam

She knows a lot more blushing, she knows very pretty like that too, we talked for a while before I went to bathe.

I must say that this is very nice to be with very beautiful girls and that takes into account everything I say.

I went to the bathroom where I started to take off my clothes, the bathroom is very modern I should say it has some ways for the water source to be hot but I only use heating magic instead of waiting for the water to heat up.

First I am going to wash with soap before entering the water, but just then I found something unexpected.

And is that the bathroom door opened and Aurora entered completely naked with a flushed face.

Well, he had underwear and covered his breasts with his hand although he left several exposed places unconscious, he had a small towel to wash himself with his hand, his light skin was seen with a slender silhouette and with flexible hips he was very beautiful.

"Aurora, what are you doing here?" I ask with a slightly flushed face.

"I came to help you bathe young Master," says Aurora with a red face.

I was going to say it is not necessary but thinking about it, why not use this misunderstanding, I think it was my fault since I had told him in the garden that we needed to bathe.

"Since you came you can wash my back," I say that as I turn around, I don't want to cause more misunderstanding even though it caused something good.

Aurora after turning me comes to wash my back, this is somehow get excited my heart does not stop beating.

Being his soft hand touching my back, his hands are not bad because he wears gloves in gardening.

Then I start washing my back with the soap and towel I had after a while of washing, I tell him that it is enough.

When I was writing I had another idea but in the end it was this, how do you think the story is going, slow?


What will happen in the next chapter? what do you think

Kira_Shinigamicreators' thoughts
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