
Decision of the League

First thing Nathan did before he started his training, was test out his current power and how to activate it.

*Removal* he thought in his head, and a dark aura surrounded him, his hair turning completely white and his iris turned white while the selera(this is the white shit surrounding your pupil) turned pitch black. He felt like he was surging with immense power. *Amazing... this is only one percent of his strength... and it's this much...* he punched a sand bag, making it fly across the room.

*I'll say at about ten percent I can take on Wonder Woman... about forty percent for Super-girl and Super-man* making estimations of how his strength will rise. Soon after he de-activated his form and went to complete the painstaking training.

-At the Hall of Justice-

Kara was explaining everything that happened since she took her assignment, even the artificial kryptonite part which made Superman clench his fists. Once she was finished the hall was in silence, Batman had his hands on his chin thinking hard of the next decision. The silence was broken however, by a Wonder Woman who looked pretty worried and pissed off.

Wonder Woman: "So he has such capabilities... to help humanity and to bring about great change. And he refuses?!" She shouts, to let everyone know her stance. "Not only that... he has the capability of producing weapons that can kill even the best of us"(she looked at Superman for that part)"and some of you think of letting him roam free."

Kara: "From the short time that I spent with him, I can assure you that he did not show any signs of being a danger." She tried her best to defend him, but it didn't seem that anyone took her side.

Batman: "I'm on Diana's side with this one. We need to confirm personally wether he proves to be a threat... so Kara. Bring him in sometime in the next two weeks, wether you have to do it by choice... or by force if necessary." The rest of the group nodded at his words, with Diana standing up.

Wonder Woman: "I'll make sure she completes the mission with no room for failure." At that moment very reluctant Kara left the hall

-2 weeks later-

The weeks passed by with Kara trying to convince him over and over again to join the Justice League and Nathan noticed that there was something bugging her but decided not to ask. Other than that, chatting away to Raven during lectures and completing his training the week was uneventful.

That was until Monday night, after Nathan completed his 15th day of training and Kara did not return home that things got pretty interesting.

Ross: "Miss Kara is here Sir on the roof of the building, but it appears she has some company." Ross spoke after Nathan had just taken a shower.

Nathan: "Give me some pictures Ross." He was exhausted right now and did not really want to engage in any skirmish with the League.

A live video was shown from the roof, with Kara waving at the camera and with what looked like Wonder Woman standing cross armed.

She seemed like she was gonna break into the building at any minute, not like she could get past Ross's security anyway.

Nathan: "Inform then that I will be on my way in about 5 minutes, I need to take a change after all."

Ross: "Affirmative Sir."

-Ten minutes later-

Nathan made his way to the roof, face to face with Super-Girl who had an apologetic look and Wonder Woman who gave him a condescending stare.

*What the hell is wrong with the Amazon...* he thought thinking about what he did that pissed her off so much.

Nathan: "Hello Kara, Wonder Woman. What situation arose that both of you were needed to give me a visit. Did the Justice League deem me a danger, and decide to take me in?" He spoke giving off a 'not really bothered' vibe, angering 'Wonder Woman' even more.

Wonder Woman: "If that was the truth then only I would be required. We are here to take you to the Hall of Justice... and ask you a few questions."

Nathan: "Ok... I will comply. How are we going to get there though?" Wonder Woman just pointed behind her.

Wonder Woman: "Invisible Jet. Don't ask." Nathan's questions quickly got terminated.

Nathan: "Alright then... mysterious invisible jet it is." He followed Wonder Woman, feeling around the hatch wondering how this thing worked.

On their journey towards the Hall of Justice, the jet seemed to slow down a bit and suddenly took a little detour. Nathan also noticed that Kara was nowhere to be seen and that made him slightly wary.

Wonder Woman: "Before I take you to meet the Justice League, you're going to have to pass my test." She landed the plane in the middle of an empty field, taking out her golden lasso.

Nathan: "No thank you... I know what that thing does, and I'm pretty uncomfortable with you using that on me."

Wonder Woman: "You're saying it as if it's your choice." She started stretching out the lasso, letting it drag through the earth.

Nathan: "I don't think that the Justice League will approve of your methods..." he was thinking of possible ways of escaping without having to fight; he might be a match for her but he wasn't in the mood to really fight right now.

She clearly ignored his words, and tried to catch him with the lasso but he dodged in the last moment.

*Removal* he decided that push came to shove, and it was a perfect way to test his strength.

As soon as his transformation ensued Wonder Woman was clearly startled by his new appearance and the vibes he gives off...

Wonder Woman: "And here I thought you were brains and no brawn..." she dropped the lasso and took out her sword and shield.

With the speed of a bullet, Nathan blinked in front of Wonder Woman and hit her shield with such force that she dropped it, unable to hold onto it anymore.

