
Soul Ceremony

Dàilán quirked an eyebrow; evidently there was some significance beyond the obvious to Chenli's request and her GrandFather's agreement, so she chose not to insist Chenli accompany her and stepped into the doorway of the house at her Grandfather's gesture and followed him through a small central courtyard into a short hall that led into small, cozily appointed study.

The older man noticed her looking at the worn, comfortable furnishings and the building's unassuming architecture and smiled, "After all day being 'Leader', I prefer some place to just be me; a nice simple environment helps."

He reached down and picked up a slim necklace from the study's desk. A small square of jade hung from it, "Here is a blank Soul Tablet - I went and put it on a chain, but as long as it is in close proximity to you, it does not matter how you secure it. Do not lose it though - you do not want a thread of your Soul Essence accessible to others - it remains connected to you for as long as you live."

Dàilán blinked as she processed that thought, "Then… what mother did with the formations at home was dangerous to her?"

A look of discomfort crossed his face but her Grandfather laughed, "I pity anyone who would try to tamper with an active soul Essence directed Formation. Of course it is extremely dangerous for a Formation Master to weave Soul Essence into a formation, but once it is done, the formation is able to defend itself - the Soul Essence acts in place of the Cultivator that would normally maintain the formation. I am quite sure that my daughter - your mother - took extreme precautions to make sure her Soul Essence could not be extracted from the formations."

"Oh." The young teen looked down at the simple looking piece of jade. "What do I need to do?"

"The Soul tablet is designed to nurture a thread of your Soul Essence outside of your body; it will accept any Soul Essence you feed it - thereafter it will not accept anyone else's Soul Essence. It only needs a small amount - if you pull out a thread and push it into the tablet…"

Dàilán nodded in understanding, "The same as showing the memory… except no need to focus on anything specific…" From his expression, the older man looked like he wanted to ask questions, but just handed her the tablet, "I will monitor to make sure that nothing untoward occurs," he assured her calmly, "a lot of Cultivators have problems manipulating their Soul Essence - although I expect you will not be one of them."

Her Grandfather stepped behind the desk and sank to his haunches, the young lady following suit across from him, "Just focus on the jade, Lán'er and wind a thread out of your Cultivation method into it, then back to you - the soul tablet will do the rest."

Dàilán looked at him consideringly for a moment at the use of the nickname, then inclined her head gracefully in acceptance and focused her attention on the jade in her hand as she sank into a light meditation, focusing on her Essence flows.

They were a lot larger and brighter than she remembered, more evidence of her Cultivation having advanced. Focusing on the hand that held the Soul Tablet she watched the circulation of Essence between the fingers and thumb from the hand and back. The main pooling of Essence, where all six flows joined before branching out - either to the fingers or back to the arm was actually directly under the tablet.

Shrugging mentally, she directed the pool point to rise to the surface of the skin and watched as wisps of Essence soaked into the jade then flowed back out. Quickly the jade started to glow with the particularly silvery light of Soul Essence and Dàilán felt an odd sensation - as if rather than losing or detaching a part of her Soul Essence into the tablet as she expected, she could feel Soul Essence rapidly increasing within the jade - as if she had planted a seed and a new portion had grown from it.

The increase was only small and stopped within a kè, the jade glowing softly, so Dàilán guessed it was finished, letting the Essence in her hand drop back down into her hand as she opened her eyes.

"Remarkable," said her Grandfather, watching her with approval, "that was one of the most effortless imbuements I have ever witnessed. I also see that your Cultivation has advanced since last we spoke - truly new waves replace the old."

Dàilán sighed, "That is going to be a problem - at my age… the Clan is going to go crazy."

The older man frowned in thought, "Did your mother teach you the Veil technique?"

"Yes, but I was five, so she only taught me how to hide myself while staying hidden and still," replied Dàilán sadly, "She said there was more she would teach me when I got older, but…" she took a deep breath, seeing her old sadness reflected in her Grandfather's eyes.

"I did work out how to use it while moving on my own - and I managed to focus it on my eye sockets during that stupid arena match, to help filter the light, but I do not know anything else about it."

"I am deeply sorry about agreeing and supporting the Tournament idea, Lán'er," the older man looked all of his many centuries of age suddenly, "you can rest assured that everything and everyone related to Cao is being investigated. His status as number one young genius of the Sect now seems deeply suspect - especially since his major supporter was the Elder that was… executed by the Heart."

