
Phone call

Meanwhile, the two males of the house, where in Emilié's room playing dress up, deciding which dress she should wear.

Their final choice was between a furry white dress with bunny tail and a light blue lacy one that was inlaid with stones.

Right now, Leevi in his mini tuxedo and red bow was in a look-down contest with his father.

"She has to wear the white dress, that is cuter than the one with the broken stones!" Leevi insist.

His wish was for Emilié to wear the furry dress, but Sasha, in the same kinda tuxedo as Leevi, disagrees.

"Broken stones! Boy, you need to learn about life! That's a special manufactured dress from Italy with pure blue sapphires. How can that furry piece of cloak compare to that?!"

"What saph- saph..sa- whatever! Just some broken stones, the fur can at least keep you warm by this freezing weather." Leevi argued.

"What freezing weather?! We are indoors, no one freezes there!"

Emilié stood aside and looked at the two identical clothed, big- and small-fool; her mouth twitched from how they bickered and made such a drama because of a dress she only needed to wear for some hours.

And as an adult, Sasha was really pushing it, they kept on arguing, their heads already smoking out from the stubborness of the other ones.

Emilié just shook her head, what headstrong man her family had; it was truly a funny affair to see.

Then the two cute fools turned their head shouting at the same time at Emilié, catching her off guard.


Emilié snapped out her passive observant state and was pulled in the dress drama.

What she should choose? It is winter, it is cold, that blue dress had nothing to give her warmth, even though they are going to be indoors, she liked to have it cozy.

She finds her big brother is smart and thoughtful when it comes to such occasions.

She was going to point her finger at the white one, when she sensed Sasha's intense stare at her.

What was he staring her down for? It is his fault for picking the wrong dress, she won't show him favour and be cold the whole evening.

She decisively marched over to Leevi grabbing the white dress and gave Leevi a kiss on the cheek, showing him, his choice was the best.

"Yes, I won!" Leevi cheered about his victory.

"Emilié!" cried Sasha out hurt. He felt betrayed, how could she choose that smelly brat over him and even give him a kiss!

Did she not see his pearly white theeth when he smiled and his cleanly shaved beard to have a better snuggle experience with her.

Well, the last time he huged her, Emilié endet up biting him to escape, her whole cheek was red from the beard rubbing, that she had to apply cream for the redness to reside.

Emilié swiveled away her head, paying no more attention to that foolish father of hers and brought the dress to the dressing room to change.

While she was dressing with the help of a maid, a phone rang.

It was Sasha's.

He fished his phone out his pocket and looked at the caller, seeing that persons name on his display he was slightly surprised but answered it.

Sasha <Hello....yeah, what a surprise! Never thought you will be the one to call me. ...So what's up, how can I help you?.... Emilié?">

They talked a while and when Emilié's name came to mouth, the person in question came out fully dressed. She only heard her name, did someone want something from her?

Sasha <Yeah, wait a second, I will give her to you.>

She looked questionably to Sasha, who gave her the phone. Someone wanted to speak with her? She did not know anyone who had a reason to call her.

<Emilié, Happy Birthday...>

Came a soft voice, gentle and calming, it was no other then Emilié's nanny, Claudia!

Emilié smiled like a fool. Ohhh, how she has missed her! The nights were so desolate and cold, no arms to wrap around her to give her warmth, no soothing lullababies and no movie days were she sprawled on her lap and let Claudia stroke her head.

Emilié opened her mouth, she wanted to say how much she missed her, but no words came out.

As if that morning with Sasha was a fluke.

However, she indeed had not attempted to speak once more, even through Sasha tried to coax her many times.

She run to the table, tapping on it many times to show how happy she was to hear from her.

'tap' 'tap' 'tap 'tap'

<Ok, ok, I understand you are excited to hear from me.> Claudia said with a laugh.

<Oww my poor ears, if I had known I would have distanced myself from the phone, but well, it's good to know I am missed over there.>

Don't know why, but listening to Claudia's complainig, Emilié had to giggle, this was the first in this life, that she has done such a common thing, like talking with someone over the phone.

With her laugh she lured another chuckle out of Claudia, lifting Claudia's mood by a lot. <Haha, hearing you giggle so cute I want to rush over immediately and give you a firm hug, but that has to wait until tomorrow. 'sigh' I really miss you.>

Again a barrage of 'tap' sounds assaulted Claudia's ears.

'tap' 'tap' 'tap 'tap'

Emilié catched on to the keyword 'tomorrow' and taped again. Claudia will be back!? Was her mother back to health? She was gone now for some weeks, she was really hoping she hadn't misheard. She had missed Claudia really dearly.

<Oww, oww, Emilié calm down. As I said I will be back tomorrow and I got a nice gift for you, so look forward to it.> Claudia said.

'tap' 'tap' 'tap 'tap'

Emilié again tapped on the table.

Claudia thought Emilié wished to know what the gift was and denied her request. <Nope, I am not going to tell you what it is; then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, you have to wait, but.. I assure you, you will love it.> She said with a confident tone.


Actually, Emilié wanted to ask about the well-being of her mother, but failed miserably in it. Oh well, that was ok, she could ask her when she gets home.

<Emilié, I have to go now, I wish you a Happy Birthday. See you.> Came the soothing voice of Claudia for the last time...


and so Claudia endet the phone call.

Emilié gave back the phone to Sasha.

At the beginning, she wasn't that much looking forward to the Birthday party, but now she wanted to have a fun evening, for the time to pass faster to see Claudia.

"Seems like you're in a happy mood, that's good, now you can enjoy yourself more today." Sasha noticed Emilié's happy mood, which was not that hard to see.

"Yep, Emilié is so cute when she laughs and smiles. Emilié should always keep that up."

Chimed the childish voice of Leevi, who watched at the side and saw Emilié's crazy mood changes on the phone; from suspicious to giggling to happy to slapping crazily on the table.

That was definitiv a rare sight, for him to see his cute little sister go so hyper.

Being watched at the side made Emilié blush.

Oh no, oh no, she completely forgot, she was not the only one in the room, for what kind of a fool did she make herself look like and just some time ago she called them a fool.

Foolishness must be running in their bloods.

Then a maid came in saying the first guests arrived, destroying the short lived family moment and all of them made their way to the entrance of the ballroom, to welcome the guests.

Grammatical babble:

Last Chapter I tried using 'is' and 'are', if you noticed, I found that confusing, so I will change it back to 'was' and 'were' for the future Chapters, that is easier for me.

Quhoncreators' thoughts
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