
Pyrites Trial Ⅲ

Making sure to have a stern hold on the chained figure of Pyrites, the Auror's jump to the edge of a cold shallow beach, where the barge towards Azkaban awaits them. The cold wind strikes Pyrites in the face as the Auror's drag him across the sandy path to the old creaky barge. There waiting inside are the Azkaban guards to transport Pyrites to his final resting place Azkaban.

Pyrites still the smug wizard that he is flashes them a rather lazy grin. He drawls, "So, I take it that if I were to escape Azkaban there will be no harmed feelings, right gentlemen?"

The prison guards sneer at Pyrites as the ship captain cries out, "We best leave before the storm hits!"

The Auror's have the prison guards of Azkaban sign the paperwork, before pulling the magical arm bound Pyrites down below the deck. "So, where are my lodgings, guards?" Pyrites smirked.

One of the guards sneered and guffaws, "Ah, Pyrites, ya really have no idea, do ya?"

"Of what?" Pyrites snorted back. He knew exactly what was waiting for him in Azkaban. But if all went as planned, he would be escaping soon enough.

"They're waiting for you," the other guard ominously said as another shoved Pyrites into a large cabin. "A pleasure doing business with you gents." The guard locks the door behind him as Pyrites blinks around in the gloomy air.

"Hello Pyrites, we never did speak about your unwarranted intrusion at my marriage ceremony," a cool male voice said causing Pyrites to stiffen.

A tall, slender young man with long pale blond hair emerges from the cabin shadows. Lucius Malfoy leans on his father's cane as his cold blue gray eyes seem like the frozen arctic. "I hope you truly didn't think you'd get away with such a vile act without repercussions," Lucius purred. "We're purebloods Pyrites even you weren't that foolish to think otherwise?"

"Ah, my mistake," Lucius icily said as another burly man with raged filled eyes emerged from the shadows.

Lucius taps his cane against the wooden floor and slowly says, "Why I do believe you've already met, Rosier Sr. Ah yes, he and Riddle were once fairly close. But alas, how times have changed. And I do believe you owe him a son."

Pyrites trembles for the first time in his life as he can feel the bloodthirst in the air. Impossible! Rosier Sr. should not have this kind of power! But the Malfoy's would. Feeling his heart sinking into his chest, Pyrites croaked, "The Ministry of Magic will notice."

"Ah, that, well, that's remedied easy enough," Lucius replied. "I had to hire a metamorphmagus. But he is well worth the coin and will fake his own death within the week. He will be leaving England by the end of the week not to return. I do like making sure all loose ends are neatly cut away. Don't you?"

Pyrites heart sinks as Lucius says, "Well, I'll leave the two of you alone. Though I have no stomach for what is about to occur. But I will say this Pyrites, Dark Lord or not, you should have known better than to touch the Malfoy's."

Lucius walks out and closes the door behind him as Rosier Sr. takes out his wand. Pyrites tries one last desperate plea, "Surely, you won't attack an unarmed man, would you?"

"My son was unarmed, when you killed him," Rosier Sr. growled.

"Ah," is all Pyrites can weakly say, before he starts screaming.

From outside the cabin, Lucius patiently leans against the ship walls and studies his fingernails. He had been thinking of sending Dobby to Hogwarts to learn from the house elves there. Narcissa had been quite impressed with the house elves that were emerging trained from Hogwarts. Not only did they produce the most inventive foods, but the house elves were quite cultured as well.

That and the Prince's house elves were well trained as well. The female house elf of the Prince's dressed quite neatly and acted much like the typical house elves Lucius knew. But the male house elf was not only learned but spoke impeccably. Not he liked said creature as he had been on the receiving of said creature's sharp tongue.

Lucius did not feel at all comfortable at having a mere house elf questioning his actions. But then again, the male house elf of the Princes was not only immaculate in all his actions, but rather refreshing to hold a conversation with. Either way, at least he wanted Dobby to be on par with that of the Prince's female house elf.

Yes, he would be sending Dobby later in the week over to Hogwarts. And since the school year was presently over, Dobby would be trained that much faster. He quite looked forward to the results even if he had to create a small fund for his house elf as a stipend it would be well worth it. Narcissa was in love with the food of the trained house elves and she would more than amply reward him in bed despite her early pregnancy.

Pleased with himself, Lucius finally rises and opens the door. Glancing away, Lucius shudders at seeing the steaming mess of blood and meat that still somehow breathed. The bloody pile did not resemble anything remotely human and yet it still breathed.

Resisting the urge to gag, Lucius says, "Rosier, I would expect for you to at least to have already killed him."

"He's on his finally dying breaths," Rosier Sr. nonchalantly answered. "He'll be gone in a mere minute or two. And I want him to suffer down to his last agonizing breath."

"Fair enough," Lucius chocked as he grabbed a silk handkerchief to cover his nose lest he gag from the foul scent. Rather muffled he says, "Did he reveal anything of interest?"

"He's under an unbreakable vow," Rosier Sr. grunted. "But he knows more than he was telling."

"Ah, well, in that case, shall you and your family still be attending the dinner invitation later this week?" Lucius asked.

"Mm, my wife is quite excited. She has been hearing much about the trained house elves and has sent our own away. Our house elf should be returning tomorrow and will prepare a new dessert which to bring over for tea with your wife, Mrs. Malfoy, to discuss the dinner preparations at that time," Rosier Sr. replied.

"Ah, it appears he's finally stopped breathing," Lucius idly commented upon seeing the disgusting mesh of meat finally cease to breath. "Rosier, please vanish that disgusting mess away."

With a wave of his wand, Rosier Sr. vanishes the blood splatter and the meat pile that was Pyrites away. Feeling much better Lucius almost removes the handkerchief from his nose only to remember that the room still smelt of blood. Thinking better of it, Lucius instead says, "In that case, let us make our way above. I would like to leave this infernal barge the sooner, the better. I'm fairly certain its infested with fleas and the likes."

"Yes, that would be best," Rosier Sr. replied as they made their way up on deck. In the far-off distance the dark gloomy island of Azkaban can barely be seen. Both wizards wrinkle their nose and do not speak as the ship paused midway to join with another ship that they'd hired.

The two ships hovered for a moment together as Lucius and Rosier Sr. quickly crossed via a small bridge, before the two ships separated and each headed their own way. All too soon, the second ship vanished over the horizon as Azkaban loomed in sight.

"He had it comin'

He had it comin'

He only had himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I betcha you would have done the same." -Chicago, the Cell Block Tango

Sidenote: Regarding Narcissa's current pregancy, it does not into detail, but Draco was concieved at least eight years after their marriage, (and the reason I am not certain is that we can't be sure exactly what year they married in). That is a rather long time, but not uncommon pureblood's given their fertility issues. That begin said, it is also possible that Narcissa miscarried any child due to the pressures of the first wizarding world, or those same pressures made it nigh almost impossible for the Malfoy couple to concieve.

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