
Acceptance Letter

The days continued to pass by until a mid-July evening an owl arrived bearing two thick envelopes. Dawn the house-elf promptly pulls out two bronze Knuts from her apron pocket. She nimbly places them into the small leather pouch tied around the owl's leg, before scurrying off with the two letters. The Master would be so pleased!

With a bright gleam in her eyes, Dawn bursts into the study and proudly declares, "Master, the acceptance letters have finally arrived from Hogwarts for the young master and mistress!"

"Thank you, Dawn," Reginald graciously said as he took the letters from Dawn and handed the letters to his grandchildren.

Severus eagerly rips his acceptance letter open to read the following words,


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chief Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Prince,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

Rowan looks over Severus's shoulder and raises an eyebrow at the surname on the letter. "Prince?" Rowan pointedly asked as she turned to face her grandfather.

"Your mother and I have agreed that a change in your surnames would be for the better," Reginald responded.

Rowan pursed her lips in thought as Severus is still too thrilled to even notice the surname change on their acceptance letters. Rowan rips open her own envelope and ignores the greeting letter as she heads straight for the second-page list:


First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One Winter Cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

Course Books:

All students should have a copy of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other Equipment:

1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set of brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



"How disappointing," Rowan murmured out loud.

"What is?" Reginald asked with a bemused expression.

"I really wanted to bring a crow or raven," Rowan honestly grumbled, before neatly folding her letter again.

"In that case, a black owl can be arranged," Reginald advised.

"No, I'll just borrow Sev's," Rowan confidently declared.

Severus turns to glare at Rowan and snaps, "I'm not sharing."

"Oh? But we're twins, Sev," Rowan teasingly purred wrapping her arm around Severus's shoulder. "Whatever is yours is mine and whatever is mine is yours."

Severus huffs at Rowan causing a lazy grin to appear on her face as Reginald's eyes twinkle at Rowan's teasing. Seeing that Severus is getting rather huffy, Rowan tactfully releases her brother. Severus had a mean bite. Quite literally.

"Well, aren't you going to congratulate, Lily?" Rowan purposefully asked.

Severus blinks in surprise at Rowan as Rowan presses her finger to her lips as if sharing a secret. "I'm never wrong about these things."

Severus blinks with great delight before running out of the study with his letter in hand. He shouts for Dawn to come, and quickly vanishes down the hall. He had a letter to write! He was going to Hogwarts with Lily!

A gleam passes through Reginald's eyes. "And just who would you know that, Rowan?"

Rowan innocently gazes back. "A woman's intuition, dear grandfather."

Seeing that his granddaughter sidestepping the subject, Reginald leaves the topic alone for now. "Regarding Severus is he close with this girl?"

"They are best friends," Rowan truthfully replied.

"She is a muggle is she not?"

"Lily may be a muggle, but unlike mother dearest's rather questionable choice of spouse, Lily is a sweet and rather brave, if not a tad temperamental."

"I see," Reginald thoughtfully murmured eying his granddaughter." "Is there anyone you are on such friendly terms with Rowan?"

"No," Rowan shuddered in revulsion. The boys that she knew were all jerks. Good riddance!

Slipping out of her grandfather's study, Rowan returns heads to Severus's bedroom. On her way up, she passes by Dawn, who politely says, "Dawn has already informed the Lady and the Miss of the young master and young mistress's acceptance into Hogwarts."

"Thank you, Dawn," Rowan courtesy replied.

"It is a pleasure for Dawn to serve," Dawn sincerely answered with a tiny curtsy, before popping away to fulfill another task.

Across the expensive carpeted floor, Rowan suppresses a yawn arriving at Severus's bedroom. Severus is eagerly gazing out the window expectantly having just sent off a hastily scribbled letter. Surely the letter must nearly be there!

Leaning against the doorway, Rowan drily remarks, "You do realize, Sev, that even if Lily receives your letter by nightfall, the owl will not return until the next day."

A splotchy flush crept up Severus's face. He bristles and turns away. "I was just admiring the evening sky, that's all!"

"So you say," Rowan said not the least bit convinced by the explanation. "So, did you invite Lily to go school shopping together?"

Severus turns deathly pale causing Rowan to wickedly smirk. "Well, I can see that you are busy," before heading off to her bedroom. While Severus is left behind in a panic trying to write another letter.

Flopping onto her bed, Rowan stares up at the enchanted star ceiling. She felt a bit bored. She wanted to exercise her own magic. However, she wasn't sure if the Ministry of Magic could sense it. The Ministry of Magic forbade the use of unsupervised magic by a minor. Her Magician's ability wasn't the same as that of a wizard or a witch. Magicians were never taught to use their abilities, their powers simply awakened from within.

Crossing her legs in a meditative fashion, Rowan gently continues to prod the slumbering power within her. A speck of magic flows through unused pathways slowly unfreezing them. Her power lay dormant within her for now, but she would slowly rouse it.

Our main character is not overpowered, Rowan will have to do everything the hard way. That is not to say she won't have cheats, but she's far from being overpowered.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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