
Return Ⅱ

Clean and bathed, Rowan detangled her raven hair until it shone. Her now thoroughly brushed hair is sleek and mostly straight descending down her back. It was strange to have an entire closet filled with clothes in her size. She didn't if it was truly magic, but she wasn't about to complain at the kind gesture.

After browsing through the closet, Rowan picks out a pair of trousers with a matching shirt and sweater to wear. Fully dressed, she studies her reflection in a full-length mirror until her reflection in the enchanted mirror begins to preen itself. Suppressing a loud snort, she turns away to study the bedroom.

The grand bed has a luxurious soft grayish blue cover and soft pillows that are simply to die for. There is a glimmering wood bedstand on either side with a golden tree-like shaped lamp. Directly across from the bed on the other side of the room is a grand window looking out to the lawn. Tasteful dark violet curtains hang to open or close with a pull of a long golden tassel. tastefully

Between the bed and the window on the left side of the beige wall is an expensive red oak study desk with a comfortable-looking chair. On the right side of the room is a grand bookcase filled with only a few books for now. Behind her next to the closet is a dresser filled with all sorts of clothing and undergarments. Then there is another inner door leading to a white marble-tiled bathroom with all sorts of toiletry and a grand marble sink with an overhanging golden mirror. There are soft white bathroom rugs across the ground, a grand golden clawed bathtub, and even a porcelain toilet, which Rowan is certain had a diamond engraved flushing handle.

Wearing the softest of socks, Rowan crosses the luxurious red carpet under her feet over to the large window. She climbs onto the windowsill that has soft padding and pillows made for resting against. From the window, she can see the grand front lawns glistening before her. The warm morning sunlight gently rains down onto her as she peers out into the grounds.

Rowan's midnight-indigo eyes gleam with interest and delight at spotting a beautiful, brightly colored peacock strutting across the grounds. The proud peacock opens its mouth to let out an arrogant cry, which cannot be heard from inside the manor. With child-like interest, she stays put until the feathered peacock struts around the house and vanishes into the back.

Her curiosity is momentarily satisfied; Rowan moves away to the door. She peeks out into the elegant hallway but spots no one. Her feet feel a bit cold, and she glances down and wiggles her toes. Hurrying back, she slips on a pair of slippers, before darting across the hallway towards Severus's bedroom.

Without even knocking, Rowan slides inside and flops down onto the bed, while Severus puts on a jumper. "I feel that we look like those posh people on the telly and magazines," Rowan remarked staring in fascination up at the enchanted star-patterned ceiling that moved along with the orbit of the cosmos.

"Huh, why didn't I think to check out the ceiling?" Rowan thought to herself, before out loud saying, "I wonder if my room has that feature too?"

Severus smirks smugly at Rowan's comment. "Who knows, " before making a wry face. "I will say though that this place is HUGE." Huge was an understatement it was ENORMOUS!

"Yeah," Rowan hummed in agreement. "But I will say, they seem all very cold and standoffish."

"Well, a cold shoulder is nothing new to us," Severus nonchalantly shrugged. This was something they were both used to. There was a reason the other school children picked on them. Their parents seemed to have a strong dislike for the Snape children.

"True enough," Rowan muttered rolling over onto her stomach.

The bedroom window is slightly ajar as the faint sound of birds can be heard from outside as they sing their little hearts out. The violet curtains stir slightly from the morning breeze. "Do you think, he'll come after us?" Severus quietly asked ruining the soothing atmosphere.

"Doubt it, it's a magical house'," Rowan deadpanned.

Severus's lips twitch into a slow grin before he reassessed Rowan. "We are trying to make a good impression. Didn't they give you a nice dress to wear?"

Rowan made a face at the question. "There were dresses in the closet, but Mum never made me a dress not since we were very small. So, it felt rather revealing if you know what I mean."

