
Devil's Hand

Auteur: Arsyia5x
Actuel · 43.9K Affichage
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  • NO.200+

Deirdre McGunner has everything. Power, women, money, and the five kingdoms at his fingertips, but when a single raven haired women, Aidan Resa Storm, crosses his path his whole world is turned upside down. Aidan Storm was kicked out of her home after she insisted her family help find her brother's killer. On her first night of searching, she bumps into Deirdre McGunner, a known mafia boss. Little did she know, her whole life would be turned upside down. Both begun tied together in the strange string of fates as Aidan heals Deirdre's wounds, and Deirdre helps Aidan realize there is more to life then the walls of her small world. Note; Do not read if you are sensitive to dark subjects such as violence, sexual content, and harsh language. While this is a romance novel, it also has many dark elements as the story develops.

3 étiquettes
Chapter 1Back to the Beginning

Two men stood as they stared at the small broken down house. The walls, made of stone, looked as if they might fall... shatter onto the ground that held no flowers, no pavement, and certainly no evidence of life. The windows were shattered which left the owners no choice but to place trash bags as cover from the wind. It did little as those too had ripped and flapped idly in the harsh wind. Their flaps crashing and bashing against the wooden edges of the openings to create a rather annoying sound. The roof was no better as the tilts had long fallen leaving it bar, but had been replaced with random materials such as wood, stone, trash bags, and other collection of things. The very sight of it often brought questions on why it had not been removed, and the house demolished. It was unlike any sight within the city. Well, it was not like this house was even part of the city let alone was forced to uphold the regulations that had been set. It was all by itself... self made and an eyesore.

Even the front door held itself barely and was often off the hinges. It allowed anyone and anything to walk through the threshold to view upon the inside contents. Today though, it was entirely different. The door had been replaced with a discarded fridge that was once white. Now it held the rotten color of a yellowish brown and the goo of green slime. It was not meant for holding food though, and certainly was not meant to be a door. Today, however, it was being used as a clear sign of disobedience. Just as the piles of items such as broken chairs, tables, bags of clothing, and other random items that sat in front of the fridge. It was to block out invaders, but there was no need to because the two men knew if they left empty handed there would be no going back anyway.

Little did they know though that it mattered little because two sets of ice blue eyes watched them from the corner of a window. The sight of the tall well built men had long caught their attention, mainly the guns that were strapped to the sides of the two. The black long sleeved shirts and the black pants did little to hide the items. The black silk handguns sat upon their belt, and thus was a clear sign of declaring their wish. The sight did not stop their though as the sets of blue eyes glanced down at their black boots, before quickly moving to the men's faces. Both wore black glasses. While one had his brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, the other had his short black hair cut to his shoulders. The brothers were well known to the two inside the house for they had visited many times.

"Brother?" The voice broke out from the silence making the younger man tense from the sound. His whole body becoming frozen, almost afraid to move or utter a sound. Yet, he forced himself to slowly glance over to the tiny girl. She had fallen and forced herself into the corner of the tiny living room. Her back pressed up against the dirty brick as she bit down upon her lip. Her silver white hair had been jerked from her pony tail from the movement to lay a mess around her shoulders. She wore a singular white dress now turned grey and brown from the dirty home. It had long been a gift from her brother, and now it barely fit. After all, they could not afford new clothing after their parents had abandoned them. Only the Gods knew where they had gone... if they were even still alive.

The boy brushed his tongue along his quenched lips as he heard the stifle whimper from the girl, and thus he slowly pulled himself from the edge of the window. She had pulled her knees to her chest, and wrapped her arms around it. The boy hated this sight. He hated that she was so terrified, but he did not blame her. The boy had known this day would come when the Lupus mafia would come for them. The brother had prayed and prayed that it would not happen. They had, and there was little he could do about it. With trembling hands, he placed them onto the girl's shoulder. His body moving until he fell on his knees before her. "Sister, I promise I will not let them take you." The boy's voice shook as he spoke. She did not look up though, and he did not blame her. He too was afraid of her stare for he knew she would never forgive him.

Nickalos, the leader of Lupus, demanded blood for the debt his parents refused to pay, and he would get it. The brother had known that since the day they showed up on the porch and demanded the debt that his parents had failed to pay. He had known it the day they came back each month taking the little money they had made, and each and every single time he begs them to not take anymore. That was until their eyes found his sister one day in the yard playing with a stray. He knew then there was no escaping from what would happen next. The boy had done everything possible from selling every item he owned to hard labor to the point of grave illness. Nothing was enough though.. nothing. "I promise I will protect you." The boy clenched his eyes shut as he too felt a tear threatening to escape.

"No one will ever touch you. No one will ever hurt you. I love you, and no matter what I will find you again." The sister snapped her eyes up at the declaration of her brother.. her beloved twin brother.

"What? No!" His sister jumped up and clenched his arms... battered and bruised from the hard labor.. months in the scorching sun with little protection other than his torn shirts. "Do not leave me! You hear me? Don't leave! You promised we would be together forever when mother and father left. You promised!"

Her brother smiled a bit as he opened his eyes and looked down at her. Her eyes red as tears fell from them. Her lips trembling, and her whole body shaking from fear. "Stay here." He finally whispered as he gripped her hand. The boy stood as he forced her released and turned away. It did little though as she yelled after him and bolted forward.

