
You have a what? Ⅱ

With a destination in mind, Rowan hurries to the infirmary. Inside the infirmary, there are various curtains pulled around white linen bedsheets for the privacy of the currently indisposed. A kind, but stern woman in her mid-thirties rushed about as her red dress, white apron, and white matron cap fluttered about as she checks on patients and strictly fills the sweet boxes in neat rows next to each bedside.

Rowan blinks at seeing a much younger Madam Pomfrey, but she had a harder time wrapping her mind around the fact that the matron's uniform seemed right out of the early 1900s. Seeing Madam Pomfrey approaching, Rowan opens her mouth to speak, but before she can Madam Pomfrey whizzes right past. Turning around Rowan spots two boys whose hair and skin had turned blue making them like smurfs.

The two first-year boys quickly begin to regale Madam Pomfrey with tall tales. Of course, they had not been experimenting. Of course, not…

Resigned at this point Madam Pomfrey briskly motions for them to sit down as to attend them. Seeing that Madam Pomfrey is occupied, Rowan decides to use her time wisely. She carefully sneaks about peeking behind the drawn curtains at the patients inside. Some of the patients are over-exhausted 5th years who are sound asleep while other less fortunate patients have a face full of boils and other mishaps.

Just when Rowan is beginning to lose hope, she finally spies a gray-haired grizzled older man with hair that is far messier than that of James. It is a very messy bird's nest with bits of leaves and twigs caught up in his hair. His skin is rugged and tough, a deep tan. His face is deeply lined as he softly snores, his chest rising and falling with each breath.

Sneaking inside Rowan studies the slumbering Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. The linen sheet had slipped far enough off his frame to reveal a wooden right peg leg. An arm had also been bitten off now an enchanted silver hand in exchange. Overall Professor Kettleburn seemed to have fewer survival instincts than Hagrid which is hard to believe.

As if sensing another presence or maybe from years of having dwelt with magical creatures, Professor Kettleburn snorts awake sitting straight up in bed. "By Merlin's Beard, what a ride!" His brown rugged eyes are full of energy as he glances about. "Goodness child, where am I?"

"The infirmary, sir," Rowan quickly replied.

"Good, good, thought I was a bit of a goner there," Professor Kettleburn ruefully admitted. "But what can you do in the face of mother nature, eh?"

Rowan tactfully doesn't reply and instead says, "Sir, I was wondering if I could have a bit of your time."

Professor Kettleburn narrows his eyes and says, "You're not one of mine. Mm, much too young, I'd say a first year by the looks of you."

"Yes, sir," Rowan replied. "However, I was wondering if I could have a word with you regarding Hagrid."

"He hasn't done anything, has he? Hagrid's a right good lad." Professor Kettleburn quickly came to the defense of the Hogwarts groundskeeper.

"No, sir. Hagrid has always been very kind and most polite," Rowan steadily replied, "It's just I was wondering if you could keep a secret on his behalf."

"Well, I'm not usually in the habit of keeping secrets for students," Professor Kettleburn furrowed his brow. "But Hagrid's one of mine, so I'll do it."

"Thank you, sir," Rowan gratefully said, before lowering her voice. "You see sir, Hagrid has recently acquired a dragon's egg. And naturally given his love of magical creatures, he's hatching it."

"Sir, if I might impose," Rowan innocently glance up at Professor Kettleburn. "I you be most gracious and kindhearted to help Hagrid to hide the existence of the dragon's egg. And far more importantly once the egg hatches if you could arrange for a group of like-minded friends such as a certain friend by the name of Newt Scamander to transport said dragonling that would greatly be appreciated."

"Newt is planning to retire next year," Professor Kettleburn thoughtfully mused. "But wait just a moment, how did Hagrid get an egg in the first place?!"

"Err, he won it in a poker game," Rowan tactfully replied. "So, is that a yes, sir?"

"Hagrid should have come to me first," Professor Kettleburn grumpily huffed.

"And he would have," Rowan persuasively said. "It's just that Hagrid wanted to make you proud since you mean so much to him, sir."

"Really?" Professor Kettleburn asked with no small measure of pride.

"Most definitely," Rowan lied.

"Well, I guess it can't hurt to help a fellow like-minded student," Professor Kettleburn proudly said. "Although, just what kind of dragon's egg, did Hagrid get?"

"A Norwegian Ridgeback," Rowan drily muttered.

"Why didn't you say so in the first place!" Professor Kettleburn excitedly exclaimed. "They're incredibly rare, I must see to it myself!"

Jumping to his feet, Professor Kettleburn eagerly runs out past the protesting figure of Madame Pomfrey who shouts, "But you haven't been given leave yet, Professor Kettleburn!"

"I'd say he's fine given how he jumped to his feet," one of the blue boys remarked.

Madam Pomfrey narrows her eyes and strictly says, "The both of you are not leaving or you'll be getting an extra bitter draught!"

"No, Ma'am," the two boys hastily said as they all failed to notice a 1st-year girl so nonchalantly walked past them and back to the Slytherin common room.

Professor Kettleburn excitedly makes his way across the lawn. Without a word of warning bursts into the rather warm cottage of Hagrid, startling the six members inside the cabin, Hagrid and five 1st years.

"Professor Kettleburn!" Hagrid stammered as Professor Kettleburn eagerly kneels on the log cabin floor and crooned, "Oh, what a beauty you are."

Seeing Professor Kettleburn so intrigued, Hagrid sighs a bit in relief, "Sir, I was going to tell you, but I wanted to make sure the egg properly hatched!"

"Not to worry," Professor Kettleburn said. "I was most kindly informed by one who considers you a friend, Hagrid. I will gladly aid in the hatching of the egg and in the later transport of the dragonlet to a proper sanctuary."

"Really, Sir?" Hagrid tearfully said with relief and joy.

"Oh, yes, Hagrid," Professor Kettleburn firmly responded before giving the five first-years a pointed glance. "As for you five, do not speak a word of this to anyone, you hear!"

"No, sir!" The marauders and Lily exclaimed.

"Good, now off you go," Professor Kettleburn said as he dismissed them with his hand. They hurry out as his last words are overhead, "Now I will be setting a spell of concealment, Hagrid."

The five of them walk back across the ground as Sirius scrunches up his face in disappointment. "Well, that was terribly boring."

"Hagrid could have gotten in a load of trouble if he'd been caught!" Lily irritably snapped. "It's a good thing that Professor Kettleburn is so kindly agreed to help."

Sirius sheepishly shrugs as Pettigrew chimes in breathless agreement, "Yes, it's a great thing!"

Lupin warily shakes his head at their remarks. "Shall we head back for a game of wizarding chess?" He suggested in good nature.

"Sounds good," Sirius roguishly winked, while Lily loudly sniffed, and Pettigrew nodded his head in agreement.

James had been unusually quiet finally says, "Did any of you notice that Professor Kettleburn had been informed?"

"Well, none of us snitched if that's what you're implying," Sirius loftily retorted.

"No, I was just wondering, who else knows other than us?" James frowned.

"Well, I could name a number of people, but I think the most likely conclusion would be a kind student or professor even. Either way, it worked out well for everyone," Lupin thoughtfully replied.

"I suppose," James ruefully shrugged thinking no further of it.

Either way, the five of them made their way back inside for a match of wizarding chess. And to their surprise, Sirius trounced them all. Despite his lazy appearance, Sirius was quite a talented wizarding chess player.

Dragons.....I wonder if they're edible?

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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