

Allan pick a bread and two egg for eat, while he just starting to eat, Crystal finished.

She wait Allan finish his breakfast before talking, " Allan what spell did you use yesterday ? " she stare at him curiousity in her eyes.

" well it's an ordinary spell it's Aguamenti " then her expression turned weird.

" but isn't it a weak spell ? " Allan smile then shook his head.

" there are no weak spell, the feat I show you yesterday was possible because i compress the water at my own fingertip then launch it with incredible speed, id you want to achieve the same effect you have to do the process in one smooth motion " Crystal nod her head.

" but you need to extraordinary control in the spell and your magic to do it it's not that simple Crystal the say and she pout

Allan laugh then stood up then pat her head " let's go watch Quidditch " then he go with Crystal following him.

They take a sit, the game has already started with Gryffindor leading 20 point but just then the captain of Slytherin a chaser hit the Bludger, Oliver who didn't expect that hitted on the head then he fell unconscious.

Gryffindor students shouting even Harry in the field seem angry, but Slytherin just float over misfortune.

" is he alright ? " Allan nod toward her.

" yes don't worry madam Pomfrey will fix him later " they focus again.

Slytherin make 20 point using tricks, then Allan see Harry move trying to chase the golden snitch.

' eh what happen ? ' Harry broom move chaoticly it try to shook off Harry who's riding it.

" Allan what happen ? " Crystal also realize the abnormality on Harry's broom.

" it's a curse " then Allan search for the one who doing it, the first one he see is Snape muttering spell while maintaining eye contact to Harry's broom.

' it's a counter curse he's not the one who doing it ' then he see the second person.

' Professor Quirell of course then all seemed clear ' he smile wickedly, Crystal see Allan smile and she feel funny.

Allan take out his wand point to his head and mutter " Raktafigya " his eyes focus on both of them without blinking.

A fire seem to burn Snape robe, creating a commotion just right then Allan blink and he smile.

" what happen Allan ? " Allan shook his head.

" I just see something interesting don't worry " Crystal nod then she focus on the game Allan too focus on the game while smiling wickedly.

The game reach the climax as Harry try to grab the golden snitch he compete with opponent seeker, they both confronting each other, they both dive trying to grab the golden snitch but Slytherin seeker lose in courage as he fly off midway, while Harry don't.

He break when he just a moment away from reaching the ground then he fly off to the golden snitch.

He stand on his broom and tumbled, while majority of people don't see what happen Allan do.

' he will vomit it ' Allan smile, and yes Harry vomit the golden snitch because of that Gryffindor win with 170 points.

And the day activity end, ' tomorrow it'll be interesting ' he smile wickedly while Crystal beside him has a feeling something interesting going to happen.

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