"No!" She screamed, but her brother shoved her back before bolting from the room. She never saw him again.


"What is this?" A gruff voice growled as he stared down at the small boy that trembled before him. The small child was covered in dirt and smelled of rot. A green shirt covered the child, yet it looked almost black from the dust that was collected on it. Holes were ripped throughout the cloth baring innocent pale skin and burns most likely from the harsh sun. The kingdom of flame was known for its harsh sun and the overbearing heat, so it did little to surprise him. Those of poverty could not afford food, let alone protection from the sun. However, that was not why his eyes burned with rage or why he felt the need to kick the child across the room. There was note he did take though, and that was of the silver hair that flowed passed the child's shoulders. The crystal deep blue eyes the child had were like jewels that reflected his fear... confusion, and most of all hate of the man. This must be the twin brother of the girl. The girl who he had told his fools to collect for the debt that had long been overdue. The children were only ten years old, maybe a few years older. To him, however, they were old enough.

"S-Sir." One of the men started as he stepped forward along the expensive purple rug. It was one of Nickalos's favorite rugs within his office. It held a royal feel to the room, and the color looked wonderful against the dark desk that sat on the far back wall. It was filled with his papers, a laptop, and the colors of different pens and pencils. The very desk, afterall, held his master plan for those within the world his mind. He believed the world was his to take, use, and certainly dispose of as he chose. Yet, even he was still rising. Nickalos was by no means at the top yet.

Removing such thoughts from his own mind, the golden eyes of the man glanced over to the two brothers instead. One brother was lounging with little care on the expensive dark leather couch as he flicked through his phone. Hunter was the more laid back of the two, and he certainly had more brains than his brother. Even so, he was religious about the length of his hair which was why he kept it a certain length. Hunter often said it was because the ladies loved it, but he never bedded a women in the ten years that Nickalos had known him. The mafia boss only further questioned the situation due to Hunter having brought this child instead of the female. Curling his lips back to display his teeth, he growled the question again. "What the fucking hell is this?! Huh!"

The tiny boy jumped at this and curled into himself. His face hiding in his arms as if to shield away from the man. He had not once looked up at the man, but further observed the shadows of the room through his arms. There was little to be seen as his arms did not allow much for a view. However, as the second brother opened his mouth to speak, the little boy took the lead. "S-Sir, p-"

Nickalos quickly interrupted. "Look at me when you speak or shut the fuck up." Such a command was meant to dismiss the child as there was no need to listen to any words from a useless product. He had wanted the women. Her price tag would have been rather high due to her strange features and the innocent body of hers. He had planned high things for her, yet they brought useless trash.

It was too his surprise though when the child slowly raised his head to look up at the large man. Nickalos certainly was tall, about 6'2 with midnight black locks that were messy around his shoulders. His long sleeved white undershirt clung to him, but it showed the muscle underneath. It displayed his muscles, the flatness of his stomach, and the budge of his arms. He was crafted to perfection, and looked as if everyday he lifted his empire on his shoulders. Well, rather that it laid on his shoulders. His chin held a short groomed black beard with sharp features. His skin itself was a golden brown that looked as if he had been painted carefully to resemble the sun. On further look he wore black jeans that were ripped along the knee and around his ankles. What surprised the little boy more though was the fact he wore no shoes. It was evident he left a pair of battered sandals under his desk, which did not seem to fit the imagine he displayed.

The little boy did not dare say anything on it though as his eyes traveled back up to note the single black string on the man's throat and his golden eyes. They looked cold, yet there was a flash of amusement as the boy moved to his knees. His palms placing themselves on either side of his boy as he parted his lips. For a second, the child's tongue froze as he debated on how to express himself. Would he dare speak to the Lupus's boss? Would he beg for his forgiveness? Nickalos did not give him the chance though as he stepped backwards and leaned back against the desk. His feet moving slightly forward as he crossed them while his elbows laid back onto the desk to hold his weight. "Well?" Nickalos encouraged as he raised his eyebrow as if to encourage the boy.

"S-Sir, p-please. T-Take me instead. P-Please." The child finally could not stop the tears that begun to pour from his eyes and leaked down to tickle upon his trembling lips. The situation had become to much as he bowed his head to nearly touch it to the ground. "Please."

There was silence in the room as Hunter glanced up from the couch as if to wait for the final word. His brother had come to stand behind the couch and him. It would seem he had miscalculated on how brave the child would be. After all, the brothers had placed bets on whether the child would dare speak and beg for his own sister. It was often a common tale of betrayal vs loyalty. Both brothers had misjudged him. To think, he would beg to be a sacrifice. What surprised him more was the slight smirk that finally slipped onto the boss's lips. The feral snarl from his face was gone only to leave pleasure at the sight of the broken child. "What is your name?" Nickalos finally spoke causing for the child to slowly look up.

"I-I do not have one sir." The boy had long forgotten his. He had gone by the simple name of boy or brother since his parents left them. Truth be told, he was not even sure if he was ever given a name... ever truly acknowledged by his parents. After all, his father was always hitting a bottle and his mother was not exactly... stable. Both barely even seemed to know his sister or him even existed.

"Deirdre McGunner." The mafia boss said as he turned to the brothers.

"Sir?" The boy spoke in confusion causing for the name to turn back. Narrowing his eyes, he spoke again.

"You're name is Deirdre McGunner."

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