
The Sky Garden

After departing from the train station, the entire Greengrass family returned home with the only male heir in tow. The Greengrass family quickly separated into two groups, while the men moved to the cigar room the parlor was filled by the Greengrass women except for the family's sole male heir, Terry Greengrass. On a classic Victorian chaise, Terry's floppy golden head is bent low and his hazel eyes suck to the ground trying not to draw any further attention to himself. However, it was all useless as his four older sisters were excited to finally get their grimy paws on him, and at present were fiercely debating which of them would have him babysit first.

It had become such a loud, heated debate that his mother, Constance, a beautiful golden-haired woman with bright cerulean colored eyes. Elegantly fanning herself with one hand, she finally intervenes by lightly letting out a sigh. Her four married daughters, all instantly fell silent knowing full well that their mother wanted their attention.

Unlike their younger brother, all four young women had inherited the silver hair of their great-grandmother, but the cerulean eyes of their mother. However, even then, there was certainly something very piercing, hawk-like in their gazes, and very reminiscent of their Veela great-grandmother. But undoubtedly, all four young married witches had inherited the best of their mother and Veela ancestry combined for together to create great beauties in their very own right.

With a bright smile, Constance in a very faint French-accented voice says, "My dear girls, there is no need for shrieking and shouting. Why don't the four of you settle this with a game of cards? After all, both luck and wit are required for there to be a winner."

Instantly an overwhelming feeling of bloodthirst is released from his four older sisters, who all roll their sleeves up, ready to do battle. Terry's four brothers-in-law including his father, who had long ago retreated to the cigar room. They were no doubt discussing politics and other such topics. And frankly ignoring the fact that they had merciless abandoned Terry to the whims of the Greengrass women. In their opinion, it was simply better not to get involved with witches, who tended to inherit the Veela-like temper of the Greengrass matriarch.

From her seat on the chaise, Constance pursed her lips and smiled faintly at her four daughter's antics, before turning to study her only son, and youngest child sitting on the settee next to her. She eyes her son, who had floppy golden hair, hazel eyes, and delicate looking features. His skin had the trademark Greengrass family moon bright skin and was smooth as a newborn's. It certainly indicated that much like her own husband, her son would also suffer the same fate and be unable to grow any facial hair.

Constance was not fooled by her son's woeful expression. Unlike the previous times before, her son had truly crossed the line. And as such, he would also be punished by the head of their Greengrass branch, Matriarch Ethel, the grandmother of her husband. And Matriarch Ethel was a Veela with an explosive temper, who did not dough out light punishments.

Still, that did worry, Constance for she knew that Matriarch Ethel was secretly fond of her great-grandson, Terry. She had heard Matriarch Ethel on several occasions declare that out of all her descendants that her grandson, Benedict, and her great-grandson, Terry resembled her belated mate most of all. As such, Constance knew that her son would be safe and would not be severely punished by her great-mother-in-law.

Tapping her fan on her son's shoulders, Constance murmurs, "Matriarch Ethel is at present inside the sky garden. My son, you should go and properly greet the matriarch now that you have returned home."

Terry winces at hearing his mother's words knowing full well that this was he had been worried about the most. Great-grandmother, Ethel was extremely strict when doling out punishments. There was no way by Helga's rear that he would be coming back intact. His great-grandmother was a Veela after all with a legendary temper.

Excusing himself under his breath, Terry departed from the parlor room without his sister's even noticing. They were too intent on winning the match and claiming victory over each other. With a sigh, he wandered away to the south side of the family home towards the Sky Garden.

The Sky Garden had been built by Terry's great-grandfather for his great-grandmother. It was a beautiful greenhouse garden connected to the main manor for his great-grandmother's personal use. It was his great-grandmother's domain, and only those invited inside could enter. And intruders were punished most severely.

Hesitating in the front of the glass doors, Terry takes a deep breath, before turning the golden door handle and stepping inside. The instant that he steps inside everything changes including the very air, it is through he had stepped into an alternate realm. There is a light, and the cool breeze felt on his face causing him to deeply breath in the clean, refreshing air. In the background, the sound of water rustling in a stream is heard accompanied by the roaring sound of a rock waterfall fountain that connects to a pool and back to the ever-flowing stream.

Even after all these times, the beauty of the Sky Garden still took his breath away Terry's eyes further take in the scenery as the dancing golden beams of sunlight enter through sparkling windows. However, the other half of the Sky Garden's on the east and west side is filled with an array of brilliant, vibrant colors as light passes through glass stained windows. Beyond the gorgeous lighting is a vast shrubbery. There are perfectly round mounds of green grass used to lie down and simply stare at the bright blue sky, to read a book, or even hold a picnic.

