
Christmas Day Divulges Ⅱ

In the parlor of Prince Manor, Rowan and Severus remain sound asleep. Severus snuffles deeply in sleep, while Rowan's face twitches in a dream. Her face frowns and furrows before her midnight black indigo-colored eyes snap open. A trace of moisture can be seen in her eyes. Now awake, the dream flees from her grasp leaving only a trail of morsel.

Frowning, Rowan rubs her face trying to recall the dream. She remembered hearing the sound of the waves crashing onto a sandy beach. The wind blew in her face with the faint scent of their childhood jaunt to the sea. She and Severus had still been their parents, "Peanut and Almond," but being so young they could only remember bits and fragments of their seaside trip. Yet even now, they both could still remember the lingering scent of the salty air, the roar of the waves, and the screeches of the seagulls.

Sighing Rowan leans back unable to remember much more than a dark ship setting out for a distant shore. She had not been permitted board, but rather had seemed to be saying goodbye to the passenger. Shaking her head, she internally mocks herself, it had been merely a dream inspired by yesterday's traumatic dream. Simply, a dream. Nothing more and nothing less.

Feeling restless, Rowan quietly rises from her perch as not to disturb Severus. Severus snuffles loudly in his sleep causing a faint smile to appear on her face. Ensuring that Severus is properly covered, she silently departs from the parlor.

Unable to sleep now and uncertain where her grandfather was Rowan decided to pay Aunt Georgine a visit. She likely had yet to take a nap and more than likely Georgine was still up reading one of her countless novellas or novels. Much like the rest of the pureblood's, Georgine had fallen for the muggle-written novels that swept the wizarding world by storm. Georgine had become rather fond of the Agathe Christie novels of the famous detective, "Hercule Poirot." In fact, Severus and Rowan had gifted the entire detective series to Georgine including the most recently published last novel of the series called, "The Curtain," (only just published a few months ago in September). It was sure to bring their Aunt to tears or make her enraged…

All too soon, Rowan arrived at the quarters of her aunt. She knocked politely but did not hear a loud response, but rather a faint murmur that could not be made out. Uncertain of the reply that was given, Rowan decides to step inside to better hear. Turning the golden door handle, she steps inside Georgine's quarters.

The chambers of Aunt Georgine have been redecorated into more neutral colors. The décor had been adapted into cooler colors, but many of the previous wonderous art pieces and furniture pieces remain. Including that of intricately made fans and glistening, polished Katana and Chinese swords that hang artistically on the wall.

Rowan almost stumbles in shock and freezes at finding a slumbering child in her aunt's large, fluffy bed. Horrified, she glances at her aunt, who is resting against a thick mound of fluffy pillows. Georgine lifted a single finger to lip urgently motioning her great-niece to be silent.

"Muffalito," Rowan whispered pointing her wand at the slumbering child. "You can't just steal a child or randomly pick one up, Aunt Georgine! You have to pass through the proper legal channels!"

"I most certainly would never demean myself to do such a thing," Georgine huffed. "And besides, the child was given to me." She righteously declared.

Rowan's deadpan expression screams, "I find that hard to believe." She resists the urge to sigh and let her face flop down into her hands. She just knew that the Prince's were all off in some way or another. Naturally, that included herself too…

"Have a seat," Georgine calmly said knowing full well it was only a matter of time until the child was recognized by her great-niece.

Suspicious by her aunt's serene behavior, Rowan sits down in the indicated seat. "Then let me change the direction of my questionnaire, why do you have this child in your care, Aunt Georgine? I know for a fact that the child can't be any of your friends nor a passing romance of grandfather nor your own." She paused and stared at her aunt's flat stomach for a moment. "And I am certain that Severus and I would have noticed you were pregnant even with magic. Dawn would have never been able to keep such a secret from any of us."

"The child was given to me," Georgine slowly reemphasized glancing down at the child in her arms. "Look harder." A flicker of a smile appears on her face at seeing the irritation on her great-niece's face. And though she was fond of Rowan at times her niece was far too smart for her own good. It would do her well to be brought down a notch.

Rowan's eyes flicker to the child and hover there before recognition dawns on her face. A hint of pain and acceptance flashes across her face. She takes a deep breath, before turning to face her aunt. "Then why do you have that child, Aunt Georgine?"

"According to the chatterbox at the Ministry," Georgine grimaced, "the dying father at Mould-on-the-Would claim that I was the mother of the child. And before I could correct the chatterbox, I suddenly found the child in my arms, who immediately fell asleep. At which point, I decided to tactfully retreat and consider my next course of action considering the extenuating circumstances."