Wonder Woman: "Argh!" She roared in pain but grit her teeth and jumped towards him, aiming for his face but he dodged the strike leaving only a little scratch on his upper cheek.

Taking advantage of the situation, Nathan twisted his body and delivered a vicious upper cut to her stomach, making her fly at least twenty metres in the air.

The damage was pretty big, as she struggles to get up and spits out a mouthful of blood.

*Removal* he thought, and undid his transformation.

Wonder Woman: "Are you underestimating an Amazon! How can you disgrace me like that!" She roared, but was clutching on to her stomach clearly unable to continue the fight.

Nathan: "I do not mean to disrespect you, I just no longer wish to continue the fight. I am not an enemy of the Justice League, and I want you people to know that." He spoke with clear sincerity in his voice.

Wonder Woman: "Then why do you refuse to join us?! With the capabilities you have demonstrated, and your vast intellect, you will are able to do a lot of good for humanity." Her tone no longer vicious, just plain accusatory.

Nathan: "I do not owe the world anything, so I find no reason to cross mountains and valleys for it. I did develop the fusion-reactor did I not? Was that not enough for the world?"

Wonder Woman: "I'm talking about protecting the world from threats... the kind of threats you can't possibly imagine." Her voice had a sort of reminiscence to it.

Nathan: "The kind of threats such as Ares?!" Wonder Woman widened her eyes, thinking how the hell this man knows anything about that battle.

"If such threat become my responsibility, I will take care of it. Until then, I will stay in the shadows and enjoy my freedom. That is what is most precious to me, Amazon, my freedom. I will not give it up for the world, you hear me?!" He looked at her with a stern look, refusing to break eye contact.

Wonder Woman: "I see that your resolve is immense, so I respect your decision. You have gained my acceptance if you ever decide to join us, and know that you are always welcome." Before she moved, he made his way towards her and supported her with his shoulder to the jet, placing her in his former seat.

Wonder Woman: "I don't recommend you try piloting it, it was a complicated process to learn and even harder to-" before she completed her sentence, the plane took off under his control.

Nathan: "Not really boasting or anything, but my brain is still my greatest fortitude. Underestimating my physical strength is one thing, underestimating my mental capabilities is plain madness." She could tell that he wasn't being just big headed, and nodded her head wryly.

Nathan didn't know that in the short skirmish, he won Wonder Woman's total respect. It's not like she has never lost to a man before... but it was the first time she lost not just in pure strength, but in technique as well.

She knew that if she possessed the strength that superman does, she would completely dominate the man of steel in a fight. This man however, was slightly stronger than her yet made her defeat worse than at the hand of Superman.

Wonder Woman: "How are you so strong... I mean what possibly pushed you to such an extent?" She was fascinated with him being this strong at such a tender age, both mentally and physically.

Nathan: "No one to trust, and no one to call family ever since I knew how to speak. I was used most of my life, and I was completely aware of it yet could do nothing about it.

No, that was wrong, I did do something about it. I got strong, and that was more than enough to win my freedom." Wonder Woman couldn't say much, since she was a little girl she remembered being surrounded by her sisters.

Wonder Woman: "Since you don't seem like joining the Justice League any time soon, I want you to visit a place with me. I think that this place will help you a little, maybe even help you understand the concept of a family." She spoke softly now, but without any pity, she thought that it would be disrespectful to him if she offered any pity.

Nathan: "I'll take you up on that offer, you know where to find me when you have enough time. I understand that the superhero life is... packed to say the least". She didn't say anything but chuckled and nodded at his words.

It didn't take long before the plane landed in front of the Hall of Justice, with a very angry Super-girl in front of it.

Kara: "Diana, if something happened to Nathan... you'll need to call for the gods to escape my wrath..." she threatened with her eyes shining a very bright red because of their heat vision.

Nathan: "Calm down Kara, she did it because she was worried for you guys and I hold nothing against her for it." He put a hand on her shoulder, which calmed her greatly.

Wonder Woman: "You should be more worried for me... left alone to deal with him..." she teased Kara, but that made her puff in annoyance towards Nathan and made her way inside the hall without them.

Nathan: "She can break my hand without even trying you know... so please don't make her upset with me. Calming her down will probably result in me being put in a hospital bed for the rest of the week." He sighed at the slightly immature behaviour of the two women.

Wonder Woman: "Then I guess you should look for women you can handle." She raised an eyebrow at him teasingly which Nathan ignored.

Nathan opened one of the huge doors of the hall, greeted by a tall corridor and a green floating man welcomed him.

Martian Manhunter: "Hello young man, it is a pleasure to meet you, and I am glad that you have agreed to come here. My name is J'onn J'onzz." He spoke and offered a hand that Nathan shook without really any hesitation.

Nathan: "Pleasure to meet you, my name is Nathan Campbell." When he shook hands with J'onn, he realised that the latter had a little shock on his face. "What's wrong? Something on my face?" He then asked.