"Huh," responded the Heir quietly, "That makes sense. The Head Guard has handed him to the Monitors, I assume?"

The Sect Leader inclined his head in agreement, pride sparkling in his eyes. "I - am - proud of you Granddaughter - you defeated true enemies despite great odds and performed remarkable feats of power and skill that any Enforcer would be proud of. The BloodWitch has even declared her intention to take you on as a student. I suspect she will join the rotation of members who come to train you in the Guan Compound."

The young teen winced, "That will go over… poorly with the Clan." She rubbed her forehead imagining the reaction the Guan Clan members would have if the diminutive master started up the sort of antics she had pulled in the arena; or worse, whatever she had done to earn such a fearsome moniker - gods, her Grandmother would be spewing vitriol and fire. Just imagining such a confrontation made her shudder.

"Please thank the Senior for me," she said faintly instead, "if she had not intervened at the end…"

Her Grandfather waved that away, chuckling, "Anyone with serious experience saw that real blade you had ready - another shùn and he would have been bleeding out on the sands. Half the reason Enforcer Kiai jumped in at the last moment was because and I quote, 'If he did not have valuable intelligence, I would have let her kill the little bastard - in fact, I almost did anyway.'"

The other man shook his head, "Apologies for the sidetrack. To come back to the original question, the Veil can do more than hide your body - as you have discovered yourself, which is another remarkable achievement on your part without a teacher; but originally it was designed to conceal Cultivation levels. Try forming a basic Veil, but instead of wrapping it around your body, let it sink into your skin."

Dàilán raised her eyebrows, then did as suggested. A familiar prickling as the technique sank below the surface of her skin was the only sign of its activation; she remained visible. Frowning she focused on her body and realised her Essence flows seemed - muted somehow.

"Oh. I see. Or rather - I do not…" she smiled, "this will be very useful. Thank you Grandfather."

"It takes excellent control to pull that off, or you can hurt yourself," answered the older man smugly, bursting with pride at how easily she had carried out the technique, "but since you can use it in a fight and on your eyes… you must show me that, someday, by the way - I should think it would look like someone had removed their eyes from their sockets," he said thoughtfully, "anyway, I thought you would be able to do this safely as well. The more Essence you use on the technique, the less of your Cultivation others will be able to detect. Skilled Enforcers can use it to pass for civilians if necessary."

He rose to his feet, and Dàilán followed suit again, following him back out of the house and across the courtyard towards the entrance where her bodyguard waited, "We should hurry - we still need to place half the tablet in the Heart on your way back to the city."


As they walked, her Grandfather explained that within the Sect, there were twelve, 'zodiac' páifāng scattered at carefully guarded points throughout the Sect - one for each of the zodiac divisions. Each 'zodiac' páifāng had additional defence and offensive capabilities beyond the ability to move people and goods between the gates through the Heart - but most of the time people used them to move quickly around the expansive lands the Knife Sect covered.

Similar to the 'outer' páifāng hidden in the mountains that Chénli had led her to, entering one of these 'zodiac' páifāng while cycling through all five Essence types would send you back to the Heart.

From there you could exit the Sect from of any of the 'outer' páifāng scattered across Planet Golden Crow that you were authorised to use, or come back through the Heart to re-enter the Sect from a different 'zodiac' páifāng in another location in the Sect.

The existence of the vast network of exit and entry points across the planet, controlled by the Heart, was a closely guarded Sect secret as it allowed the Knife Sect to project force from any location the Sect had placed an 'outer' páifāng. The Heart always examined members going through to make sure that they were authorised and their intent was in the Sect's best interest.

Sect members below Apprentice rank always entered and exited from the same 'outer' and 'zodiac' páifāng; from their point of view and knowledge - as enforced by Sect Law, blood oaths and other means - there was only the one external entrance/exit to the Knife Sect. Most assumed the Sect was based somewhere close to the páifāng of their 'home' location - as they were only ever given Orders in that area.

Between Apprentice and Master Rank, Sect Members were told about other 'outer' páifāng accessible from 'their zodiac' as required by the Orders they were sent on. Again, members were under restrictions not to discuss the existence of other páifāng with lower ranking Sect Members.

