
They're Going To Kill Me

Keeley fell asleep on the couch during her sixth episode of Dancing with the Stars around 9 PM and Aaron didn't have the heart to wake her. Her breathing was slow and even and he felt calmer just watching her from the other side of the gigantic couch.

It had been decades since he had seen her look so peaceful and completely free of inhibitions. He had missed this. Aaron gently smoothed out the blanket that was bunching up so it didn't cover her feet and brushed her hair off her face.

"I love you," he whispered as he bent down to kiss her forehead.

Those three words had been tucked away inside his heart since the day he decided he had to protect her by keeping his distance all those years ago. He loved her so much. It was only a matter of time before she loved him back.

He carefully crept out of the room so he wouldn't wake her and got ready for bed before coming back and lying down on the opposite side of the couch.

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