
Li Wen: I am Worthy

Waking up next to his future wife made his day fulfilling. Xia Ting pulled Li Wen closer to him and kissed her on the forehead. He said, "Good morning wife, my rock and my strength. Let's get married today."

"I'm going to kill you if you don't. You already took me," she said while her eyes remained closed, her arms wrapped around his waist.

He chuckled and savored the scent of her hair before attempting again, "Wake up now, Wen. Let's go - "

"Just give me a moment. Give me thirty minutes more of sleep! You kept me up until three in the morning!" Complained Li Wen as she continued to stay snuggled in his embrace.

"Oh, no. I think Ning Xiaolan is calling me - "

"I'm up. I'm up! Don't ever mention that woman's name ever again! I swear, even if she is a family friend of the Xias I will bankrupt their company in the coming days!"

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