To use more than one páifāng a member had to be able to visualise the destination páifāng correctly, otherwise you were always sent to your 'home' páifāng. No member below Master rank was given Orders through more than three additional 'outer' páifāng - besides their home páifāng.

Sect Members with Master Rank and above, had access to one of the twelve divisions which were accessed by passing through a specific 'zodiac' páifāng of the 'public' network of the Sect's páifāng system. Each division covered all the páifāng within a twelfth of the planet, allowing Masters to carry out Orders over a large area - but no Master Rank had access or knowledge - again, enforced by Law and oath - to and of more than one division.

The Sect Leader had access to and knowledge of all twelve divisions as did the Heir, but her Grandfather warned her that unless there was a very good reason, the Heart would not let her use any of the 'outer' páifāng besides the one near Hujian.

Her Grandfather also quietly told her that the Leader of the Sect had access to a smaller, private network of 'inner' páifāng that lead to secret or critical Sect locations and was restricted to the use of the Sect Leader only.

"I am telling you this only because these are things you and your Guard need to know - one of the reasons I was anxious to have you take up Heir duties was the lack of anyone else knowing this critical information, since your mother died," warned her Grandfather.

"According to the laws set by the Founder, the full knowledge of the páifāng system can only be known by the Leader, the Heir and their Guards. Knowledge has been lost over the years - as we found out earlier today, but security means the full extent must be held close - and even that seems to have failed, if Grass has found a way around it."

The three of them walked at a brisk but measured pace down the long winding path that Dàilán and Chénli had taken to get to the Leader's Residence, then walked for a li to an elaborately carved stone páifāng that stood in a small square just off the start of the main thoroughfare down into the Sect proper.

"This is the Dragon páifāng," Dàilán's Grandfather finished in a dead-pan voice, pointing out the elaborate reliefs of dragons that crawled, writhed and reared their way across it, "It was the first of the twelve zodiac páifāng raised by the Founder, which is why it is so close to the Leader's Residence and the core of the Sect. I will go through with you to add half of your tablet to the Heart and complete the ceremony. Just rotate your Essence through the cycle as you go." He stepped through the páifāng and vanished.

Dàilán looked at Chénli, but her bodyguard gestured for her to enter first, "I will guard the rear, Mistress," she demurred quietly.

"You follow me straight away, Chen'er," Dàilán ordered her best friend quietly.

Chénli nodded and Dàilán took a deep breath and walked through, as she had - was it only this morning?

Once again she found herself in front of the absolutely immense structure that was the Heart of the Sect, standing beside her Grandfather. A miǎo later, Chénli shimmered into sight beside them.

"Greetings again Senior," she greeted the world-spanning páifāng politely, "thank you again for all your help today."

Dàilán felt that heavy regard on her once again, but it felt benevolent and a little eager this time.

"My Granddaughter, Heir of the Sect and Apprentice Enforcer seeks to place her soul tablet with those of those who have gone before," her Grandfather followed suit and bowed also, speaking strongly, "as Sect Leader, Grandfather and sponsor - I stand witness to her worthiness and strength to be one with the Knife."

To Dàilán's surprise Chénli also stepped into a bow towards the páifāng, "As Heir Guard, Apprentice Enforcer and best friend - I stand witness to her heart and will to be one with the Knife."

There was a moment of stillness and then a brilliant square of golden light showed on one of the pillars of the páifāng. Her Grandfather let out a sigh and gestured to her, walking towards the small square of light.

"Come then, the Heart approves," he said with relief in his voice as he moved forward. Dàilán stood still, a little shaken, "Wait - it could have said no?"

Chénli shoved her in the back playfully, sending her staggering forward, "Not to you silly, after what happened this morning?" she answered with mirth evident in her voice, which faded as she continued, "But yes, in the past members have been rejected by the Heart. It expels them from the Sect with new identities and memories - no memory of the Sect at all. Come on, you have to place half your jade in the gold light. Then we have to rush back to the Clan!"

Dàilán shuddered, then rushed to catch up with her Grandfather who was already standing beside the square of golden light.

Her Grandfather smiled at her and pointed at the golden square, "Place the Soul Tablet into the light until it fits into the stone and covers the light."

Nodding, Dàilán lifted the chain holding the jade off her neck and dropped it into her hand, then raised the jade tablet towards the light.

