

Xinya soaked his feet in the pond water for thirty minutes before his energy bar was full. He only played for around 6 hours of in-game time so his energy only dropped halfway. As he soaked his feet, he realized that when he left the beginner town he would need to go to a region near water.

It was an excellent thing that he knew of two such regions that were near water and highly populated. He just had to figure out which one better suits his needs.

Hearing a splash, Xinya turned to see Melting Snow jumping into the water. During the time they have been out here, Melting Snow has been trying his best to catch a fish. For what purpose Xinya didn't know and, when he asked, all Melting Snow said was that a fish wronged him once, whatever that meant. Xinya did try to tell him he wouldn't be able to do it without the fishing skill, but it was of no use.

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