Beyond the green grass are rows and rows of carefully cultivated flowers and other plant shrubberies, before a great, but carefully trimmed woodland is located. Stepping onto a smooth white pebbled path, Terry makes his way past the beautiful gardens and enters the woodland. The path becomes narrow as the foliage in the cultivated woodland becomes denser as he traverses until, at long last, he sees the end of the pathway signaled by a great garden arch covered with intertwining wild roses.

With some dismay, Terry reluctantly trudges through the rose-covered arch and steps into a vast grassy clearing that houses a beautiful outdoor like parlor area. There is an exquisitely carved dining table, rich colored divan's, large, thick cushions on the ground to be sat on, and even a large bookshelf filled with countless books to read. It would have been the perfect scene if not for the seated figure on the chaise coldly staring at him, his great-grandmother, Ethel, the Matriarch of their Greengrass branch family.

Trying not to show his distress, Terry slowly approaches his great-grandmother. As usual, Great-grandmother Ethel's long white, golden hair rustles silently to an unseen breeze. Her skin is still moon bright despite her advanced age, while her hypnotic hawk golden like eyes are as fierce as ever. It was as though they could see through anything or anyone.

Gaining courage, Terry carefully bows his head and politely says, "Forgive me for disturbing you, Matriarch, but mother has declared that you wished to speak to me. If it is regarding my momentary lapse of judgment during the past year, I am terribly sorry and have repented of my foolish actions. I have since then made amends to the friend, who I so imprudently placed in danger. Also, my mother and father will be punishing me as well. I only await your judgment, Matriarch."

"Sit down, hatchling," Ethel finally said gesturing to her descendant to have a seat beside her.

"Yes, great-grandmother," Terry obediently replied as he sat down next to her.

Ethel sniffs and says, "Your good friend, I am told was quite sore and vexed with your thoughtless actions from what I am told. However, she is a good friend and still forgave you. But all friendships have their limits, eyas, do not test them again."

"I know," Terry sighed as he rubbed his forehead with his hand. "And in all honesty, I realize that I could have easily lost a precious and valuable friendship all because of my recklessness. The repercussions would not have only been serious and long-lasting but would have even gone on to affect the rest of the family as well."

Ethel nods her head in approval, before leaning back to rest in the chaise. "Hatchling, I will not punish you any further as it seems that you have learned your lesson well. That being said, little eyas, I have heard from your father and mother that you wish to request a one-year courtship period with Silvia Flint, before requesting a betrothal contract."

"Yes," Terry flushed at his great-grandmother's words. "I have some feelings for her, but even more importantly than that is that Silvia is a childhood friend. I do not wish to lose her friendship over that which could simply be temporary feelings."

Ethel's sharp hawk-like eyes studies her great-grandson for a good while, before she finally says, "Very well, I shall approve of such a courtship, but I must be frank that even after living in wizarding society all these years, I am still baffled by your ways. Wizards and witches always overcomplicating such a simple act of life. It is a straightforward question, really, to mate or not to mate? There is no need for such terribly long and drawn out complications."

Terry flush creeps even higher and brighter up his face at his great-grandmother's words. Turning away, he murmurs, "If I wanted to only mate with Silvia, it would be over and done with. But she is a friend, a good one at that, and I don't want to lose our many years of friendship over something like this."

Ethel purses her lips as if in exasperation, before saying, "That being the case, I shall have your father send word later this evening. The sooner, we meet with the Flint's, the sooner we can arrange the courtship between you and your future mate."

"Great-grandmother!" Terry protested in embarrassment, but his great-grandmother would not be hearing anything else.

For Ethel was certain that her great-grandson would mate with the Flint's girl. She had a sense of these sorts of things, and more importantly, the Flint girl was a strong, and a fitting mate for her great-grandson. And she heartily approved of such a match.

Not only do pureblood's view marriage or romantic partners differently, but I believe magical creatures as well. We need only look at Hagrid, he was an outcast in wizarding society for being half-giant, and as a giant for being half-human. Or even that of Fleur for only being a quarter Veela.

Yes, Mrs. Weasly disliked Fleur because she beleived her to be uppity, but at the same time simply because she bore a magical creatrue heritage. And from what is gathered from Fleur or subtle hints, Veela's are somewhat shunned by their own kind for mating with wizards.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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