Rowan slowly nods her head in thought. "Roderic Filch was a pureblood and knew that Caretaker Filch, his brother would be unable to properly care nor protect his son." She deliberately paused and gazed solemnly at her aunt. "And who better to protect his son then Georgine Prince, a spinster, and aunt of his wife, Eileen."

"I came to that swift conclusion as well," Georgine coolly acknowledged.

Rowan thoughtfully studies her aunt, "And yet I do not believe that you are opposed to the idea are you, Aunt Georgine?"

A flicker of approval flashes across Georgine faces, before gently leaning over to run her finger against the toddler's face. "I once dreamed of a love, but duty came first. And so, I once dreamed of a child, but even that was cruelly ripped away from me." She slowly removed her hand from the child's face as not to awaken him, before returning her gaze to her niece. "That which was taken away from me can never be restored, but here I have one last opportunity to fulfill one of my dearest wishes and I will not look the gift horse in the mouth."

"Is that why you never married?" Rowan abruptly concluded.

"That was not very sly of you," Georgine muttered in disapproval.

"Godric Gryffindor is my ancestor too," Rowan quipped with a shrug.

Georgine snorted hiding her amusement before her dark eyes grow solemn and distant. "When I was young, I toured the distant orient, I learned how incredibly vast this world is. I went on grand adventures and witnessed unimaginable marvels." Her face grows sad and full of longing. "And then I met him and for the first time, my heart truly began to beat."

"We fell madly in love," Georgine wistfully said. "But all too soon, reality rudely interposed itself upon us. My lover was the heir to ancient clan and despite being a pureblood witch with a matching great lineage, I was disdained as an outsider for being a foreign witch."

Rowan nods her head knowingly. Just as in Britain, there was rejection to others based on one's magical lineage, it was also based on nationality or the subtle constant reference to those with darker skins. And Georgine would have stood out like a sore thumb for a multitude of reasons including even being considered a loose woman for wandering about in a foreign nation without even a proper chaperone.

Georgine sighs tiredly, "He would have abandoned his family and duties to return to Prince Manor with me, but in doing so, his heart would have broken. I could not permit him to do so and so I left him first."

A flash of old moisture glitters in her eyes before Georgine rapidly blinks them away and straightens her spine. "I returned heartbroken, but I was not alone." A trace of shy joy flashes across her face greatly startling Rowan as she had never witnessed such an innocent expression on her Aunt's face. "I was with child."

Georgine's voice breaks for a moment. Old pain flashes across her face including hatred and rage. "And then my child was cruelly stolen from me," she hissed with old rage recalling the folly of Bertram, a member of the underworld. In a surprise attempt to murder/duel her elder brother, she had been caught in the wayward crossfire.

"I would have avenged myself if not for the Potentate of London!" Georgine grudgingly said recalling old grievances. Tilting her neck up, her dark eyes glittering icily. "The Potentate owes the Prince and he knows that very well." And for that reason alone, Sanderson would remain the Prince's watchdog for the duration of his life.

Rowan's eyes widen in surprise and some bewilderment. Her mind quickly returns to Hogwarts and the two burly identical twin caretakers there, the Peterson twins. In retrospect, it certainly made sense including the timeline and more importantly, who exactly employed them. Well, at least, they were trustworthy to an extent.

A soft snuffle returns Rowan to the present. Uncertain if to ask, but her curiosity getting the better of her, she asks, "And just like that you left and never returned, Aunt Georgine?"

"My lover was the last male heir of his family line," Georgine knowingly said. "And I understood better than anyone the heavy burdens placed upon him." She paused and turned to glance solemnly at her great-niece. "I too am the sole living witness to the heavy burdens my brother took upon himself far too early than he should have needed to."

Seeing Rowan's quiet expression, Georgine continues, "My lover heeded his family's wishes and married his arranged fiancé. The two of them had several children before he perished years later in an attack by an enraged Zouwu."

Rowan remains silent after her aunt's tale. She knew that she could argue that her aunt could have stayed with her lover or even run off with him. However, she knew better than anyone that love can be shaved away by time until nothing remains. Eileen had run away for love, but the love born from lies bears no lasting fruit. In the end, neither Tobias nor Eileen could recognize themselves.

Had Aunt Georgine remained in the East and married her lover, she would have been subjected to verbal and emotional abuse by her in-laws. That kind of abuse would slowly take its toll over the years. Nor is there any guarantee that her lover would remain true to Georgine. The greatest romance that of Romeo and Juliet began with Romeo proclaiming his true love for another woman, Rosaline! The decision of a lifetime had not been an easy one and for that Aunt Georgine ought to be at least commended for.

It is said that 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, (Alfred Lord Tennyson)" yet I wonder if that truly is the case at times.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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