
Spring Equinox Ⅴ

The elderly shaman bowed his head reverently to the heavens. "To the Elements of the North that bring water and life, we ask that these seeds might be blessed with the same fortune," Aldonius fell silent. There is a pause as if the wild magic is genuinely pondering the request before the honey-wax candle bursts into flame.

Moving to the next rune in the circle, Aldonius repeats the same process before planting the Moly and placing the golden, petrified tree sap, Amber representing Fire directly above the covered seed. "To the Elements of the South that destroy and cleanse, we ask that these seeds might be blessed with the same power!" The candle instantly bursts into flame as if excited.

In the third pot, the Flitterbloom seed is planted and is covered by sky blue stone with swirling white clouds, a Celestine stone representing Air, (wind). "To the Elements of the East that flow with each passing season, we ask that these seeds be blessed to change with the seasons!" The candle begins to flicker, but the flame flickers as if excited.

Within the fourth pot, an Apple seed is carefully covered with a brown, gold stone, Agate representing Earth. "To the Elements of the West that grow and perish within a season, we ask that these seeds be blessed to endure with the passing of the seasons!" The candle slowly, but firmly begins to burn.

Aldonius bowed again to the earth and the sky. "I bow before the Lady of the Night and the Fierce Father of the day," he chanted, "I bow before thee and request that thy spirit may fill the inner circle. Hearken my cry, be with this nightfall!"

The moonlight seems to glow as they trickle down dancing as if in greeting as the stars brighten up above. Beneath the gentle moonbeams, Aldonius gently plants the Squill seed and places a clear moonstone above the covered seed. "To the Great Lady of the Night that guides the night, we ask that that these seeds be protected under thine gentle light!" The flickering moonbeams gently strike the candle that burns steadily in place.

The last seed in the middle of the circle is carefully planted, Niffler Fancy, and is covered by a green stone flecked with red and gold, Bloodstone. "To the Fierce Father of the day that brings the energy of life, we ask that these seeds might prosper under thine light!" The candle bursts into flame so brightly that they are almost blinded by the scorching light.

"The unyielding seasons have passed and now the days grow light," Aldonius chanted, "I call upon the first mother, Gaia, that brought forth life. I ask thee to awaken, stir, and swell on Eostar's scared night," he raised the silver glinting knife in his hand and slit his palm permitting his blood to pour down onto the earth,

Aldonius's blood is dark against the earth before seemingly vanishes as if water evaporating on a scorching summer day. "Grow green and strong in the soil of Gaia, bountiful and sweet, to bring forth new fruit, so mote be!"

The grass abruptly ripples from all directions and points directly toward the six potted plants. The candles melt into nothing as the gems on top of each of the seeds begin to impossibly glow, before turning into dust. A soft, almost rumbling sound is heard as right before their very eyes the plants begin to burst forth and grow impossibly fast. The six plants grow and grow until they burst their pots.

Rowan takes a step forward, but Firenze holds an arm out cautioning Rowan to stay still. She waits and watches the plants as their branches begin to intertwine weaving their very stalks between each other until nothing can be seen but an enormous, bulging foliage. Just abruptly, the plants begin to wither and die shrinking unto themselves. The dead, blackened stalks fall limply to the ground in ruin.

Aldonius bows to the ground and clasps his hands together in gratitude. "We give thanks to the elements of the North, the South, the East, and the West," he paused to bow again. "We give thanks to the Lady of the Night, the Fierce Father, and the first mother, Gaia." He bowed one last time and said, "We thank thee for the opportunity to so and bid farewell to the Eostar." A final pulse of magic is felt before everything returns to normal. The grass rustles softly in the nightly breeze, the pool waters ripple, and once again the laughter and voices of the centaur village echo through the clearing.

"It is done," Aldonius croaked stumbling forward only to be caught by Firenze. The elderly shaman unwillingly leans against the younger shaman. "Go and see what ye have wrought," he pointed at the ground covered in dead foliage, before gesturing to Firenze to lead him back to the tent to rest and bandage his wounded hand.

"Thank you, Shaman," Rowan deeply bowed in sincere appreciation until the shaman retreated into the safety of his tent held up by Firenze.

With care, Rowan carefully stepped through the dead foliage until she reached the middle of the circle. Laying exactly untouched in the middle of the circle lay six tender green stalks. They were unlike any plant that had ever been seen. The main plant stem is like that of an apple tree, while the leaves came in an array of shapes. Even different from the other as each individual leaf sways independently much as a Flitterbloom plant would.

Rolling back her sleeves, the leaf birthmark on Rowan's wrist is visible. She closes her eyes and gently reaches to touch the six small plants. She feels nothing for a moment until an almost innocent, happy feeling fills her. She opens her eyes and smiles before she reaches into her mokeskin bag for extra pots.

With care, Rowan patiently gathers fresh dirt from the surrounding areas, before carefully digging out the six plants. There is an uncomfortable feeling emitted from the plants before they settle down. She had not had a plant actively respond to her like this since her arrival.

The joy and happiness abruptly flee from Rowan as she is filled with a great feeling of loss. She had not felt such a clear distinct communication since she had first arrived. She glanced down at her dirt-covered hands and sighed. She didn't truly remember what she had looked like before and the fragments of memories that remained faded away faster and faster each day. Sometimes, she couldn't remember even the details except those relevant to this world. And even those had begun to fade away unless she wrote them down.

Now, she truly is Rowan Prince. She could deny everything else, but not about this. She cared too much. And she would not have it any other way.

Rowan raised her head and stared at the glittering sky. The person that she had been in another world was not the person she was now. She was a teenager still trying to grow up. And though some parts of her were somewhat grown up, it was only a part of her, and that part did not make up most of her. She was still forging her own path even if it might end in tragedy.

With a rueful shrug, Rowan rises to her feet and turns around to find Firenze standing behind her. She almost lets out a curse at being so rightly startled. She hadn't even heard him nor much less sensed him!

"I have a favor to ask," Rowan feigned nonchalance despite her pounding heart.

"Yes, we would be honored to care for the plants in your stead," Firenze kindly answered at the unspoken request.

Rowan darkly stares at the innocent-looking centaur. "Thank you, I will stop by at least once every fortnight to check on them." She paused to glance down at them and tenderly bent down to touch them with her finger, before straightening back up. "They are not hungry now, but they will require that blood be evenly mixed with the water that is fed to them. And the leftovers of animals, their roots will eagerly digest the fresh fertilizer."

"I will inform the shaman," Firenze sincerely answered.

Rowan sighed, "You are far too naïve, Firenze."

"The shaman always says the exact same thing," Firenze replied in good nature.

Rowan merely stared at Firenze, before grumbling under her breath. "I best be going," she finally said, before turning to depart.

"A fallen star can never return to the heavens, Rowan Prince," Firenze murmured as he cast his sapphire gaze up to the sky.

Rowan whirled around to face Firenze. "Whatever do you mean?" She pointedly asked, but Firenze never met her gaze despite her waiting.

Sensing that Firenze could not be moved nor was willing to respond, Rowan reluctantly turned away. She kept to the edge of the centaur village and barely managed to wave goodbye to the centaurs, before teleporting away the minute she left the copse. She teleported to an empty girl's bathroom, before sneaking back into bed.

Although, Rowan did not sleep much that night haunted by nightmares of the forgotten and of things to come. There were things rising and creeping closer to surround her. Yet she could not see them all, there were far too many coming at her from all sides.

Time for a Turkey joke:

Why did the police arrest the turkey?

They suspected fowl play.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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