"You're right, now that I think of it." Squinting his eyes at Rowan, Severus tries to picture the image and utterly fails. "You know what I think you might look good in one."

Rowan retaliates by tossing a pillow at Severus's head, who lets out a loud oof. Before they can descend into a full pillow fight, a loud pop is heard. Dawn, the house-elf appears in the doorway. "Master has requested the youngling's presence in his study," she squeakily said.

Rowan and Severus exchange a wary glance, before rising and following the small house elf. They are led down the stairs and through the halls to a rather large study room. The two of them pause in the doorway in fascination. There are open books, potions, and other bubbling vials strewn across various worktables. Against the walls, there are enchanted bookcases filled to the brim with a never-ending number of books. The bookcases are enchanted to fit thousands and thousands of books all without breaking under the strain.

Severus's eyes naturally drift to the potions and the ongoing experiments on the table, while Rowan eagerly reads the titles of the nearest volumes of books. They are pulled out of their thoughts by movement at the end of the study. "I presume that Rowan is on the left and Severus on the right, am I correct?" Reginald Prince remarked from his seat at his desk.

The twins turn to gaze at Reginald Prince, who looks up from his open manuscript on his desk. "That is correct, sir," Rowan and Severus replied in unison.

Reginald Prince carefully studies the pair of children before him. "Hmm, the two of you are a fine pair of twins." He paused to reach into a side drawer and pulled out an engraved can that popped open.

"Care for a sweet?" Reginald politely asked his grandchildren offering them honey-colored toffees.

Rowan and Severus share another glance before each of them warily reached inside the can and each only took one sweet. "Thank you, sir," the twins politely chimed back warily holding the sweet in their hand. They didn't know the man before them to trust anything that he gave them.

Reginald puts the canned sweets away, before awkwardly clearing his throat. "I apologize if you were made to be uncomfortable." His gaze looked distant and forlorn. "We were utterly devastated when Eileen ran off with that muggle."

Severus shares a glance with Rowan and the two of them shudder at the same time. They didn't like to think about the reason why their parents got together. However, neither of their parents was charming or incredibly good-looking, so only their parents knew what had attracted them to each other.

Seeing that neither of the children wishes to discuss the subject, Reginald says, "It matters not now, the three of you will stay here in Prince Manor where you belong."

Severus and Rowan blink as if uncertain if they can believe their grandfather's words. If they were true, it was rather surprising that he would be so open to them. However, if not, it was merely a sly attempt to get them to lower their guard. But maybe, just maybe, their stay wouldn't be so bad.

Gesturing to his study, Rowan carefully says, "The two of you may freely enter the study and read any of the books that you might desire, I only ask that you promise to not enact any of the spells contained therein."

"Naturally," Rowan deadpanned, "I would already dead given the sheer number of curses and hexes that Sev knows." And which was all true as Severus had a habit of sneaking into their parent's bedroom to read their mother's hidden spellbooks.

Severus fiercely scowled at Rowan for revealing his secret. "Well, some of us like to be prepared!"

Rowan rolls her eyes in reply causing Reginald to hide a twinkling gleam of warmth. "Well, one can never be too prepared. But if I may, I would like to make a couple of recommendations," Reginald suggested as he moves over to the bookshelf and begins to pull out several books for them to read.

By the time breakfast is served, Rowan and Severus are found quietly reading in very comfortable, luxurious chairs. All the while, Reginald carefully in the background tinkers with his various ongoing experiments. Strangely enough, the three of them are left alone to their own devices and are not at all interrupted. Even Dawn, the house-elf kindly leaves a cart of warm food charmed to stay warm at the door for whenever they get hungry.

On the other hand, the three Prince women were left alone at the seated table in the dining hall for brunch, which only served to augment the already chilly, awkward air between them. To be perfectly honest, it was an awful meal.

Abused children want to trust, but they are also wary because they have been betrayed before. How can they possibly trust another adult and take their words at face value? Hence why actions speak louder than words!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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