The light immediately brightened and she felt a tugging from the jade - it pulled her hand towards the light until the tablet she held clicked solidly against it.

There was a matching resonating click that she felt within her. The light cut off and the Soul Tablet fell; she reflexively tightened her fingers on the chain and the tablet swung like a pendulum from her hand.

Blinking, she pulled the chain up and looked at the tablet. It was half the size it had been previously and shone with a silver-gold radiance.

"Its glowing," she breathed, fascinated.

"Only you can see the glow," answered her Grandfather, "to anyone else it looks ordinary - unless…"

She looked up at him blinking, "Unless?"

"When you are sent to retrieve a lost knife, you will be able to see a golden glow from a Soul Tablet once you get close enough - if you push your Essence through your own Tablet," it was Chénli who answered, soberly.

"I understand," answered the Heiress softly, feeling a strange sadness. It took her a moment to realise it was coming from the same place she had previously felt the páifāng - but there seemed to be more depth and solid feeling to it now - more color.

"You are part of the Sect now," said her Grandfather quietly, "once a part, always a part."

"Mistress, we have to go," Chénli's voice was regretful and her Grandfather nodded. Chénli looked up at the Heart and vanished, startling Dàilán who reached out, swiping her hand through empty air.

"She has gone ahead to check the area around the 'outer páifāng' is safe," assured her Grandfather, smiling, "I know the gates are a little disconcerting when you see someone else using them unexpectedly. I must return to the Sect, so I will not see you out."

Dàilán tilted her head, then stepped tentatively towards her Grandfather, holding her arms out for a hug.

The older man broke into a beaming smile, his eyes suspiciously shiny and enfolded her in his arms. "I am proud of you Granddaughter - your Mother chose well and your Father has raised you well; you honour all of us."

"You two should stop this stupid feud," answered the young teen, sniffling, "you are both hurting and you need to stop blaming each other over Mother's death. It was Grass' fault and we will teach them. Father acts like a monk and you are becoming an old man before your time - neither of you should be letting them win."

The 'old man' chuckled wetly, then coughed, clearing his throat and stepped back from the hug. "I will consider it, if you can convince him to do the same." He took a breath and straightened up.

"The others will be at your Clan in two days; remember you are responsible for them and they to you. Travel safe." His voice was firm but pleased, "Keep in touch. I will send tasks required of the Heir to you with them, so no doubt we will see more of each other in the coming months."

Dàilán nodded in understanding, then turned to the páifāng and blinked, "Grandfather… how do I...?"

The old man laughed, "Remember the páifāng you came through this morning? Visualize it, remember it, see it, smell it, until it feels like you are there - and you will be."

The young teen nodded again then focused, taking a step forward...


...and she found herself walking through the old stone páifāng that had been carved out of the natural stone arch that Chénli and her had walked through this morning. The crow was setting, just starting to sink below the mountains on the horizon and Dàilán winced. They would have to move at top speed to make it back in time.

Looking around, she saw signs of Chénli's footprints on the rocky trail headed away from the páifāng and she frowned. If her friend had been checking the area around the gate, she should have stayed close by.

Following the footprints with her eyes she scanned the trail but could not see her friend and Guard anywhere in sight and she felt her instincts prick. Something was wrong. She dropped her hands to her Essence blades and considered stepping back through the páifāng to get assistance, taking a step back.

There was a sharp crackle of Essence and something leapt towards her foot. She flung herself to one side, only to see the shimmer of a Barrier formation flash between her and the stone arch, preventing her from going back through.

"This is priceless," came a familiar, mocking male voice, "You came though separately! And I was actually worrying about being able to handle both of you together."

Dàilán snapped upright, looking towards the direction of the voice, behind some large boulders.

"But since I was able to deal with the dangerous one on her own, I will be able to deal with you now, quite easily," gloated the voice as Chénli walked out from behind the boulders, bruised and bloodied. A sword blade leaned on her throat and Dàilán could see several fine cuts there already oozing blood.

The male cultivator holding the sword to Chénlii's neck stepped out from behind the rock his other hand holding her arms tightly behind her, "No techniques, no sudden moves - heir - or my hand slips," his voice dripped disdain and he laughed as Dàilán's eyes widened, "I might do that anyway - it is not like you could actually hurt me - and this little hellcat is only behaving because she is worried about you."


WheeledWritercreators' thoughts
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