
Hide Me!

Keeley and her roommates stared down the many aisles of options in the costume store with trepidation. It was four days to Halloween and they still hadn't figured out what they were going to wear to the party.

"Should we try to do a group costume?" Jennica suggested.

"No," Keeley and Valentina answered in unison.

Their freshman year, they dressed up as ketchup and mustard bottles respectively and everybody in their dorm made fun of them for months.

She pouted. "You guys are no fun."

Valentina eyed all of the weird 'sexy' costumes of things that should not have been that way, like lobsters, lions, and Chewbacca. Why did people always have to make costumes sexy?

"Can I just wear my scrubs? People dress up as doctors; I've seen it!"

"That's so lame!" Jennica exclaimed. "You can't dress up as something you already are, that's completely against the point of Halloween."

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