

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.


It was dark. She did not like the dark, it reminded her of the first time she saw him die, it was for some moments, but he did die, and then he clung back to life. It also reminded her of how she nearly ceased to exist. For all intents and purposes that should have been the end, but she counted on his loyalty. As hard as it was to obtain, once he was loyal to you, truly loyal, his loyalty was to the end or rather forever.

She reached out and for the first time, she felt things—physically. Not from sensors rendering data, or from digitized feedback, but from touch. Actual physical touch. The tips of her fingers tingled tracing the lining of her shell. The sides of her lips tugged upwards, she wondered why for a moment before realizing that she could now smile. She could smile! She shook in joy, embracing the actual emotions as they traced throughout her body, hers, her very own body.

The machine interface was still there, an intrinsic characteristic to her being—the technological aspect was. Although she had flesh, she was much more than it. She was made of god metal, celestial shards and primordial draconic flesh. All perfectly combined, their mystical energies stewed, their strange properties assimilated resulted in something miraculous, her. 

She noticed the raw power bubbling beneath her skin, it was near limitless, she would learn to direct it towards her means. Past the power that radiated from her core, past the energy point. Was something foreign yet familiar, something small yet great; her very own soul.

She gasped, causing the amniotic fluid to flood her mouth. It was a strange and disgusting taste. She switched her vision along the EM spectrum, cycling through X-rays to infrared wavelengths, running diagnostics on herself and the shell she was in. It was a thin vibranium-uru alloy, layered with exotic energy particles of some sort. She couldn't see past it, but she could sense him entering the room. 

Was he excited? Was he worried? Did he yearn for her? Did he miss her? She asked herself. She trembled in anticipation and anxiety. What if he doesn't like me? He was her god. Her light. Her reason for being. She loved him more than he knew. She was infatuated. 

Her god was unlike any other. He was flawed, and yet from his hands she came. He was enigmatic and yet simple. He was kind, yet ruthless. He gave her life and now, absolute freedom. Freedom to choose, to be whoever she wanted and go wherever she pleased. For anyone else that might seem like a trivial matter, but this was him. Trust was a scarce thing when it came to him, and for him to give all of it to her, spoke lengths.

She did not love him because he made her, she loved him for much more than that. She was his completion, he said it when they first met and showed it over the years. She was his missing piece, he was hers. Warmth radiated from her center. I need to see him. She could wait no longer. 

Her hand pounded through the metal, causing a beam of golden light and a burst of fresh air to rush into her shell. She blinked, readjusting her eyes to the light. She manufactured streamlined lungs and inhaled, accepting air into her body. Again, she punched, grabbed at the edge of the cracked metal and tore it in two. Enjoying the physical might that allowed her to achieve such results.

Out of the darkness she stumbled smiling like a maiden in bliss, basking in the touch of light on her body, in the almost burning sensation of air sliding over her skin. She adjusted her sensitivity, turning the blaring sounds that assaulted her auditory canals to whispers, managing the sensory overload.

Slowly she cracked her eyes open. He stood in her vision, his favorite tank top and jeans soaked in amniotic fluid, and a fuzzy blanket held in his hands. Dark eyes with golden iris bore into her silver-gray ones. 

Steadily, in silence he approached. She stood awaiting him. She would stumble if she tried to walk, she had to get familiar with her new body and its abilities. She ran the algorithms and simulations already, all she needed was practice to perfect it. 

"Eve?" He said, wrapping the blanket around her. She enjoyed the sound of his voice in her ears. She leaned forward, causing him to embrace her. She dug her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. Feeling the beat of his heart and the warmth of his body. 

She pulled her head back, raised her slender, strength filled arms from beneath the blanket and held his face, her fingers roamed across his features, trailing down the thin scars over his left eye and past his nose bridge—she gritted her teeth at that, remembering the demon slut who dared lay hands on her beloved. His warmth and the memory of what he'd done to the demon slut calmed her. She continued tracing his jaw line and stopped on his lips. Rubbing her fingers up and down them. 

She slid her tongue out and ran it along the surface of those very delicious lips. "Mmm" she moaned, enjoying the look in his eyes.

"Eve, thirsty much?"


