
The Lord is Back!

On a quiet day, the sun shines brightly hindered by the white thin clouds moving so slowly in the light blue sky, and flocks of birds fly hide and seek behind the clouds as they move harmoniously as if they were dancing. 

'What a peaceful day' he thought.

Zhao Li Xin lay on the grass, staring at the blue sky for a long moment before he gathered his thoughts and then turned his head at his empty palms.

He could still feel the remains of the crystal in his hand but now the crystal had shattered into glittering dust. Zhao Li Xin was already transferred outside the labyrinth without the slightest injury, clearly, the Elysian crystal Lory gave him had saved him again.

A warm gentle smile spread across his beautiful face, as the familiar feeling of being saved by Lory brought a lot of beautiful memories from the past.

[Master, you okay right?] The fire spirit speaks from within.

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