J'onn: "No, it's not that. It's just that... well... when people first meet me they tend to be 'surprised' at my appearance. Your reaction is most welcome, thank you." He smiled with gratitude.

J'onn then led him to a dark room with a round spot in the room being lit by a dim spotlight. Nathan was instructed to stand in that spot, and answer whatever questions came his way. When he reached that spot, the entire room lit up revealing the rest of the members of the Justice League.

Nathan: "Before we begin... I just have to ask... did you guys really consider me such a threat to have every one of your members here? Like... I dunno... only one or two would do..." None of them responded, but Wonder Woman and Super Girl smiled at his easiness.

Batman: "You are here because you have the ability to be a threat to the us. Now wether you will ever become one, we are here to assess."

Nathan: "Understood." His face now serious and his previous attitude disappeared completely.

Batman: "First question. How many weapons did you develop or are in the process of developing for Lex Corp?"

Nathan: "None. I have never involved myself in anything else other than the fusion-reactor."

Batman: "Alright, next question. The artificial kryptonite... you are aware that it is a very dangerous threat for two of our members, so how many did you obtain it?"

Nathan: "Actually, I have only discovered how to make it yesterday, after analysing Kara's genetic structure I created an element which has a similar effect on her. It is actually nowhere near as potent as the actual thing, not because I can't make it, but because I had no intention of actually harming her." Kara blushed at his words, which was noticed by Miss Martian and Batgirl, her two best friends.

Batman: "Sorry... but are you telling me that you can create something which is more potent than kryptonite?" His volume increased with this question.

Nathan: "Yes, I am able to. But any research on it is gone, even the sample that Kara was exposed to is now completely gone. The only place that it can be found, is here." He pointed towards his head.

Batman: "Ok, last question. We were told by Kara that you were pretty much 'put on hold' from LexCorp. What are you going to do from now on?"

Nathan: "I plan on living my life freely, having fun, doing whatever I want, when I want. I was however asked by Kara and Wonder Woman about joining the Justice League." At his sentence, Batman looked surprised at Wonder Woman, not really expecting that coming from her.

"All I can say, is that I don't have any current plans of joining. I will on the other hand agree to be on friendly terms with you guys... you ever need a favour or help with anything you can ask me and I'll probably help depending on the urgency of the situation." The League were left looking at each other, not really sure of what decision to take.

Superman: "But what if one day the threat we will be dealing with is Lex Luthor. Which side will you take then?" Everyone has their eyes on him, no reaction went unseen.

Nathan: "Oh, I am very sure that one of these threats will be my 'uncle' one day. Even if I have to deal with it personally, I will. That is if you guys aren't able to deal with it. I'm not really the type to take the first step you know... if someone else can do it then why bother?"

Superman was looking at him, trying to see if he could be trusted but in the end decided to trust Nathan( he could hear his heartbeat after all so he could tell wether he was lying).

Batman: "That will be all, if we require your assistance we will contact you." With that, Nathan was led outside the hall by Kara.

Flash: "Do you guys think that he could be trusted?"

Hawk-girl: "Yeah... I mean the guy talked about producing a weapon that can kill Superman, as easy as making tea." She was tightening her fists in unease, still unsure about Nathan.

Green Lantern: "I dunno about you guys but I like the kid. Just because he can be dangerous, doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing."

Wonder Woman: "I agree with Hal. Before I arrived, I issued my own test to the kid. Let's just say that he passed with flying colours." At her words, the other members decided not to continue... they knew how hard it was to get Wonder Woman's trust after all.

-Outside of the Hall-

Nathan: "You know Superman... is he a relative of yours or something?"

Kara: "Yeah, my cousin actually. The last remaining member of my family, so he tends to be overprotective... but I don't mind."

Nathan: "Wow... must've been hard when you found out." His face contained a little shock, realising how saddened she must've been when this was revealed to her.

Kara: "Well, I got over it you know... get up and move on I guess." She turned her head towards Nathan, looking at him with a gentle gaze.

Nathan: "I guess you do. One thing still bothers me though." Kara looked at him with a questioning gaze. "How do I get home... it's quite far you know and I can't really fly."

Kara: "Well, I could always... you know... carry you?" She didn't know her cousin was listening in on their conversation, and how he nearly fell over at her words in surprise.

Nathan: "Hmm... doesn't sound so bad. Be gentle to your human friend though, will you?"

Kara lifted Nathan from his torso, and before she knew it her arms were wrapped around his chest, her own chest pressed tightly against his back. Kara looked at Nathan's reaction, and was delighted to see a tinge of red on his cheeks.

Kara: *Well done you big lumps of fat, you were finally useful for once* An image of her fist pumping inside her mind. She wished that they would never reach Metropolis... that this blissful flight would last forever.

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