
Acting 101 with Yami -sensei

I then opened my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is a female medical ninja is cheking on me and says. "Call Sakumo -sama."

When I woke up and then as soon as I do so, the medical ninja says. " Please stay down, Hatake -sama will come ask about the ditails and how you got injured. By the way your dog refused to leave your side."

Then she seemed a little sad and regretful as she said. "Your torso might feel a little numb from the wound I am sorry but we couldn't heal it to leave no scar."

I looked at my bandaged torso and look around and act like I am confused. So I jusy ask with a hoarse voice. "Where am I."

The medical ninja softly answered. "You are in the hospital."

Then I widen my eyes and act shocked cover my eyes with my hand and start crying. Damn this used to be easier when I was yunger, I just screamed full of despair as I said. "DAMN IT I WAS TOO WEAK. TO WEAK TO EVEN PROTECT THOSE I CARE ABOUT. WHY THE HELL DID I EVEN BECOME A NINJA IF I CAN'T PROTECT THOSE I LOVE."

"It was not your fault. A child shouldn't take responsibility for the actions of an adult." I then look at who said that and see it was Sakumo. He then looks at the medic nin and tells her to leave. "It was our fault we were not able to secure a territory to not let an enemy pass. When you feel ready you can tell me what happened."

And he starts to walk away I say. "Wait I am ready right now I don't want anyone else to die becouse I didn't say this information."

He looks impressed and nods. Then I start talking a story I had made up after all I was expecting this question.

I tell him a story of how we met the ninja when they had killed and impersonated the merchant how me and Asutori were planing to hold the ninja back while Asume gets reinforcment but some ninja followed her stealthy and we didn't notice.

Of how Asutori killed 3 jounin with a suicide type jutsu and I killed 2 jounin and all of the chunin with my explosive tag from Tsunade and how a jounin survived I fought him to the death and won but got injured and tired so I surround my resting place with explosive tags and how coincidentally the chunin ran into my trap. Seeing this, I returning to the camp saw Asumes body and pased out in front of the camp. I then started crying again.

He just looks at me sadly and says. "You had good teammates ready to sacrifice themselves for you and I am sure they are glad they had you as a teammate. They wouldn't want you to be sad so be happy. They are always watching over you."

Wow this guy is a great motivational speaker. Anyway I look at him make a sad smile and say. "I guess so."

The with some new found fake determined eyes I say. "I will become a Legendary ninja a ninja so strong that I won't ever lose anyone that is a promise to myself and them."

He looks at me and nods and then gets a serious look in his eyes and says. "The Sand ninja were probably send to make traps and kill our scouts to weaken us we also have news that in a week and 4 days the Sand ninja will attack us with Chiyo of the White Troupe leading them. But this time we will attack them first in a weeks time."

I look at him and nod. This time after this battle I am going to ask for a short leave to go to konoha. I won't ask right now because it would be probably refused. Any way I need to train harder this week and need to learn more wind ninjutsu and wind nature transformation. I check my reserves and they are 60% full I then start using the Mystical Palm technique to get rid of the numb feeling then I look for my things I find them in a counter close to me look at my dog. Then he nods at me. That means that they haven't checked my memories then I look at my hand there are no bite scars I also told my dog to bite me really hard at my arm to leave a scar if they are going to check his memory and they then erased it I see nothing in my hand neither do I feel the numb feeling that comes with healing and using my Medical knowledge to see if they tried to ease the feeling.

I guess I was too paranoid. They wouldn't really suspect a child to do what I did and the Yamaka are more focused on dealing with enemy ninja information.

Anyway I get dressed and I put Shiro on my head and go towards the jounin tents look around

trying to find Chaku the jounin who taught me ninjutsu. I found him trying to flirt with another female jounin who he looked like beging her for something and hugging her leg. "Hey come on marry me please I plan to start a family when I return to konoha."

The woman just looks at him like he is trash, then she scolds Chaku. "What the hell Chaku you have been asking every female jounin like this for the past months you already asked me 4 times."

Even more tears come out of his eyes and his snot starts to flow from his nose like a child. "Pleeeeaaasssseee."

The woman jounin just looks at this with a digusted look on her face. She gets angry and screamed. "I SAID STOP IT DAMN IT."

Then the other jounin steps on his face and starts kicking him. And then she walks away.

This is really embarrassing to even watch, how can a jounin be so pathetic.

Anyway I get close to him and am about to ask him something but he interrupts. "Ahhhh Yami my favourite student."

I just looked at him with an emotionless face as I said to him. "I am your only student."

But he ignores what I said and kept talking. "I need you to be with me next time I ask a girl out, your childish charms may help me."

When I heard that my face scrunched like I just swallowed a lemon. "No way am I helping you with that. Anyway i will give you 1 million ryo if you teach me all that you know about kenjutsu."

When he helped me against the puppeteer ninja in the war he used a sword so I thought he might be skilled at using it.

"Yes I will help you but you don't need to pay me. Do I look like the kind of guy that would take money from kid?" Asked Chaku while trying to act cool and noble.

".....Yes." I answered with an emotionless face.

He then squats to the ground depressed drawing circels on it and with tears coming out of his eyes.

'What a mentally unstable jounin.' I think.

-Time Skip- ( One week later)

I ahve learned kenjutsu from Chaku and his clones teaching my clones. I also did the wind training exercise of cutting a leaf using wind chakra I did it in 2 days.

I have gotten quite skilled at using a sword but not quite at Chaku's level even with shadow clones. He told me not to worry about it and that you get way more training and experience by using it on the battlefield. Thats where I am going right now we are going to attack the suna camp immediately even though they might know by now we are attacking them they might not know because in our camp the others got word today in the morning that we are attacking Suna camp and only the jounin knew sience a week ago and me who is a jounin in all but name. I also have the sword jounins sword in my back it was a chakra metal sword that lets you chanel chakra easier in it. It is good becouse I have a short reach because of my age.

Even though I feel uncomfortable I am in front of the formation of the formation as a jounin strength ninja it is my duty but I am sure I can look out for myself now. I then see the Sand ninja army in the field.

Well then time to go to war and make a name for myself.

Thanks for the supportive reviews and coments. Here is another chapter.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts
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