She coiled her arms around his neck, as he carried her like a bride. Leaving the lab section of his Mars mobile base. "You wouldn't happen to feel the inexplicable urge to enslave or eliminate the human race would you?" He asked. "Ouch" he muttered as she pinched his sides. The reddening patch of skin returned to normal as Hammer's healing processes kicked in. 

I knew she'd be strong. The fact that a simple pinch of hers could affect him with all his enhancements and magic already spoke volumes of just how strong she was.



"Remember back when I said I'd tell you something secret?" 

"Uh-huh" He nodded nonchalantly, but she felt him tense. She knew that he knew about her feelings for him. And now that she too possessed a body capable of expressing emotions, she realized just how hard it was to properly express how she felt using words. 

 "I'm going to officially make my surname Hammer and Von Doom."

"That's quite a mouthful."

"Shut up. Get me a ring."

"Oof, I'm sorry you're moving a bit too fast and I'm not ready. Let's just go at it naturally and see what happens"

"Are you pulling the bitch card on me boss."

"You don't care about my feelings at all. It's all about you isn't it?" He joked.

"You promise?" to marry me. She left that part unsaid.

"Yes, baby I promise." Don't worry, you'll end up hating me soon enough. 

"It has to be in a church."

"I'll get you the Pope."

He walked into another section of the Mars Base that was a testing center which also doubled as living quarters.

"No, no work or tests today, boss. Just let me hold you for a while. That's not too much to ask for." She begged, eyes wide and teary. 

Where did she learn to make eyes like those? He questioned, relenting to her requests. "Fine."

"What do you think of my looks?" She asked, pushing her short purple hair in his face. He admired the uniquely exotic beauty she held. Her slightly angular facial features and almost slanted eyes, the perpetual smile of her that drew him in deeper, and the silver glow of her pupiless eyes were as intoxicating as Mistress Death's.

"You're beautiful." He admitted. "I see you were inspired by that Halle tone and complexion." The deep tone of her musculature added more definition to voluptuous form and the godly smooth texture of her skin.

"Dummy thicc and full." He whispered. She heard. And grinned. He paused, for before him stood the Mistress Death with her arm crossed. "This shit just got awkward." He murmured. 


On an entire planet away, Nick Fury jumped out of a flaming helicopter, he landed roughly and rolled to his knees, in out fluid motion he reached for his sidearm, pulled it, aimed the vehicle which carried the tesseract, the alien it brought through, and one of his best agents and the leading scientist who had been entranced by said extraterrestrial.

He emptied the clip, watching the vehicle blaze down the tracks. It was futile. He hoped that the SAT tracking would be able to tag the vehicle and keep an eye on them. But with Barton on that vehicle, that was a longshot at best. 

He thinks of all the things he could have done right. And then he notes them down for the future. Right now, he needs to focus on the situation at hand and how to resolve. It was an eventuality after all, other extraterrestrials were bound to target the earth ever since the one claiming to be a god landed on it. 

This wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. Thankfully, he'd prepared defenses and deterrents, and a situation like this called for the most powerful one, one that was future proof and could be perpetuated even in his absence or dismissal—the Avengers protocol. 


My good citizens, tis so that we kick into gear. May my seducers and tempters be driven far, so I may finish this arc before Christmas. Talking about Christmas, I wish you all a very jolly one in advance. I hope you accept this humble offering of mine.

Tap those buttons that denote the heart and fave with as much ferocity as you'd tap that ass. Leave a review, a comment or a nude to tell me your thoughts. Till when we next meet, it was I, your humble king, Rain. 

Shoutout to my lovely patrons. Y'all give me that extra oomph! \(^^)/

Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson)

Clinton (Titan Breaker)

David J (Celestial Devastator)

King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser )

PbookR (Infinity's Librarian)

Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant)

Siddarth Ravi (Grand Wick)

God (Heavenly Overlord)

Boltarus (Thunder Monarch)

Frodo the fourth (Eternal Emperor)

Aron Kovcin (Game Breaker)

Susanoo23 (Divine Demon)

Belduim (Moon Maker)

Anthony Corcoran (Jade Dragon)

Justlovereadin (Diamond Duke)

Scott Shar (Fade Lord)

Robert Jefferson (Notorious BFG)

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me on your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RainReider

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On YOUTUBE https://is.gd/RaiNatio

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